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模組:沙盒/Justincheng12345/Article history/config

文档图示 模块文档[创建]
--              Configuration data for [[Module:Article history]]

local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local Category = require('Module:Article history/Category')

-- Helper functions

-- lua cannot interpret xxxx年yy月zz日
local function convertDate(dateString)
	for y,m,d in string.gmatch(dateString, "(%d+)年(%d+)月(%d+)日") do
		return y .. "-" .. m .. "-" .. d

-- Makes a link to a template page surrounded by double curly braces. A
-- workalike for the {{tl}} template.
local function makeTemplateLink(s)
	local openb = mw.text.nowiki('{{')
	local closeb = mw.text.nowiki('}}')
	return string.format('%s[[Template:%s|%s]]%s', openb, s, s, closeb)

-- No Good Article topic in zhwiki
-- Gets the Good Article topic for the given key. Uses
-- [[Module:Good article topics]].
local function getGoodArticleTopic(key)
	if not key then
		return nil
	return require('Module:Good article topics')._main(key)

-- Returns the Good Article page link and display value for a given Good Article
-- key. If the key wasn't valid, the default Good Article page and display value
-- is returned instead.
local function getGoodArticleTopicLink(key)
	local topic = getGoodArticleTopic(key)
	local link, display
	if topic then
		link = 'Wikipedia:Good articles/' .. topic
		display = topic .. ' good articles'
		link = 'Wikipedia:Good articles'
		display = 'good articles'
	return link, display

-- Wrapper function for mw.language:formatDate, going through pcall to catch
-- invalid input errors.
local function getDate(format, date)
	local chineseDate, newDate = pcall(convertDate, date)
	if chineseDate and newDate then
		date = newDate
	local success, result = pcall(lang.formatDate, lang, format, date)
	if success then
		return result

-- Gets the date in the format YYYYMMDD, as a number. Months and dates are
-- zero-padded. Results from this function are intended to be used in date
-- calculations.
local function getYmdDate(date)
	date = getDate('Ymd', date)
	if date then
		return tonumber(date)
		return nil

-- Gets the date in the format Month d, YYYY.
local function getLongDate(date)
	return getDate('Y年Fj日', date)

-- Returns true if the given page is an existing title, and false or nil
-- otherwise
local function titleExists(page)
	local success, title = pcall(mw.title.new, page)
	return success and title.exists

-- Returns a truthy value if a date parameter for the given prefix has been
-- provided by the user.
local function isActiveDatedObject(articleHistoryObj, prefix)
	local args = articleHistoryObj.args
	local prefixArgs = articleHistoryObj.prefixArgs
	return args[prefix .. 'date'] or prefixArgs[prefix]

-- Returns a date as formatted by getLongDate. If the date is invalid, it raises
-- an error using param as the parameter name containing the invalid date.
local function validateDate(param, date, articleHistoryObj)
	local longDate = getLongDate(date)
	if longDate then
		return longDate
				param, tostring(date)
			'Template:Article history#錯誤日期'

-- Generates a data table for a date-related notice such as DYK and ITN. prefix
-- is the parameter prefix for that notice type (e.g. "dyk"), and suffixes is
-- an array of parameter suffixes in addition to "date" that is used by that
-- notice type (e.g. "entry" for the "dykentry" and "dyk2entry" parameters).
local function makeDateData(articleHistoryObj, prefix, suffixes)
	local args = articleHistoryObj.args
	local prefixArgs = articleHistoryObj.prefixArgs

	-- Sanity checks
	if prefixArgs[prefix] then
		for _, t in ipairs(prefixArgs[prefix]) do
			if not t.date then
						prefix, t[1],
						prefix, t[1]
					'Template:Article history#沒有日期'

	local data = {}

	-- Organise the input
	local function addData(sep)
		local t = {}
		local argPrefix = prefix .. sep
			local key = argPrefix .. 'date'
			t.date = validateDate(key, args[key], articleHistoryObj)
			t.month, t.day, t.year = t.date:match('(%a+) (%d+), (%d+)')
			t.day = tonumber(t.day)
			t.year = tonumber(t.year)
			t.ymdDate = getYmdDate(t.date)
		for _, suffix in ipairs(suffixes) do
			local key = argPrefix .. suffix
			t[suffix] = args[key]
		t.argPrefix = argPrefix
		data[#data + 1] = t
	if args[prefix .. 'date'] then
	if prefixArgs[prefix] then
		for _, prefixData in ipairs(prefixArgs[prefix]) do
	if #data < 1 then
			"no data items found for prefix '%s' and parameter checks failed'",

	return data

-- This makes the text for Main Page features such as DYKs and ITNs for the
-- dates contained in dateData (made with the makeDateData function).
-- The parameter $1 in the blurb will be replaced with the list of dates.
local function makeDateText(dateData, blurb)
	local dates, doneLinks = {}, {}
	for i, t in ipairs(dateData) do
		if t.link and not doneLinks[t.link] then
			dates[i] = string.format('[[%s|%s]]', t.link, t.date)
			doneLinks[t.link] = true
			dates[i] = string.format('%s', t.date)
	local dateList = mw.text.listToText(dates, '、', '及')
	return mw.message.newRawMessage(blurb, dateList):plain()

return {
--                             CONFIG TABLE START

-- Statuses
-- Configuration for possible current statuses of the article.

-- The statuses table contain configuration tables for possible current statuses
-- of the article.
-- Each table can have the following fields:
-- id: the main ID for the status. This should be the same as the configuration
--    table key.
-- aliases: a table of ID aliases that can be used to access the config table.
-- icon: The status icon.
-- iconSize: The icon size, including "px" suffix. The default is defined in
--    defaultStatusIconSize.
-- iconSmallSize: The icon size if we are outputting a small template. The
--    default is defined in defaultSmallStatusIconSize.
-- iconMultiSize: The icon size if we are outputting multiple status rows. The
--    default is defaultSmallStatusIconSize.
-- text: The status text. This may be a string or a function. If it is a
--    function, it takes an article history object as input, and should return
--    the text string. If it is a string, it can have the following parameters:
--    $1 - The full page name of the article or subject page
--    $2 - The page name without the namespace name
-- categories: The categories set by the status. This may be an array of
--    category names, or a function. If it is a function, it takes an article
--    history object as the first parameter, and the current status object as
--    the second parameter, and should return an array of category objects.
-- noticeBarIcon: the icon to use for the notice bar. This can be a string, or
--    a function, or true. If it is a function it takes an article history
--    object as the first parameter, and should output the icon filename. If it
--    is true, it uses the value of icon. If it is nil then no notice bar icon
--    will be displayed.
-- noticeBarIconCaption: the caption to use for the notice bar icon. The status
--    name is used by default. This can be a string or a function. If it is a
--    function, it takes an article history object as its first parameter, and
--    should return the caption text. If this is absent, the icon caption is
--    used instead.
-- noticeBarIconSize: the size of the notice bar icon, including "px" suffix.
--    The default is set by defaultNoticeBarIconSize.

statuses = {
	FA = {
		id = 'FA',
		name = '典範條目',
		icon = 'Featured article star.svg',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local articlePage = articleHistoryObj.currentTitle.subjectPageTitle.prefixedText
			local text = "'''%s'''是一條[[Wikipedia:典範條目|典範條目]],即此條目可" ..
				"作為[[Wikipedia:社群首頁|維基百科社群]]的典範之作。如有需要,請" ..
			return string.format(text, articlePage)
		categories = {'典範條目討論'}
	FFA = {
		id = 'FFA',
		name = '已撤銷的典範條目',
		icon = 'Featured article star - cross.svg',
		iconSize = '48px',
		text = "'''$1'''曾屬'''[[Wikipedia:典範條目|典範條目]]''',但已[[Wikipedia:已撤銷的典範條目|撤銷資格]]。" ..
			"下方條目里程碑的連結中可了解撤銷資格的詳細原因及改善建議。條目照建議改善而重新" ..
	FFAC = {
		id = 'FFAC',
		name = '典範條目落選',
		icon = 'Cscr-former.svg',
		text = "'''$1'''曾獲提名'''[[Wikipedia:典範條目評選|典範條目評選]]'''," ..
			"惟因其尚未符合[[Wikipedia:典範條目標準|標準]]而落選。下方條目里程碑的連結中可" ..
		categories = {'典範條目落選'}
	FL = {
		id = 'FL',
		name = '特色列表',
		icon = 'Featured article star.svg',
		iconSize = '48px',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local articlePage = articleHistoryObj.currentTitle.subjectPageTitle.prefixedText
			local text = "'''%s'''是一條[[Wikipedia:特色列表|特色列表]],即此列表可" ..
				"作為[[Wikipedia:社群首頁|維基百科社群]]的典範之作。如有需要,請" ..
			return string.format(text, articlePage)
		categories = {'特色列表討論'}
	FFL = {
		id = 'FFL',
		name = '已撤銷的特色列表',
		icon = 'Cscr-featured-strike.svg',
		text = "'''$1'''曾屬'''[[Wikipedia:特色列表|特色列表]]''',但已[[Wikipedia:已撤銷的特色列表|撤銷資格]]。" ..
			"下方條目里程碑的連結中可了解撤銷資格的詳細原因及改善建議。列表照建議改善而重新" ..
	FFLC = {
		id = 'FFLC',
		name = '特色列表落選',
		icon = 'Cscr-former.svg',
		iconCaption = 'Former FLC',
		text = "'''$1'''曾獲提名'''[[Wikipedia:特色列表評選|特色列表評選]]'''," ..
			"惟因其尚未符合[[Wikipedia:特色列表標準|標準]]而落選。下方條目里程碑的連結中可" ..
		categories = {'特色列表落選'}
	GA = {
		id = 'GA',
		name = '優良條目',
		icon = 'Symbol support vote.svg',
		iconSize = '40px',
		iconMultiSize = '25px',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local articlePage = articleHistoryObj.currentTitle.subjectPageTitle.prefixedText
			local text = "'''%s'''因符Autodetect-dev合[[Wikipedia:優良條目標準|標準]]而獲列入" ..
				"'''[[Wikipedia:優良條目|優良條目]]'''。如有需要,請" ..
				"[[Wikipedia:勇於更新頁面|勇於更新頁面]]。<small>如條目不再" ..
			return string.format(text, articlePage)
		categories = {'優良條目討論'}
	FGAN = {
		id = 'FGAN',
		name = '優良條目落選',
		icon = 'Symbol unsupport vote.svg',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local articlePage = articleHistoryObj.currentTitle.subjectPageTitle.prefixedText
			local text = "'''%s'''曾獲提名'''[[Wikipedia:優良條目評選|優良條目評選]]'''," ..
				"惟因其尚未符合[[Wikipedia:優良條目標準|標準]]而落選。下方條目里程碑的連結中可" ..
			return string.format(text, articlePage)
		categories = {'優良條目落選'}
	DGA = {
		id = 'DGA',
		name = '已撤銷的優良條目',
		icon = 'Symbol unsupport vote.svg',
		iconCaption = 'Former good article',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local articlePage = articleHistoryObj.currentTitle.subjectPageTitle.prefixedText
			local text = "'''%s'''曾屬'''[[Wikipedia:優良條目|優良條目]]''',但已[[Wikipedia:已撤銷的優良條目|撤銷資格]]。" ..
				"下方條目里程碑的連結中可了解撤銷資格的詳細原因及改善建議。條目照建議改善而重新" ..
			return string.format(text, articlePage)
	FFT = {
		id = 'FFT',
		name = 'Part of former featured topic',
		icon = 'Cscr-featured-strike.svg',
		iconCaption = 'Former featured topic',
		text = "This article is part of a " ..
			"''[[Wikipedia:Former featured topics|former featured topic]]'' series. " ..
			"If it has improved again to " ..
			"[[Wikipedia:Featured topic criteria|featured topic standard]], " ..
			"you may [[Wikipedia:Featured topic candidates|renominate]] " ..
			"the topic to become a [[Wikipedia:Featured topic|featured topic]]."
	FFTC = {
		id = 'FFTC',
		name = 'Former featured topic candidate',
		icon = 'Cscr-former.svg',
		text = "This article is part of a ''former'' " ..
			"[[Wikipedia:Featured topic candidates|featured topic candidate]]. " ..
			"Please view the links under Article milestones below to see why " ..
			"the nomination failed."
	FPO = {
		id = 'FPO',
		name = 'featured topic',
		icon = 'Cscr-featured.svg',
		text = "The '''$2 Portal''' is a [[Wikipedia:Featured portals|featured portal]], " ..
			"which means it has been " ..
			"'''''[[Wikipedia:Featured portal candidates/Portal:$2|identified]]''''' " ..
			"as one of the best portals on [[Wikipedia]]. " ..
			"If you see a way this portal can be updated or improved without " ..
			"compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute.",
		categories = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return {Category.new(
				'Wikipedia featured portals',
	FFPO = {
		id = 'FFPO',
		name = 'Former featured portal',
		icon = 'Featured article star - cross.svg',
		text = "This portal is a [[Wikipedia:Former featured portals|former featured portal]]. " ..
			"Please see the links under Portal milestones below for its " ..
			"original nomination page and why it was removed.",
		categories = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return {Category.new(
				'Wikipedia former featured portals',
	FFPOC = {
		id = 'FFPOC',
		name = 'Former featured portal candidate',
		icon = 'Cscr-former.svg',
		text = "This portal is a '''''former''''' " ..
			"[[Wikipedia:Featured portal candidates|featured portal candidate]]. " ..
			"Please see the links under Portal milestones below for its " ..
			"original nomination page and why the nomination failed.",
		categories = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return {Category.new(
				'Wikipedia featured portal candidates (contested)',
	PR = {
		-- Peer review is a valid current status, but it doesn't trigger a
		-- header row.
		id = 'PR',
		name = '同行評審',
		noticeBarIcon = 'Nuvola apps kedit.svg'
	NA = {
		-- A valid current status, but doesn't trigger a header row.
		id = 'NA',
		noticeBarIcon = 'Nuvola apps kedit.svg'
	-- The following are invalid statuses.
	FAC = {
		id = 'FAC',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj)
				'Template:Article history#典範條目評選'
	FAR = {
		id = 'FAR',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj)
				'Template:Article history#典範條目評選'
	STUB = {
		id = 'STUB',
		aliases = {'START', 'B', 'A'},
		text = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local currentStatusParam = articleHistoryObj.cfg.currentStatusParam
				'Template:Article history#專題評核'
	-- The followings are Multi-statuses
	-- It can be modified to get statues recursively, but it would take some time to develop
	-- Also the performence for recursive or split-string method comparing to this is not known.
		name = '典範條目及優良條目資格皆已撤銷;其後重新評選典範條目及優良條目亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'FFA', 'DGA', 'FFAC', 'FGAN'}
	['FFA/DGA/FFAC'] = {
		id = 'FFA/DGA/FFAC',
		name = '典範條目及優良條目資格皆已撤銷;其後重新評選典範條目亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'FFA', 'DGA', 'FFAC'}
	['FFA/DGA/FGAN'] = {
		id = 'FFA/DGA/FGAN',
		name = '典範條目及優良條目資格皆已撤銷;其後重新評選優良條目亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'FFA', 'DGA', 'FGAN'}
	['FFA/FFAC/FGAN'] = {
		id = 'FFA/FFAC/FGAN',
		name = '已撤銷的典範條目;其後重新評選典範條目及優良條目亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'FFA', 'FFAC', 'FGAN'}
	['DGA/FFAC/FGAN'] = {
		id = 'FFA/FFAC/FGAN',
		name = '已撤銷的優良條目;其後重新評選典範條目及優良條目亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'DGA', 'FFAC', 'FGAN'}
	['GA/FFA/FFAC'] = {
		id = 'FFA/FFAC/FGAN',
		name = '典範條目資格撤銷後評選為優良條目;其後重新評選典範條目亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'GA', 'FFA', 'FFAC'}
	['FFA/DGA'] = {
		id = 'FFA/DGA',
		name = '典範條目及優良條目資格皆已撤銷',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'FFA', 'DGA'}
	['FFA/FFAC'] = {
		id = 'FFA/FFAC',
		name = '已撤銷的典範條目;其後重新評選亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'FFA', 'FFAC'}
	['FFA/FGAN'] = {
		id = 'FFA/FGAN',
		name = '已撤銷的典範條目;其後評選優良條目亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'FFA', 'FGAN'}
	['DGA/FFAC'] = {
		id = 'DGA/FFAC',
		name = '已撤銷的優良條目;其後評選典範條目亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'DGA', 'FFAC'}
	['DGA/FGAN'] = {
		id = 'DGA/FGAN',
		name = '已撤銷的優良條目;其後重新評選亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'DGA', 'FGAN'}
	['FFAC/FGAN'] = {
		id = 'FFAC/FGAN',
		name = '評選典範條目及優良條目皆已落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'FFAC', 'FGAN'}
	['GA/FFAC'] = {
		id = 'GA/FFAC',
		name = '優良條目;其後評選典範條目落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'GA', 'FFAC'}
	['GA/FFA'] = {
		id = 'GA/FFA',
		name = '典範條目資格撤銷後評選為優良條目',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'GA', 'FFA'}
	['FFL/FFLC'] = {
		id = 'FFL/FFLC',
		name = '已撤銷的特色列表;其後重新評選亦落選',
		isMulti = true,
		statuses = {'FFL', 'FFLC'}

-- This function allows the generation of custom status ID. It takes an
-- articleHistory object as the first parameter, and should output the status
-- ID.
getStatusIdFunction = function (articleHistoryObj)
	-- Cauclate the right status by each action
	-- Can't think of a good way using table, so why not back to uni-tier
	-- Using a single int with each status assigned a prime number
	local actions = articleHistoryObj:getActionObjects()
	local statusTable = {[2]="FA",[3]="FL",[5]="GA",[7]="FFA",[11]="FFL",
	local statusCode = 1
	local function removeOldStatus(current, old)
		for k,v in pairs(old) do
			if current%v == 0 then
				current = current/v
		return math.floor(current)
	local function raiseInvalidStatus(current, invalid, i)
		for k,v in pairs(invalid) do
			if current%v == 0 then
					"參數「action" .. i .. "」發現錯誤事項,故系統無法計算正確的當前狀態",
					'Template:Article history'
	for i = 1, #actions, 1 do
		local actionObj = actions[i]
		if actionObj.id == 'FAC' then
			raiseInvalidStatus(statusCode, {2,3}, i)
			if actionObj.resultId == "promoted" then
				statusCode = 2
				statusCode = statusCode * 17
		elseif actionObj.id == 'FLC' then
			raiseInvalidStatus(statusCode, {2,3}, i)
			if actionObj.resultId == "promoted" then
				statusCode = 3
				statusCode = statusCode * 19
		elseif actionObj.id == 'GAN' then
			raiseInvalidStatus(statusCode, {2,3,5}, i)
			if actionObj.resultId == "listed" then
				statusCode = statusCode * 5
				statusCode = removeOldStatus(statusCode, {13,23})
				statusCode = statusCode * 23
		elseif actionObj.id == 'FAR' then
			raiseInvalidStatus(statusCode, {3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23}, i)
			if actionObj.resultId == "demoted" or actionObj.resultId == "merged" then
				statusCode = statusCode * 7
				statusCode = removeOldStatus(statusCode, {2})
		elseif actionObj.id == 'FLR' then
			raiseInvalidStatus(statusCode, {2,5,7,11,13,17,19,23}, i)
			if actionObj.resultId == "demoted" or actionObj.resultId == "merged" then
				statusCode = statusCode * 11
				statusCode = removeOldStatus(statusCode, {3})
		elseif actionObj.id == 'GAR' then
			raiseInvalidStatus(statusCode, {2,3,11,13,23}, i)
			if actionObj.resultId == "delisted" then
				statusCode = statusCode * 13
				statusCode = removeOldStatus(statusCode, {5})
	-- get and return ID from the number
	local statusID = ""
	local ordered_keys = {}
	for k in pairs(statusTable) do
    	table.insert(ordered_keys, k)
	for i = 1, #ordered_keys do
		local k, v = ordered_keys[i], statusTable[ordered_keys[i] ]
		if statusCode%k==0 then
			statusID = statusID .. v .. "/"
			statusCode = statusCode/k
	return statusID and statusID:sub(1, -2) or ""

-- Notices

-- The notices table contains configuration tables for notices about the article
-- that are unrelated to its current status.
-- Each configuration table can have the following fields:
-- id: the main ID for the notice. This should be the same as the configuration
--    table key.
-- isActive: a function that should return a truthy value if the notice should
--    be displayed, and a falsy value if not. (Falsy values are false and nil,
--    and truthy values are everything else.) The function takes an article
--    history object as its first parameter.
-- makeData: a function that should return a table of data to be used by other
--    functions in this notice configuration table. It can be accessed using
--    noticeObj:getData().
-- icon: the filename of the notice icon, minus the "File:" prefix.
-- iconCaption: the icon caption.
-- iconSize: The icon size, including "px" suffix. The default is defined in
--    defaultIconSize.
-- iconSmallSize: The icon size if we are outputting a small template. The
--    default is defined in defaultSmallIconSize.
-- text: The notice text. This may be a string or a function. If it is a
--    function, it takes an article history object as the first parameter, and
--    the current notice object as the second parameter, and should return the
--    text string.
-- categories: The categories set by the notice. This may be an array of
--    category names, or a function. If it is a function, it takes an article
--    history object as the first parameter, and the current notice object as
--    the second parameter, and should return an array of category objects.
-- noticeBarIcon: the icon to use for the notice bar. This can be a string, or
--    a function, or true. If it is a function it takes an article history
--    object as the first parameter, and should output the icon filename. If it
--    is true, it uses the value of icon. If it is nil then no notice bar icon
--    will be displayed.
-- noticeBarIconCaption: the caption to use for the notice bar icon. This can be
--    a string or a function. If it is a function, it takes an article history
--    object as its first parameter, and should return the caption text. If this
--    is absent, the icon caption is used instead.
-- noticeBarIconSize: the size of the notice bar icon, including "px" suffix.
--    The default is set by defaultNoticeBarIconSize.

notices = {
		id = 'FT',
		isActive = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local args = articleHistoryObj.args
			local prefixArgs = articleHistoryObj.prefixArgs
			-- ftmain is included here because it leads to better error
			-- messages than leaving it out, even though ftmain by itself is
			-- invalid.
			return args.ftname or args.ftmain or prefixArgs.ft
		makeData = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local args = articleHistoryObj.args
			local prefixArgs = articleHistoryObj.prefixArgs
			local data = {}
			local getTopicStatus = require('Module:FeaturedTopicSum').status
			local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')

			local function makeTopicData(name, isMain, paramNum)
				if name then
					return {
						name = name,
						isMain = yesno(isMain) or false,
						status = getTopicStatus(name),
						paramNum = paramNum
				elseif isMain then
					local num = paramNum and tostring(paramNum) or ''
							"parameter 'ft%smain' is set, but no featured " ..
								"topic name is set in parameter 'ft%sname'",
							num, num
						'Template:Article history#Featured topic names'
					return nil
			data[#data + 1] = makeTopicData(args.ftname, args.ftmain)
			if prefixArgs.ft then
				for i, t in ipairs(prefixArgs.ft) do
					if t[1] > 1 then -- we use args.ftname instead of args.ft1name
						data[#data + 1] = makeTopicData(t.name, t.main, t[1])

			-- Check for rogue ft.. parameters
			if #data < 1 then
					"a parameter starting with 'ft' was detected, but no " ..
						"featured topic names were specified; " ..
						"please check the parameter names",
					'Template:Article history#Featured topic names'

			-- Find if one of the topics is featured.
			local isInFeaturedTopic = false
			for _, topic in ipairs(data) do
				if topic.status == 'FT' then
					isInFeaturedTopic = true
			data.isInFeaturedTopic = isInFeaturedTopic

			return data
		icon = function (articleHistoryObj, noticeObj)
			local data = noticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if not data then
				return nil
			if data.isInFeaturedTopic then
				return 'Cscr-featuredtopic.svg'
				return 'Support cluster.svg'
		iconCaption = function (articleHistoryObj, noticeObj)
			local data = noticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if not data then
				return nil
			if data.isInFeaturedTopic then
				return 'Featured topic star'
				return 'Good topic star'
		iconSize = '48px',
		iconSmallSize = '30px',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj, noticeObj)
			local data = noticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if not data then
				return nil
			local article = articleHistoryObj.currentTitle.subjectPageTitle.prefixedText

			local firstBlurb = "'''%s''' is %s the '''[[Wikipedia:Featured topics/%s|%s]] series''', %s."
			local otherBlurb = "It is also %s the '''[[Wikipedia:Featured topics/%s|%s]] series''', %s."
			local finalBlurb = "%s identified as among the best series of " ..
				"articles produced by the [[Wikipedia:Wikipedians|Wikipedia community]]. " ..
				"If you can update or improve %s, [[Wikipedia:Be bold|please do so]]."
			local main = 'the main article in'
			local notMain = 'part of'
			local featuredLink = 'a [[Wikipedia:Featured topics|featured topic]]'
			local featuredNoLink = 'a featured topic'
			local goodLink = 'a [[Wikipedia:Good topics|good topic]]'
			local goodNoLink = 'a good topic'
			local thisSingular = 'This is'
			local thisPlural = 'These are'
			local itSingular = 'it'
			local itPlural = 'them'

			local hasFeaturedLink = false
			local hasGoodLink = false
			local text = {}
			-- First topic
				local topic = data[1]
				local link
				if topic.status == 'FT' then
					link = featuredLink
					hasFeaturedLink = true
					link = goodLink
					hasGoodLink = true
				text[#text + 1] = string.format(
					topic.isMain and main or notMain,

			-- Other topics
			for i = 2, #data do
				local topic = data[i]
				local link
				if topic.status == 'FT' then
					if hasFeaturedLink then
						link = featuredNoLink
						link = featuredLink
						hasFeaturedLink = true
					if hasGoodLink then
						link = goodNoLink
						link = goodLink
						hasGoodLink = true
				text[#text + 1] = string.format(
					topic.isMain and main or notMain,

			-- Final blurb
				local isPlural = #data > 1
				text[#text + 1] = string.format(
					isPlural and thisPlural or thisSingular,
					isPlural and itPlural or itSingular

			return table.concat(text, ' ')
		categories = function (articleHistoryObj, noticeObj)
			local data = noticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if not data then
				return nil
			local status = articleHistoryObj:getStatusId()
			local article = articleHistoryObj.currentTitle.subjectPageTitle.prefixedText
			local cats = {}

			local function addCat(cat, sort)
				cats[#cats + 1] = Category.new(cat, sort)

			-- Page-wide status categories
			if status == 'FA' then
				addCat('FA-Class Featured topics articles')
			elseif status == 'FL' then
				addCat('FL-Class Featured topics articles')
			elseif status == 'FFA/GA' or status == 'GA' then
				addCat('GA-Class Featured topics articles')
				addCat('Unassessed Featured topics articles')

			-- Topic-specific status categories
			local function addTopicCats(catFormat)
				for i, topic in ipairs(data) do
					addCat(string.format(catFormat, topic.name))
			if status == 'FA' or status == 'FL' then
				addTopicCats('Wikipedia featured topics %s featured content')
			elseif status == 'FFA/GA' or 'GA' then
				addTopicCats('Wikipedia featured topics %s good content')
				addTopicCats('Wikipedia featured topics %s')

			-- Importance categories
			local hasTop, hasHigh, hasMid, hasLow -- These check for dupes
			for i, topic in ipairs(data) do
				local cat, sort
				if topic.status == 'FT' then
					if topic.isMain and not hasTop then
						cat = 'Top-importance Featured topics articles'
						sort = topic.name .. ' ' .. article
						hasTop = true
					elseif not topic.isMain and not hasHigh then
						cat = 'High-importance Featured topics articles'
						hasHigh = true
					if topic.isMain and not hasMid then
						cat = 'Mid-importance Featured topics articles'
						sort = topic.name .. ' ' .. article
						hasMid = true
					elseif not topic.isMain and not hasLow then
						cat = 'Low-importance Featured topics articles'
						hasLow = true
				if cat then
					addCat(cat, sort)

			return cats
	-- Main page FA date
		id = 'MAINDATEFA',
		isActive = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local args = articleHistoryObj.args
			local status = articleHistoryObj:getStatusId()
			return args.maindateFA or status == 'FA' or status == 'FL'
		makeData = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local args = articleHistoryObj.args
			local status = articleHistoryObj:getStatusId()
			local data = {}

			local function validateMainDate(argName, dataName, dataTimestampName)
				data[dataName] = args[argName]
				if data[dataName] then
					data[dataTimestampName] = getYmdDate(data[dataName])
					if not data[dataTimestampName] then
								argName, data[dataName]
							'Template:Article history#錯誤日期'

			validateMainDate('maindateFA', 'mainDateFA', 'mainDateFATimestamp')

			data.currentTimestamp = getYmdDate()
			return data
		icon = 'Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg',
		iconCaption = 'Main Page trophy',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj, noticeObj)
			local data = noticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if not data or not data.mainDateFA then
				return nil

			-- Build the blurb for all the possible combinations of past,
			-- present and future appearances of maindate and maindate2.
			local todaysFA = ""
			local mainDateLong = getLongDate(data.mainDateFA)
			if data.isList then
				todaysFA = "特色列表"
				todaysFA = "典範條目"

			local function makeFeaturedLink(date, display)
				return string.format(
					display or date

			local function isPast(timestamp)
				return timestamp < data.currentTimestamp

			local function isCurrent(timestamp)
				return timestamp == data.currentTimestamp
			if isPast(data.mainDateFATimestamp) then
				return string.format(
					mainDateLong, makeFeaturedLink(mainDateLong, todaysFA)
			elseif isCurrent(data.mainDateFATimestamp) then
				return string.format(
					mainDateLong, makeFeaturedLink(mainDateLong, todaysFA)
				return string.format(
					mainDateLong, makeFeaturedLink(mainDateLong, todaysFA)

	-- Main page GA date
		id = 'MAINDATEGA',
		isActive = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local args = articleHistoryObj.args
			local status = articleHistoryObj:getStatusId()
			return (args.maindateGA or status == 'GA') and not args.maindateFA
		makeData = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local args = articleHistoryObj.args
			local status = articleHistoryObj:getStatusId()
			local data = {}

			local function validateMainDate(argName, dataName, dataTimestampName)
				data[dataName] = args[argName]
				if data[dataName] then
					data[dataTimestampName] = getYmdDate(data[dataName])
					if not data[dataTimestampName] then
								argName, data[dataName]
							'Template:Article history#錯誤日期'

			validateMainDate('maindateGA', 'mainDateGA', 'mainDateGATimestamp')

			data.currentTimestamp = getYmdDate()
			return data
		icon = 'Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg',
		iconCaption = 'Main Page trophy',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj, noticeObj)
			local data = noticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if not data or not data.mainDateGA then
				return nil

			-- Build the blurb for all the possible combinations of past,
			-- present and future appearances of maindate and maindate2.
			local todaysGA = "優良條目"
			local mainDateLong = getLongDate(data.mainDateGA)

			local function makeFeaturedLink(date, display)
				return string.format(
					display or date

			local function isPast(timestamp)
				return timestamp < data.currentTimestamp

			local function isCurrent(timestamp)
				return timestamp == data.currentTimestamp
			if isPast(data.mainDateGATimestamp) then
				return string.format(
					mainDateLong, makeFeaturedLink(mainDateLong, todaysGA)
			elseif isCurrent(data.mainDateGATimestamp) then
				return string.format(
					mainDateLong, makeFeaturedLink(mainDateLong, todaysGA)
				return string.format(
					mainDateLong, makeFeaturedLink(mainDateLong, todaysGA)

-- Actions

-- The actions table contains configuration tables for actions such as featured
-- article candidacies and peer review, etc.
-- Each configuration table can have the following fields:
-- id: the main ID for the action. This should be the same as the configuration
--    table key.
-- name: the name of the action. This can be a string or a function. If it is
--    a function, it takes an article history object as its first parameter and
--    the action object as its second parameter, and should return the name.
-- results: a table of possible results for the action. Keys in the table should
--    be a result ID, e.g. "promoted" or "kept", and values should be a subtable
--    with the following fields:
--    id: the result ID. This should be the same as the table key. It will
--        also define a possible input value for the action's result parameter.
--    text: the displayed result text. This may be a string or a function. If it
--        is a function, it takes an article history object as the first
--        parameter and the current action object as the second parameter, and
--        should return the result string.
--    aliases: an array of result ID aliases. Each of these will define a valid
--        value for the action's result parameter.
-- text: The action text. This may be a string or a function. If it is a
--    function, it takes an article history object as the first parameter and
--    the current action object as the second parameter, and should return the
--    text string.
-- categories: The categories set by the notice. This may be an array of
--    category names, or a function. If it is a function, it takes an article
--    history object as the first parameter and the current action object as the
--    second parameter, and should return an array of category objects.
-- noticeBarIcon: the icon to use for the notice bar. This can be a string, or
--    a function, or true. If it is a function it takes an article history
--    object as the first parameter, and should output the icon filename. If it
--    is true, it uses the value of icon. If it is nil then no notice bar icon
--    will be displayed.
-- noticeBarIconCaption: the caption to use for the notice bar icon. This can be
--    a string or a function. If it is a function, it takes an article history
--    object as its first parameter, and should return the caption text. If this
--    is absent, the icon caption is used instead.
-- noticeBarIconSize: the size of the notice bar icon, including "px" suffix.
--    The default is set by defaultNoticeBarIconSize.

actions = {
	FAC = {
		id = 'FAC',
		name = '典範條目候選',
		results = {
			promoted = {
				id = 'promoted',
				text = '入選',
				aliases = {'pass', 'passed', '入選', '入选'}
			['not promoted'] = {
				id = 'not promoted',
				text = '落選',
				aliases = {'fail', 'failed', '落選', '落选'}
	FAR = {
		id = 'FAR',
		name = '典範條目重審',
		aliases = {'FARC'},
		results = {
			kept = {
				id = 'kept',
				text = '維持',
				aliases = {'pass', 'passed', 'keep', '維持', '维持'}
			demoted = {
				id = 'demoted',
				text = '撤銷',
				aliases = {'fail', 'failed', 'remove', 'removed', '撤銷', '撤销'}
			merged = {
				id = 'merged',
				text = '合併',
				aliases = {'merge'}
		categories = function (articleHistoryObj, actionObj)
			local ret = {}
			local result = actionObj.resultId
			if result == 'demoted' or result == 'merged' then
				local status = articleHistoryObj:getStatusId()
				local sortKey = articleHistoryObj.currentTitle.subjectPageTitle.prefixedText
				if status == 'FA' or status == 'FL' then
					sortKey = '#' .. sortKey
				ret[#ret + 1] = Category.new(
			return ret
	FLC = {
		id = 'FLC',
		name = '特色列表候選',
		results = {
			promoted = {
				id = 'promoted',
				text = '入選',
				aliases = {'pass', 'passed', '入選', '入选'}
			['not promoted'] = {
				id = 'not promoted',
				text = '落選',
				aliases = {'fail', 'failed', '落選', '落选'}
	FLR = {
		id = 'FLR',
		name = '特色列表重審',
		results = {
			kept = {
				id = 'kept',
				text = '維持',
				aliases = {'pass', 'passed', 'keep', '維持', '维持'}
			demoted = {
				id = 'demoted',
				text = '撤銷',
				aliases = {'fail', 'failed', 'remove', 'removed', '撤銷', '撤销'}
			merged = {
				id = 'merged',
				text = '合併',
				aliases = {'merge', '合併'}
		categories = function (articleHistoryObj, actionObj)
			local ret = {}
			local result = actionObj.resultId
			if result == 'demoted' or result == 'merged' then
				local sortKey = articleHistoryObj.currentTitle.text
				if articleHistoryObj:getStatusId() == 'FL' then
					sortKey = '#' .. sortKey
				ret[#ret + 1] = Category.new(
			return ret
	GAN = {
		id = 'GAN',
		name = '優良條目候選',
		aliases = {'GAC'},
		results = {
			listed = {
				id = 'listed',
				text = '入選',
				aliases = {'pass', 'passed', 'promoted', '入選', '入选'}
			['not listed'] = {
				id = 'not listed',
				text = '落選',
				aliases = {'fail', 'failed', 'not promoted', '落選', '落选'}
	GAR = {
		id = 'GAR',
		name = '優良條目重審',
		results = {
			kept = {
				id = 'kept',
				text = '維持',
				aliases = {'pass', 'passed', 'keep', '維持', '维持'}
			delisted = {
				id = 'delisted',
				text = '撤銷',
				aliases = {'fail', 'failed', 'remove', 'removed', '撤銷', '撤销'}
		categories = function (articleHistoryObj, actionObj)
			local ret = {}
			if actionObj.resultId == 'delisted' then
				local status = articleHistoryObj:getStatusId()
				local sortkey = articleHistoryObj.currentTitle.text
				if status == 'FA' then
					sortkey = "#" .. sortkey
				elseif status == 'GA/FFA/FFAC' or status == 'GA/FFAC' or 
					status == 'GA/FFA' or status == 'GA' then
					sortkey = "*" .. sortkey
				ret[#ret + 1] = Category.new(
	PR = {
		id = 'PR',
		name = '同行評審',
		results = {
			reviewed = {
				id = 'reviewed',
				text = '已評審',
				aliases = {'_BLANK'}
			['not reviewed'] = {
				id = 'not reviewed',
				text = '現正評審',
		categories = {'已同行評審的條目'}
	WAR = {
		id = 'WAR',
		name = '維基專題甲級條目評審',
		results = {
			approved = {
				id = 'approved',
				text = '通過評審',
				aliases = {'pass', 'passed'}
			['not approved'] = {
				id = 'not approved',
				text = '未通過評審',
				aliases = {'fail', 'failed', 'not reviewed'}
			reviewed = {
				id = 'reviewed',
				text = '評審中',
				aliases = {'_BLANK'}
			kept = {
				id = 'kept',
				text = '維持',
				aliases = {'keep'}
			demoted = {
				id = 'demoted',
				text = '撤銷',
				aliases = {'demote'}
	AFD = {
		id = 'AFD',
		name = '頁面存廢討論',
		aliases = {'PAGEDEL','VFD','DEL'},
		results = {
			kept = {
				id = 'kept',
				text = '保留',
				aliases = {'withdrawn', 'keep','保留'}
			deleted = {
				id = 'deleted',
				text = '刪除',
				aliases = {'delete','刪除','删除'}
			merged = {
				id = 'merged',
				text = '合併',
				aliases = {'merge'}
			['no consensus'] = {
				id = 'no consensus',
				text = '沒有共識',
				aliases = {'nc'}
			['speedily kept'] = {
				id = 'speedily kept',
				text = '快速保留',
				aliases = {'speedy keep'}
			['speedily deleted'] ={
				id = 'speedily deleted',
				text = '快速刪除',
				aliases = {'speedy delete'}
			redirected = {
				id = 'redirected',
				text = '重定向',
				aliases = {'redirect'}
			renamed = {
				id = 'renamed',
				text = '更名',
				aliases = {'rename', 'move', 'moved'}
	CSD = {
		id = 'CSD',
		name = '快速刪除候選',
		results = {
			kept = {
				id = 'kept',
				text = '保留',
				aliases = {'withdrawn', 'keep', 'speedy keep'}
			deleted = {
				id = 'deleted',
				text = '刪除',
				aliases = {'delete', 'speedily deleted', 'speedy delete'}
			redirected = {
				id = 'redirected',
				text = '重定向',
				aliases = {'redirect'}
			afd = {
				id = 'afd',
				text = '轉交[[頁面存廢討論]]',
				aliases = {'afded'}
			renamed = {
				id = 'renamed',
				text = '更名',
				aliases = {'rename', 'move', 'moved'}
	DRV = {
		id = 'DRV',
		name = '存廢覆核請求',
		results = {
			endorsed = {
				id = 'endorsed',
				text = '覆核',
				aliases = {'endorse'}
			restored = {
				id = 'restored',
				text = '回復頁面',
				aliases = {'restore'}
			overturned = {
				id = 'overturned',
				text = '駁回',
				aliases = {'overturn'}
			['no consensus'] = {
				id = 'no consensus',
				text = '沒有共識'

-- Collapsible notices

-- The collapsibleNotices table contains configuration tables for notices that
-- go in the collapsible part of the template, underneath the actions.
-- Each configuration table can have the following fields:
-- id: the main ID for the notice. This should be the same as the configuration
--    table key.
-- isActive: a function that should return a truthy value if the notice should
--    be displayed, and a falsy value if not. (Falsy values are false and nil,
--    and truthy values are everything else.) The function takes an article
--    history object as its first parameter.
-- makeData: a function that should return a table of data to be used by other
--    functions in this notice configuration table. It can be accessed using
--    noticeObj:getData().
-- icon: the filename of the notice icon, minus the "File:" prefix.
-- iconCaption: the icon caption.
-- iconSize: The icon size, including "px" suffix. The default is defined in
--    defaultIconSize.
-- iconSmallSize: The icon size if we are outputting a small template. The
--    default is defined in defaultSmallIconSize.
-- text: The notice text. This may be a string or a function. If it is a
--    function, it takes an article history object as the first parameter, and
--    the current collapsible notice object as the second parameter, and should
--    return the text string.
-- categories: The categories set by the notice. This may be an array of
--    category names, or a function. If it is a function, it takes an article
--    history object as the first parameter, and the current collapsible notice
--    object as the second parameter, and should return an array of category
--    objects.
-- noticeBarIcon: the icon to use for the notice bar. This can be a string, or
--    a function, or true. If it is a function it takes an article history
--    object as the first parameter, and should output the icon filename. If it
--    is true, it uses the value of icon. If it is nil then no notice bar icon
--    will be displayed.
-- noticeBarIconCaption: the caption to use for the notice bar icon. This can be
--    a string or a function. If it is a function, it takes an article history
--    object as its first parameter, and should return the caption text. If this
--    is absent, the icon caption is used instead.
-- noticeBarIconSize: the size of the notice bar icon, including "px" suffix.
--    The default is set by defaultNoticeBarIconSize.

collapsibleNotices = {
	-- DYK
		id = 'DYK',
		icon = 'DYK questionmark icon.svg',
		iconCaption = '新條目推薦',
		iconSmallSize = '15px',
		noticeBarIcon = true,
		isActive = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return isActiveDatedObject(articleHistoryObj, 'dyk')
		makeData = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return makeDateData(articleHistoryObj, 'dyk', {'entry'})
		text = function (articleHistoryObj, collapsibleNoticeObj)
			local data = collapsibleNoticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if not data then
				return nil
			return makeDateText(data, "本條目曾於$1登上維基百科[[Wikipedia:首頁|首頁]]的「'''[[:Template:Dyk|你知道嗎?]]'''」欄位。")
		collapsibleText = function (articleHistoryObj, collapsibleNoticeObj)
			local data = collapsibleNoticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if not data then
				return nil
			local ctext = {}
			local entries = {}
			local lastEntryDate
			for i, t in ipairs(data) do
				entries[#entries + 1] = t.entry
				lastEntryDate = t.date
			ctext[#ctext + 1] = "新條目推薦的題目為:"
			local list = mw.html.create('ul')
			for i, t in ipairs(data) do
				if t.entry then
						t.date, t.entry
			ctext[#ctext + 1] = tostring(list)
			if #ctext > 0 then
				return table.concat(ctext)
				return nil
		categories = {'推薦的新條目'}

	-- ITN
		id = 'ITN',
		isActive = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return isActiveDatedObject(articleHistoryObj, 'itn')
		makeData = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return makeDateData(articleHistoryObj, 'itn', {'link'})
		icon = 'Globe current.svg',
		iconCaption = '新聞動態',
		noticeBarIcon = true,
		noticeBarIconSize = '20px',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj, collapsibleNoticeObj)
			local data = collapsibleNoticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if not data then
				return nil
			return makeDateText(data, "本條目曾於$1登上維基百科[[Wikipedia:首頁|首頁]]的「'''[[:Template:Itn|新聞動態]]'''」欄位。")
		categories = function (articleHistoryObj, collapsibleNoticeObj)
			local cats = {}
			cats[1] = Category.new('新聞動態條目')
			return cats

	-- On This Day
		id = 'OTD',
		isActive = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return isActiveDatedObject(articleHistoryObj, 'otd')
		makeData = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return makeDateData(articleHistoryObj, 'otd', {'link', 'oldid'})
			-- TODO: remove 'link' after it is no longer needed for tracking
		icon = 'Nuvola apps date.svg',
		iconCaption = '歷史上的今天',
		noticeBarIcon = true,
		noticeBarIconSize = '20px',
		text = function (articleHistoryObj, collapsibleNoticeObj)
			local data = collapsibleNoticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if not data then
				return nil
			return makeDateText(data, "本條目曾$1登上維基百科[[Wikipedia:首頁|首頁]]的「'''[[:Template:Itn|歷史上的今天]]'''」欄位。")
		categories = function (articleHistoryObj, collapsibleNoticeObj)
			local cats = {}
			cats[1] = Category.new('Selected anniversaries articles')
			local data = collapsibleNoticeObj:getData(articleHistoryObj)
			if data then
				for i, t in ipairs(data) do
					if t.link then
						cats[#cats + 1] = Category.new(
			return cats

	-- 動員令
		id = 'DC',
		isActive = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return articleHistoryObj.args.DC
		icon = 'Wikipedia-logo-v2-wordmark.svg',
		iconCaption = '動員令',
		iconSize = '25px',
		noticeBarIcon = true,
		text = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local mtopic = ""
			if articleHistoryObj.args.DCtopic then
				mtopic = articleHistoryObj.args.DCtopic
			local mtype = ""
			if articleHistoryObj.args.DCtype then
				mtype = ",屬" .. articleHistoryObj.args.DCtype .. "條目"
			return string.format("此條目為[[Wikipedia:動員令/第%s次動員令|第%s次動員令]]%s的作品之一%s。", articleHistoryObj.args.DC, articleHistoryObj.args.DC, mtopic, mtype)
		categories = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local cats = {}
			if articleHistoryObj.args.DCtopic then
				local mtopic = ""
				mtopic = string.format("第%s次動員令%s作品",articleHistoryObj.args.DC,articleHistoryObj.args.DCtopic)
				table.insert(cats, Category.new(mtopic))
			if articleHistoryObj.args.DCtype then
				local mtype = ""
				mtype = string.format("第%s次動員令%s條目",articleHistoryObj.args.DC,articleHistoryObj.args.DCtype)
				table.insert(cats, Category.new(mtype))
			table.insert(cats, Category.new(string.format("第%s次動員令貢獻一覽",articleHistoryObj.args.DC)))
			return cats

	-- Peer review
		id = 'PR',
		isActive = function (articleHistoryObj)
			local prObj
			local actions = articleHistoryObj:getActionObjects()
			for i = #actions, 1, -1 do
				local actionObj = actions[i]
				if actionObj.id == 'PR' and actionObj.resultId == 'reviewed' then
					return true
			return false
		icon = 'Nuvola apps kedit.svg',
		iconCaption = '同行評審',
		iconSize = '25px',
		noticeBarIcon = true,
		text = "本條目已經由[[Wikipedia:社群首頁|維基百科社群]]同行評審並已存檔,當中或有可以改善此條目的資訊。"

-- Notice bar icons

-- This table holds configuration tables for notice bar icons that don't appear
-- as part of a row. Other notice bar icons are handled in the statuses,
-- notices, actions, and collapsibleNotices tables.
-- It accepts the following fields:
-- isActive: a function that should return a truthy value if the notice should
--    be displayed, and a falsy value if not. (Falsy values are false and nil,
--    and truthy values are everything else.) The function takes an article
--    history object as its first parameter.
-- icon: the filename of the notice bar icon, minus the "File:" prefix.

noticeBarIcons = {
	-- peer reviews shown in collapsibleNotices in zhwiki

	-- Wikipedia 1.0
		isActive = function (articleHistoryObj)
			return articleHistoryObj.args['v1.0NotAnActiveOption']
		icon = 'WP1 0 Icon.svg'

-- Extra categories

-- This table contains categories that don't appear as part of a row. It is an
-- array of functions; each function takes an article history object as input
-- and must return an array of category objects as output.

extraCategories = {
	-- Four award
	function (articleHistoryObj)
		local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
		local ret = {}
		local isFour = yesno(articleHistoryObj.args.four)
		if isFour then
			ret[#ret + 1] = Category.new('Wikipedia four award articles')
		elseif isFour == false then
			ret[#ret + 1] = Category.new('Wikipedia articles rejected for Four awards')
		elseif articleHistoryObj:getStatusId() == 'FA' then
			local isDYK = false
			for i, obj in ipairs(articleHistoryObj:getCollapsibleNoticeObjects()) do
				if obj.id == 'DYK' then
					isDYK = true
			if isDYK then
				for i, obj in ipairs(articleHistoryObj:getActionObjects()) do
					if obj.id == 'GAN' and obj.resultId == 'listed' then
						ret[#ret + 1] = Category.new('Possible Wikipedia four award articles')
		return ret

	-- Deletion to Quality award
	function (articleHistoryObj)
		local ret = {}
		local status = articleHistoryObj:getStatusId()
		if status == 'FA' or status == 'FL' or status == 'GA' then
			local iAfd = 0
			local hasAfd = false
			local actionObjects = articleHistoryObj:getActionObjects()
			for i, obj in ipairs(actionObjects) do
				if obj.id == 'AFD' then
					iAfd = i
					hasAfd = true
			if hasAfd then
				local function hasNomination(id, result)
					for i = iAfd + 1, #actionObjects do
						local obj = actionObjects[i]
						if obj.id == id and obj.resultId == result then
							return true
					return false
				if status == 'GA' and hasNomination('GAN', 'listed') or
					status == 'FL' and hasNomination('FLC', 'promoted') or
					status == 'FA' and hasNomination('FAC', 'promoted')
					ret[#ret + 1] = Category.new('Deletion to Quality Award candidates')
		return ret

	-- Track small banners
	function (articleHistoryObj)
		local ret = {}
		if articleHistoryObj.isSmall then
			table.insert(ret, Category.new('Small article history templates'))
		return ret

-- Parameters

-- The parameter values used to generate the page actions. These are used as
-- Lua patterns, so any of the magic characters *+-.^$%[] should be escaped
-- with a preceding % symbol.
actionParamPrefix = 'action',
actionParamSuffixes = {
	[''] = 'code',
	date = 'date',
	link = 'link',
	result = 'resultCode',
	oldid = 'oldid'

-- The parameter used to set the current status.
currentStatusParam = 'currentstatus',

-- Other settings

-- If this number or fewer of collapsible rows are present (including actions
-- and collapsible notices) they will not be collapsed. If this is set to the
-- string "all", all rows will always be visible. Otherwise, the input must be
-- a number. The default is three rows.
uncollapsedRows = 3,

-- The default size for icons. The default is 30px.
defaultIconSize = '30px',

-- The default size for icons for small templates. The default is 15px.
defaultSmallIconSize = '15px',

-- The default size for status icons. The default is 50px.
defaultStatusIconSize = '50px',

-- The default size for status icons for small templates. The default is 30px.
defaultSmallStatusIconSize = '30px',

-- The default size for notice bar icons. The default is 15px.
defaultNoticeBarIconSize = '15px',

-- The default size for collapsible status icons. The default is 50px.
defaultCollapsibleNoticeIconSize = '20px',

-- The default size for collapsible status icons for small templates. The
-- default is 30px.
defaultSmallCollapsibleNoticeIconSize = '20px',

-- Messages

msg = {

-- The heading for the collapsible table of actions if we are in the main
-- namespace or the talk namespace.
['milestones-header'] = '條目里程碑',

-- The heading for the collapsible table of actions if we are in a different
-- namespace.
-- $1 - the subject namespace name.
['milestones-header-other-ns'] = '里程碑',

-- The milestones date header.
['milestones-date-header'] = '日期',

-- The milestones process header.
['milestones-process-header'] = '事項',

-- The milestones result header.
['milestones-result-header'] = '結果',

-- The format to display the action dates in. The syntax is the same as the
-- #time parser function.
['action-date-format'] = 'Y年Fj日',

-- The category to use if any errors are detected.
['error-category'] = '條目里程碑出錯',

-- Define boilerplate text for error messages and warnings, both with and
-- without help links.
-- $1 - the error message
-- $2 - a link to a help page and section for the error
['error-message-help'] = '錯誤:$1([[$2|幫助]])。',
['error-message-nohelp'] = '錯誤:$1。',
['warning-help'] = '警告:$1([[$2|幫助]])。',
['warning-nohelp'] = '警告:$1。',

-- Error for row objects that should output notice bar icons but for which no
-- icon values could be found.
['row-error-missing-icon'] = "資訊欄未能找到相應圖示",

-- A help link for row-error-missing-icon
['row-error-missing-icon-help'] = 'Template:Article history#沒有圖示',

-- Error for action objects that aren't passed a code.
-- $1 - the parameter name for the code
['action-error-no-code'] = "「$1」未能找到事項代碼,請為其加入一正確代碼或刪除其他以「$1」起始的參數",

-- A help link for action-error-no-code
['action-error-no-code-help'] = 'Template:Article history#事項代碼',

-- Error for action objects that are passed an invalid code.
-- $1 - the code that the user input
-- $2 - the parameter name for the code
['action-error-invalid-code'] = "參數「$2」帶有錯誤事項代碼「$1」",

-- A help link for action-error-invalid-code
['action-error-invalid-code-help'] = 'Template:Article history#事項代碼',

-- Error for action objects with blank result parameters, where result
-- parameters are required for the action's ID.
-- $1 - the action ID
-- $2 - the result parameter name
['action-error-blank-result'] = "事項「$1」尚未填寫結果。請於「$2」填上結果代碼",

-- A help link for action-error-blank-result
['action-error-blank-result-help'] = 'Template:Article history#事項結果',

-- Error for action objects with invalid result parameters.
-- $1 - the result code that the user input
-- $2 - the action ID
-- $3 - the result parameter name
['action-error-invalid-result'] = "參數「$3」中的事項「$2」發現錯誤結果「$1」",

-- A help link for action-error-invalid-result
['action-error-invalid-result-help'] = 'Template:Article history#事項結果',

-- Warning for action objects with invalid dates.
-- $1 - the date input by the user
-- $2 - the date parameter name
['action-warning-invalid-date'] = "參數「$2」中發現錯誤日期「$1」",

-- A help link for action-warning-invalid-date
['action-warning-invalid-date-help'] = 'Template:Article history#錯誤日期',

-- Error for action objects with no dates.
-- $1 - the parameter number
-- $2 - the date parameter name
-- $3 - the action parameter name
['action-warning-no-date'] = "事項「$1」尚未指定日期,請於參數「$2」填上日期或刪除其他以「$3」起始的參數",

-- A help link for action-warning-no-date
['action-warning-no-date-help'] = 'Template:Article history#沒有日期',

-- The text to display in place of the action date if it is missing.
['action-date-missing'] = '?',

-- Error for action objects with invalid oldids.
-- $1 - the oldid input by the user
-- $2 - the oldid parameter name
['action-warning-invalid-oldid'] = "參數「$2」發現錯誤oldid「$1」,oldid必須為正整數",

-- A help link for action-warning-invalid-oldid
['action-warning-invalid-oldid-help'] = 'Template:Article history#錯誤oldid',

-- Error for invalid current status codes.
-- $1 - the code input by the user
['articlehistory-warning-invalid-status'] = "模板中指定了錯誤的事項,故系統無法計算正確的當前狀態",

-- A help link for articlehistory-warning-invalid-status
['articlehistory-warning-invalid-status-help'] = 'Template:Article history#錯誤當前狀態',

-- Warning for invocations that specify a current status without specifying any
-- actions.
['articlehistory-warning-status-no-actions'] = "發現當前狀態但未有指定任何事項",

-- A help link for articlehistory-warning-status-no-actions
['articlehistory-warning-status-no-actions-help'] = 'Template:Article history#沒有事項',

-- The text to display the current status at the bottom of the collapsible
-- table.
-- $1 - the current status name
['status-blurb'] = "當前狀態:'''$1'''",

-- The text to display at the bottom of the collapsible table if the current
-- status is unknown.
['status-unknown'] = '?',


--                              CONFIG TABLE END
