

local p = require('Module:UnitTests')

--[[ ========================== < L A N G _ T E S T S > ========================== ]]

--[[ -------------------------- < I T A L I C > --------------------------

Tests module parameter |italic= with values:
- 'yes',
- 'no',
- 'invert',
- 'italic',
- present but not set,
- invalid 'whatever',
- parameter not present.

|italic=yes or |italic=no overrides every other parameter that might set the rendered text's font.


function p:test_01_lang_italic()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang|code=ar|text=text|italic=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang|code=ar|text=text|italic=', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang|code=ar|text=text}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang|code=ar|text=text}}',

--[[ -------------------------- < I T A L I C _ W I T H _ S C R I P T > --------------------------

Tests module parameter |italic=yes and |italic=no when |script=arab or |script=latn is set.

|italic=yes should override whatever |script= might say.

The value assigned to |script= shall be appended to the language code; for |script=arab the module shall add
dir="rtl" to the text's enclosing <span> and insert the &lrm; marker.


function p:test_02_lang_italic_with_script()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang|code=ar|text=text|italic=yes|script=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang|code=ar|text=text|italic=yes|script=', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang|code=ar|text=text|italic=no|script=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang|code=ar|text=text|italic=no|script=', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < R T L > --------------------------

Tests module parameter |rtl= with values 'yes', 'no', present but not set, and the invalid 'whatever'.
There is a separate test for the parameter not present.

|rtl=yes adds dir="rtl" to the text's enclosing <span> and inserts the &lrm; marker.


function p:test_03_lang_rtl()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang|code=ar|text=text|rtl=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang|code=ar|text=text|rtl=', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang|code=ar|text=text}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang|code=ar|text=text}}',

--[[ -------------------------- < I E T F _ D E C O D I N G > --------------------------

Tests module parameter |code= with values that should not produce error messages:
	'de', 'de-ch', 'de-CH-1901', 'ru-RU-petr1708', '1ca', es-419.


function p:test_04_lang_ietf()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang|text=text|code=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang|text=text|code=', '}}',
			{'de'},					-- code
			{'nav'},				-- code
			{'1ca'},				-- non-standard code
			{'cmn-Latn'},			-- code-script; shall italicize text
			{'he-hebr'},			-- code-script; shall insert rtl
			{'de-ch'},				-- code-region
			{'de-1901'},			-- code-numeric variant
			{'ru-petr1708'},		-- code-alnum variant
			{'ca-valencia'},		-- code-alpha variant
			{'ru-ru-petr1708'},		-- code-region-variant
			{'es-419'},				-- code-numeric region
			{'ru-Cyrl-RU'},			-- code-script-region
			{'ca-419-valencia'},	-- code-numeric reigion-variant
			{'cel-x-proto'},		-- private-use
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < I N V E R T _ I T A L I C S > --------------------------

Tests text ouput with |italic=invert set.


function p:test_05_lang_invert_italics()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang|code=ar', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang|code=ar', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ ========================== < L A N G _ X X _ T E S T S > ========================== ]]

--[[ -------------------------- < I T A L I C > --------------------------

- 'yes',
- 'no',
- 'invert',
- 'italic',
- present but not set,
- invalid 'whatever',
- parameter not present.

|italic=yes or |italic=no overrides every other parameter that might set the rendered text's font.


function p:test_06_lang_xx_italic()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|italic=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|italic=', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text}}',

--[[ -------------------------- < I T A L I C _ W I T H _ S C R I P T > --------------------------

Tests module parameter |italic=yes and |italic=no when |script=arab or |script=latn is set.

|italic=yes should override whatever |script= might say.

The value assigned to |script= shall be appended to the language code; for |script=arab the module shall add
dir="rtl" to the text's enclosing <span> and insert the &lrm; marker.


function p:test_07_lang_xx_italic_with_script()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|italic=yes|script=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|italic=yes|script=', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|italic=no|script=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|italic=no|script=', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < S C R I P T > --------------------------

Tests module parameter |script=arab and |script=latn with |italic= preset but not set and |italic= not present.

|script=arab shall not italicize text.
|script=latn shall italicize text.

The value assigned to |script= shall be appended to the language code; for |script=arab the module shall add
dir="rtl" to the text's enclosing <span> and insert the &lrm; marker.

There is no {{lang}} version of this test because {{lang}} has no need for separate |script=, |region=, and |variant=
parameters - those subtags can all be added to the IETF language code in the template's first positional parameter ({{{1}}}).


function p:test_08_lang_xx_script()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|italic=|script=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|italic=|script=', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|script=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|script=', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < R T L > --------------------------

Tests module parameter |rtl= with values 'yes', 'no', present but not set, and the invalid 'whatever'.
There is a separate test for the parameter not present.

|rtl=yes adds dir="rtl" to the text's enclosing <span> and inserts the &lrm; marker.


function p:test_09_lang_xx_rtl()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|rtl=', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text=text|rtl=', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar|text}}',

--[[--------------------------< L A N G _ T R A N S L I T >------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tests various supported combinations of translit formats.


function p:test_10_lang_xx_translit()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|nocat=yes|', '}}',
			{'code=ar|rtl=yes|text=نص العنصر النائب|translit=nasu aleunsur alnnay'},
			{'code=ar|rtl=yes|text=نص العنصر النائب|translit=nasu aleunsur alnnay|translit-script=Arab'},
			{'code=ar|rtl=yes|text=نص العنصر النائب|translit=nasu aleunsur alnnay|translit-std=DIN'},
			{'code=ar|rtl=yes|text=نص العنصر النائب|translit=nasu aleunsur alnnay|translit-std=ALA'},
			{'code=ar|text=نص العنصر النائب|translit=nasu aleunsur alnnay|translit-std=DIN|translit-script=arab'},
			{'code=gem|text=test|translit=ʿarabī|translation=Arabic'},			-- not valid translations, the test is here to see the link with a collective lagnauge
			{'code=ath|text=test|translit=ʿarabī|translation=Arabic'},			-- not valid translations, the test is here to see the link with a collective lagnauge
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[--------------------------< L I N K _ A N D _ L A B E L >------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tests various supported combinations of |link= and |label= combinations.


function p:test_11_lang_xx_link_and_label()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|nocat=yes|', '}}',
			{'code=uk|морити голодом|lit=to kill by starvation|translit=moryty holodom|label=none'},
			{'code=uk|морити голодом|lit=to kill by starvation|translit=moryty holodom|label=none|link=no'},
			{'code=ff|text=test|translit=something|translit-script=Adlm|label=test label'},
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < I N V E R T _ I T A L I C S > --------------------------

Tests text ouput with |italic=invert set.


function p:test_12_lang_xx_invert_italics()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|code=ar', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ ========================== < T R A N S L _ T E S T S > ========================== ]]

--[[ -------------------------- < T R A N S L _ F O R M A T S > --------------------------

Tests various supported combinations of translit formats.


function p:test_13_transl_formats()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|transl|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|transl|nocat=yes|', '}}',
			-- language with transliteration standard (std) tests:
			{'ja|iso|test'}, -- get code value:			x (y language) transliteration
			{'kana|iso|test'}, -- get script value:		x (y script) transliteration
			{'oto|iso|test'}, -- get default value:		x transliteration

			-- code or script found in "no_std" tests:
			-- TODO: no current code example {'???|test'}, -- no_std code:
			{'xsux|test'}, -- no_std script:			x transliteration (whatever the override value is)

			-- translit-script tests:
			{'Cyrl|š'}, -- script:						x-script transliteration

			-- no translit-script or std tests:
			{'ar|test'}, -- romanization:				x-language romanization
			{'oto|test'}, -- romanization collective:	x languages romanization
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < I T A L I C S > --------------------------

Tests module parameter |italic= with values 'yes', 'no', present but not set, default, unset, and the invalid 'whatever'.
There is a separate test for the parameter not present.


function p:test_14_transl_italics()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|transl|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|transl|nocat=yes|', '}}',
			{'ar|nasu aleunsur alnnayib|italic='},
			{'ar|nasu aleunsur alnnayib|italic=yes'},
			{'ar|nasu aleunsur alnnayib|italic=no'},
			{'ar|nasu aleunsur alnnayib|italic=default'},
			{'ar|nasu aleunsur alnnayib|italic=whatever'},
			{'ar|nasu \'\'aleunsur\'\' alnnayib|italic=unset'},
			{'Arab|nasu \'\'aleunsur\'\' alnnayib|italic=unset'},
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ ========================== < C A T E G O R Y _ F R O M _ T A G _ T E S T S > ========================== ]]

--[[ -------------------------- < C A T E G O R Y _ F R O M _ T A G > --------------------------

Returns category links from IETF tags.

A complete list of valid tests can be found here:
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-1 category from tag
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-1 category from tag (A–H)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-2 category from tag (I–N)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-3 category from tag (O–Z)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639 deprecated and override category from tag


function p:test_15_category_from_tag()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|category_from_tag|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|category_from_tag|nocat=yes|', '}}',

--[[ ========================== < N A M E _ F R O M _ T A G _ T E S T S > ========================== ]]

--[[ -------------------------- < N A M E _ F R O M _ T A G > --------------------------

Returns language names from IETF tags.

A complete list of valid tests can be found here:
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-1 name from tag
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-1 name from tag (A–H)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-2 name from tag (I–N)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-3 name from tag (O–Z)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639 deprecated and override name from tag


function p:test_16_name_from_tag()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|name_from_tag|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|name_from_tag|nocat=yes|', '}}',

--[[ ========================== < T A G _ F R O M _ N A M E _ T E S T S > ========================== ]]

--[[ -------------------------- < T A G _ F R O M _ N A M E > --------------------------

Returns language IETF tags from language names.

A complete list of valid tests can be found here:
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-1 tag from name
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-1 tag from name (A–H)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-2 tag from name (I–N)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-3 tag from name (O–Z)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639 deprecated and override tag from name


function p:test_17_tag_from_name()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|tag_from_name|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|tag_from_name|nocat=yes|', '}}',
			{'Berber languages'},
			{'British English'},

--[[ ========================== < I S _ I E T F _ T A G _ T E S T S > ========================== ]]

--[[ -------------------------- < I S _ I E T F _ T A G > --------------------------

Returns true if valid IETF tag.


function p:test_18_is_ietf_tag()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|is_ietf_tag|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|is_ietf_tag|nocat=yes|', '}}',
			{'Berber Languages'},
			{'Berber languages'},
			{'British English'},

--[[ ========================== < I S _ L A N G _ N A M E _ T E S T S > ========================== ]]

--[[ -------------------------- < I S _ L A N G _ N A M E > --------------------------

Returns true if valid language name.


function p:test_19_is_lang_name()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|is_lang_name|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|is_lang_name|nocat=yes|', '}}',
			{'Berber Languages'},
			{'Berber languages'},
			{'British English'},

--[[ ========================== < E R R O R S > ========================== ]]

--[[--------------------------< L A N G _ E R R O R S >------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lang errors.


function p:test_20_lang_errors()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang|nocat=yes|', '}}',
			{''},								-- no text
			{'fr'},								-- no text
			{'text=text'},						-- missing language tag
			{'fr|code=fr|text'},				-- conflicting |1= and |code=			
			{'fr|text|text=text'},				-- conflicting |2= and |text=
			{'proto=proto-y-bad|text=text'},	-- invalid |proto=
			{'fr|\'\'italics\'\''},				-- text has italic markup
			{'fr|text={{lang|fr|text=text}}'},	-- text already uses lang attribute
			{'fr|malformed\'\'\'\'\'\''},		-- text has malformed markup
			{'1ca|text'},						-- unrecognized language tag: 1ca
			{'zz|text'},						-- unrecognized language code
			{'glg|text'},						-- code: glg promoted to code: gl
			{'iw|text'},						-- code: iw is deprecated
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < L A N G _ X X _ E R R O R S > --------------------------

Lang-xx errors.


function p:test_21_lang_xx_errors()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|lang_xx_inherit|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|lang_xx_inherit|nocat=yes|', '}}',
			{''},													-- no text
			{'code=fr'},											-- no text
			{'text=text'},											-- missing language tag
			{'code=fr|text|text=text'},								-- conflicting {{{1}}} and |text=
			{'code=fr|text|translit|translit=translit'},			-- conflicting {{{2}}} and |translit=
			{'code=fr|text|lit|lit=lit'},							-- conflicting {{{3}}} and |lit= or |translation=
			{'code=fr|text|translation|translation=translation'},	-- conflicting {{{3}}} and |lit= or |translation=
			{'code=fr|text|lit=lit|translation=translation'},		-- conflicting |lit= and |translation=
			{'code=fr|{{lang|fr|text}}'},							-- text already uses lang attribute
			{'code=fr-Latn|script=Latn|text'},						-- redundant script tag
			{'code=fr|script=nonsense|text'},						-- unrecognized script: nonsense for code fr
			{'code=ar|script=Arab|text'},							-- script: script: arab not supported for code: ar
			{'code=en-US|region=US|text'},							-- redundant region tag
			{'code=de-XL|text'},									-- unrecognized region: xl for code de
			{'code=de-1901|variant=1901|text'},						-- redundant variant tag
			{'code=de-19022|text'},									-- unrecognized variant: 19022
			{'code=de|script=Armn|variant=1901|text'},				-- unrecognized variant: 1901 for code-script pair: de-armn
			{'code=en|variant=1901|text'},							-- unrecognized variant: 1901 for code: en
			{'code=es-x-419|text'},									-- unrecognized private tag: 419
			{'code=ar|rtl=yes|نص العنصر النائب|nasu aleunsur alnnayib|translit-std=bob'}, --invalid |translit-std=: bob
			{'code=ar|text=نص العنصر النائب|translit=nasu aleunsur alnnay|translit-std=DIN|translit-script=ar'}, -- invalid |translit-script= value
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < T R A N S L _ E R R O R S > --------------------------

Transl errors.


function p:test_22_transl_errors()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|transl|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|transl|nocat=yes|', '}}',
			{'Arab|nasu \'\'aleunsur\'\' alnnayib|italic=yes|italics=no'},
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < C A T E G O R Y _ F R O M _ T A G _ E R R O R S > --------------------------

category_from_tag errors.


function p:test_23_category_from_tag_errors()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|category_from_tag|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|category_from_tag|nocat=yes|', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < N A M E _ F R O M _ T A G _ E R R O R S > --------------------------

name_from_tag errors.

A complete list of valid tests can be found here:
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-1 name from tag
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-1 name from tag (A–H)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-2 name from tag (I–N)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-3 name from tag (O–Z)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639 deprecated and override name from tag


function p:test_24_name_from_tag_errors()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|name_from_tag|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|name_from_tag|nocat=yes|', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})

--[[ -------------------------- < T A G _ F R O M _ N A M E _ E R R O R S > --------------------------

tag_from_name errors.

A complete list of valid tests can be found here:
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-1 tag from name
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-1 tag from name (A–H)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-2 tag from name (I–N)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639-3-3 tag from name (O–Z)
* Module:Lang/testcases/ISO 639 deprecated and override tag from name


function p:test_25_tag_from_name_errors()
	self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Lang/sandbox|tag_from_name|nocat=yes|', '}}', '{{#invoke:Lang|tag_from_name|nocat=yes|', '}}',
		}, {nowiki=1})

return p