雪梨唐人街(又稱雪梨華埠;英語:Sydney Chinatown)是澳大利亞新南威爾斯州雪梨商業中心區南部的一個華人社區,位於乾草市場(Haymarket),中央火車站與達令港(Darling Harbour)之間。雪梨唐人街亦是雪梨市地方政府區域(Local Government Area, LGA)的一部分,以及澳大利亞最大的唐人街。
1851年,維多利亞淘金潮興起,成千上萬的華人湧到澳大利亞。他們在雪梨碼頭附近的岩石區(The Rocks)開設了第一批華人商店和旅館,建立起唐人街的雛形。[1]
1860年代起,唐人街遷至達令港(Darling Harbour)市場街附近的地區,並伸展至不遠處的莎梨山(Surry Hills)。[1]
[編輯]唐人街集中於德信街(Dixon Street),是一個中國餐館林立的步行街購物中心,每端豎立起中式牌坊。At the eastern side, running parallel with 德信街, are 沙瑟街(Sussex Street), which has a number of shops, and 雪梨的主要大街之一的喬治街(George Street). At the eastern end of Chinatown, at the corner of 喬治街 and Hay Street, there is a 雕像 made from a 死樹樹幹; named 「金唾液」(Golden Water Mouth), it was said by its instigators to 風水 to the 華人社區. Other streets within Sydney's Chinatown include Factory Street, Goulburn Street, Little Hay Street, Pitt Street and Thomas Street.
At the southern side of Chinatown, next to Hay Street, a large complex called 「市場城」 has been built, behind the walls retained from the site's 舊式市場. It contains a 新式購物中心、餐館、服裝店、戲院and a Friday-to-Sunday produce and flea market trading as Paddy's Market, as well as a large residential high-rise building.
However since there are many 摩天大樓 in 雪梨, there are some concerns within the 華人社區 about the 樓宇高度限制 imposed by the 注重形象 地方政府當局.
There are also 衛星唐人街 that have emerged in the past two decades in several Sydney suburbs such as Ashfield, Cabramatta, Hurstville and Eastwood. 然而,雪梨唐人街仍然是澳籍華人社區的主要集中點。
[編輯]為慶祝1988年的澳大利亞建國二百週年紀念,雪梨華人社團倡議興建一座中國傳統園林,作為中澳兩國人民的友誼象徵。與此同時,中國廣州市是雪梨市的友好城市,廣州市園林局於是與新南威爾斯州政府合作,前者負責園林的設計與指導營造,後者負責斥資興建。園林建於達令港地區(Darling Harbour Precinct)的雪梨唐人街西邊,並命名為「誼園」(Chinese Garden of Friendship),意為「友誼之園」。誼園是中國境外少數的公眾中國傳統園林之一。[2][3]
[編輯]- Eastern promise spreads to the suburbs. 《雪梨先驅晨報》. 2002-09-06.
[編輯]- Fitzgerald, Shirley. Red Tape, Gold Scissors (The story of Sydney's Chinese) (Paperback) . State Library of New South Wales Press in association with The City of Sydney. 1997: 206 pages. ISBN 0-7310-6607-3.