User:深鸣/Windows 1.0

Windows 1.0
Microsoft Windows操作系统的一个版本
作業系統家族Microsoft Windows
当前版本1.04 / 1987年4月,​37年前​(1987-04
后一代Windows 2.0 (1987年)

Windows 1.0 is the first major release of Microsoft Windows, a family of graphical operating systems for personal computers developed by Microsoft. It was first released to manufacturing in the United States on November 20, 1985, while the European version was released as Windows 1.02 in May 1986.

Its development began after the Microsoft co-founder and spearhead of Windows 1.0, Bill Gates, saw a demonstration of a similar software suite, Visi On, at COMDEX in 1982. The operating environment was showcased to the public in November 1983, although it ended up being released two years later. Windows 1.0 runs on MS-DOS, as a 16-bit shell program known as MS-DOS Executive, and it provides an environment which can run graphical programs designed for Windows, as well as existing MS-DOS software. It introduced multitasking and the use of the mouse, and various built-in programs such as Calculator, Paint, and Notepad. The operating environment does not allow its windows to overlap, and instead, the windows are tiled. Windows 1.0 received four releases numbered 1.01 through 1.04, mainly adding support for newer hardware or additional languages.

The system received lukewarm reviews; critics raised concerns about not fulfilling expectations, its compatibility with very little software, and its performance issues, while it has also received positive responses to Microsoft's early presentations and support from a number of hardware- and software-makers. Its last release was 1.04, and it was succeeded by Windows 2.0, which was released in December 1987. Microsoft ended its support for Windows 1.0 on December 31, 2001, making it the longest-supported out of all versions of Windows.


A Microsoft Windows 1.0 brochure which was published in January 1986
1986年1月发行的Windows 1.0宣传册封面

早在1981年,微软就有开发基于位图图形用户界面的计划。[1]1982年的计算机经销商博览会上,微软的联合创始人比尔·盖茨看到了Visi On英语Visi On的演示,这是由VisiCorp英语VisiCorp开发的一套用于IBM PC兼容机的图形用户界面软件套件。这启发微软开发自己的图形界面。[2][3]一年后,微软得知苹果公司的图形用户界面——同样是基于位图,并且借用了施乐公司的研究成果——有了长足的进展,因此意识到自己的产品需要有独特之处。[1]1983年8月,比尔·盖茨招募了斯科特·A·麦格雷戈英语Scott A. McGregor作为新图形界面的开发团队负责人,他是施乐之星英语Xerox Star视窗系统的关键开发人员之一。[4][5][6]在视窗系统开发前,这套图形界面被简单地称为「界面管理器」(Interface Manager)。[7][8]麦格雷戈将自己先前开发的视窗系统称为「Windows」,同时微软营销副总裁罗兰·汉森英语Rowland Hanson也提议使用「Windows」这一名称:该词在软件中频繁出现;同时该词在英语中很常用,因此当媒体提及该产品时,必须在前加上公司名称「Microsoft」以避免混淆,这样能够提高微软的知名度。比尔·盖茨接受了这个意见,将该产品命名为Windows[9][10][11]

1983年9月,微软首次向媒体展示了窗口管理器,其用户界面类似于Multiplan以及其他当时的微软应用,屏幕底端有命令栏;同时还能够同时显示多个应用程序窗口,既可以堆叠排列英语Stacking window manager,也可以平铺排列英语Tiling window manager[12]这个用户界面概念很快被重新设计,只支持平铺窗口,并将类似Multiplan的命令栏更改为标题栏下的菜单栏。[13]许多观点认为,微软做出这一决定是为了避免与Classic Mac OS雷同。[11][14]不过根据微软工作人员坦迪·特罗尔英语Tandy Trower的说法,这可能只是早期项目经理的偏好。[14][15]重新设计后的环境在1983年11月的秋季计算机经销商博览会上首次公开亮相。[13]最初,微软将这款软件称为MS-DOS 2.0设备驱动程序,需要192KB内存和两个软盘驱动器。当运行「行为良好」(仅使用MS-DOS的系统调用)的程序时,Windows能够同时处理多个平铺窗口的任务;当运行「行为不良」(不使用MS-DOS的系统调用,而是直接操作硬件地址以控制硬件)的程序时,Windows会让其全屏运行。通过这种方式,Windows能够运行MS-DOS中的应用程序。这让Windows从Visi On和Apple Lisa中脱颖而出。同时,与Visi On不同,Windows开发人员不需要使用Unix开发IBM PC应用程序。微软计划在第三方应用程序中不再强制要求使用微软的用户界面,以鼓励其他公司(包括竞争对手)开发Windows程序。[12]

一些MS-DOS计算机制造商(包括康柏增你智英语Zenith Data Systems迪吉多)和软件公司(包括阿什顿-泰特英语Ashton-Tate莲花)承诺提供对Windows的支持。[13]1983年12月,《BYTE英语Byte (magazine)》杂志在预览Windows后,称其「似乎提供了非凡的开放性、可重新配置性、可移植性,以及合适的硬件要求和定价……除非其他公司推出让人惊喜的产品,否则Windows将优先在大范围内测试桌面比拟这一概念。」[12]Windows刚诞生时,比尔·盖茨就将其视为微软的未来。他在1984年4月告诉《InfoWorld英语InfoWorld》杂志:「我们公司的战略和资源完全倾向于Windows,就像我们专注于MS-DOS和Xenix之类的操作系统内核一样。我们也强调,只有充分利用Windows的应用程序才能长期保持竞争力。」[16]IBM并未出现在支持硬件制造商的名单中。[13]IBM最初拒绝在其销售的设备上预装Windows,转而开发自己的产品TopView英语IBM TopView[15]微软称Windows与TopView不同,强调其目的不是多任务处理,而是「让计算机成为内存占用较少且图形丰富的环境」。[17]到了1984年末,Windows、TopView、数字研究公司Graphics Environment Manager英语Graphics Environment Manager这三款视窗系统间存在竞争,有媒体称之为「视窗之战」(War of the Windows)。[17]麦格雷戈于1985年1月离开团队后,史蒂夫·鲍尔默接替了他的位置。[15]后来,微软说服IBM需要图形用户界面,[1]两家公司联合开发OS/2,并于1987年12月完成了初代版本,旨在取代MS-DOS和Windows。[18][19]



  • 1985年11月20日,微软发布了首个零售版本Windows 1.01,面向美国市场销售,售价为99美元(2023年约合280美元)。[14][21]
  • 1986年5月,微软发布了Windows 1.02,主要针对欧洲市场,该版本增加了对其他语言的支持。[20][22]
  • 1986年8月,微软发布了Windows 1.03,其包含了一些增强功能,包括支持非美国键盘[23]、添加一些显示器打印机驱动程序,从而取代了美国的1.01版本和欧洲的1.02版本,使得国际版本保持一致。[24]
  • 1987年4月,微软发布了Windows 1.04,其增加了对IBM PS/2的支持。[20][25]

Windows 1.0于2001年12月31日终止支持,[26]是迄今为止得到支持时间最长的Windows版本。[27]


Windows 1.0本身并不是操作系统,而是图形应用程序环境。[14]其基于MS-DOS内核[28][29]16位外壳程序的形式在实模式下运行。[30][31]Windows 1.0允许多个程序同时运行,是多任务处理的早期想法。[14][32]各个程序窗口只能平铺在屏幕上,不能堆叠或重叠。程序中的内容会会自动调整大小以适应可用空间。[14]程序最小化后,其图标会出现在屏幕底部的水平线上,类似于现代的Windows任务栏[20]操作环境支持鼠标,用户能够使用鼠标在屏幕上单击。[14][33]与现代Windows操作系统不同,Windows 1.0中必须按住鼠标按钮才能显示所选菜单[20]

Windows 1.0包含简单的程序启动器和文件管理器——MS-DOS Executive,在其中打开.exe可执行文件将启动应用程序窗口。[14]Windows 1.0也附带了计算器画图记事本书写器终端、时钟、卡片档案英语Cardfile等程序。[21][34]系统中还包含RAMDrive(用于管理存储卡,突破内存限制)、剪贴板、打印后台处理程序等实用程序[21]Windows 1.0内置了《黑白棋》这一依赖于鼠标控制的电子游戏,旨在让用户学习如何移动鼠标以及单击屏幕元素;[35]同时,《权力平衡》可能是唯一一款在Windows 1.0上发行的商业游戏。[14]Windows 1.0引入了控制面板,能够配置环境功能。[8]由于Windows的向下兼容性,现代Windows上很有可能能够直接执行Windows 1.0的二进制程序,并且仅需做很少修改即可将源代码重新编译为功能相同的「现代」应用程序。[36]

Windows 1.0还包含三个动态链接库,分别为KERNEL.EXE、USER.EXE、GDI.EXE。[37]其中KERNEL.EXE包含了诸如任务处理、内存管理文件输入和输出等功能,USER.EXE提供了用户界面接口,GDI.EXE提供了图形设备接口[38][39]Windows 1.0 SDK中包含了这些文件的调试版本,可以用来替换安装盘上的相应文件。[40](pp. 13,200)安装程序合并了多个系统文件,以便加快启动速度。使用Windows 1.0 SDK提供的调试版本KERNEL.EXE,可以创建Windows 1.0的「慢启动」版本,其系统文件是分开的。[41]Windows 1.0可以移动内存中的程序代码和数据段,以允许程序共享位于动态链接库中的代码和数据;[42]同时能够按需将代码从磁盘中加载,并在内存不足时将其丢弃。[31]

2022年3月,有人在Windows 1.0中发现了彩蛋:一个隐藏的对话框,包含Windows 1.0的开发人员列表以及欢迎语「恭喜!」(Congrats!)。[43][44]


Windows 1.0的官方系统要求如下:

Windows 1.01[45][46][47] Windows 1.02[48] Windows 1.03[45][47] Windows 1.04[45][47]
处理器 Intel 8088
内存 256 KB 320 KB
存储 两个双面软盘驱动器或一个硬盘驱动器
系统 MS-DOS 2.0 MS-DOS 2.0及更高版本
鼠标 建议使用Microsoft兼容的定点设备,但非必需

在最低系统要求的基础上,微软还发布了一份说明,建议在使用多个应用程序或DOS 3.3时增加内存。[49]


Windows 1.0 was released to lukewarm and mixed reviews.[14][50] Critics considered the platform to have future potential but felt that Windows 1.0 had not fulfilled expectations and that it could not compete with Apple's GUI operating system.[33] It was also criticized for its slowness and compatibility with very little software.[51] Reviews criticized its demanding system requirements, especially noting the poor performance experienced when running multiple applications at once, and that Windows encouraged the use of a mouse for navigation, a relatively new concept at the time.[2] The New York Times compared the performance of Windows on a system with 512 KB of RAM to "pouring molasses in the Arctic" and that its design was inflexible for keyboard users due to its dependency on a mouse-oriented interface. In conclusion, the Times felt that the poor performance, lack of dedicated software, uncertain compatibility with DOS programs, and the lack of tutorials for new users made DOS-based software such as Borland Sidekick (which could provide a similar assortment of accessories and multitasking functionality) more desirable for most PC users.[49]

According to Computerworld magazine, Windows 1.0 received 500,000 sales from its release in 1985 up to April 1987.[52][53] In retrospect, Windows 1.0 was regarded as a flop by contemporary technology publications, who, however, still acknowledged its overall importance to the history of the Windows line.[2][54][55] Nathaniel Borenstein (who went on to develop the MIME standards) and his IT team at Carnegie Mellon University were also critical of Windows when it was first presented to them by a group of Microsoft representatives. Underestimating the future impact of the platform, he believed that in comparison to an in-house window manager, "these guys came in with this pathetic and naïve system. We just knew they were never going to accomplish anything."[56] The Verge considered the poor reception towards the release of Windows 8 in 2012 as a parallel to Microsoft's struggles with early versions of Windows. In a similar fashion to Windows 1.0 running atop MS-DOS as a layer, Windows 8 offered a new type of interface and software geared towards an emerging form of human interface device on PCs, in this case, a touchscreen, running atop the legacy Windows shell used by previous versions.[2]

A mock version of Windows 1.0 was created by Microsoft as an app for Windows 10 as part of a tie-in with the Netflix show, Stranger Things, aligned with the release of the show's third season, which takes place during 1985.[57]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Alsop, Stewart II. Microsoft Windows: Eclectism in UI (PDF). P.C. Letter. 1988-01-18, 4 (2): 6–7 [2017-11-23]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-03-08) (英语). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Hollister, Sean. Revisiting Windows 1.0: how Microsoft's first desktop gracefully failed. The Verge. Vox Media. 2012-11-20 [2017-01-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-01) (美国英语). 
  3. ^ Gee, Sue. Microsoft Windows Announced 40 Years Ago. I Programmer. 2023-11-12 [2024-04-29]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-09) (英语). 
  4. ^ Wallace, James; Erickson, Jim. Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire. Harper Business. 1993-06-01: 253–255. ISBN 978-0887306297 (英语). Earlier this August day [Bill Gates] had flown from Seattle to San Francisco to personally handle the recruitment of MacGregor for the Windows team. […] MacGregor, prematurely bald with a scholarly air about him, headed a small software engineering team that helped create the windowing system for the Xerox Star. […] MacGregor visited Microsoft a couple of times before he agreed to sign on to head the new Windows engineering team. 
  5. ^ Hey, Tony; Pápay, Gyuri. The Computing Universe: A Journey Through a Revolution. Cambridge University Press. 2014-12-08: 157. ISBN 9781316123225 (英语). 
  6. ^ Caruso, Denise. An Update on Windows: Developers to get package later this month. InfoWorld英语InfoWorld. Vol. 6 no. 19. 1984-05-07: 52 [2020-06-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-18) (美国英语). 
  7. ^ Hanson, Rowland. Windows is named Windows: But Why?. The HMC Company. [2019-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-28) (英语). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 A Brief History of Microsoft Windows. Informit: 2. 2009-08-03 [2022-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-19) (英语). 
  9. ^ Erickson, James Wallace; Jim. Hard drive : Bill Gates and the making of the Microsoft empire需要免费注册 1. New York: HarperBusiness. 1993: 242–245. ISBN 978-0887306297 (英语). 
  10. ^ Edwards, Benj. Why Is Windows Called Windows?. How-To Geek. 2022-02-07 [2024-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-16) (英语). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 SUNTRISE. PlatyHsu , 编. Windows 设计史(一):从青涩到成熟(Windows 1.0—95). 少数派. 2024-05-06 [2024-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-06) (中文(中国大陆)). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Lemmons, Phil. Microsoft Windows: A mouse with modest requirements. BYTE英语BYTE. Vol. 8 no. 12 (McGraw-Hill). 1983-12: 48–54 (美国英语). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Markoff, John. Microsoft Does Windows. InfoWorld英语InfoWorld (Menlo Park, CA: Popular Computing). 1983-11-21, 5 (47): 32–36. ISSN 0199-6649 (美国英语). 
  14. ^ 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 Edwards, Benj. 35 Years of Microsoft Windows: Remembering Windows 1.0. How-To Geek. 2021-08-24 [2022-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-05) (美国英语). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Trower, Tandy. The Secret Origin of Windows. Technologizer. 2010-03-09 [2022-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-25) (美国英语). 
  16. ^ Caruso, Denise. Company Strategies Boomerang. InfoWorld. 1984-04-02: 80–83 [2015-02-10]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-16) (英语). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Rosch, Winn L. The Curtain Rises On The War of the Windows. PC Magazine. 1984-12-25: 33 [2013-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-04) (美国英语). 
  18. ^ McCracken, Harry. 25 Years of IBM’s OS/2: The Strange Days and Surprising Afterlife of a Legendary Operating System. Time. 2012-04-02 [2024-04-28]. ISSN 0040-781X. (原始内容存档于2022-11-28) (美国英语). 
  19. ^ Farrell, Nick. NMSU shuts down ancient OS/2 archive. 2024-01-30 [2024-04-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-08) (英国英语). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 Hofer, Marc. Windows to the world: a brief history of this popular user interface. Media Informatics and Human-Computer Interaction Groups of the Department of Informatics of the University of Munich. 2004-12-16 [2022-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-02) (英语). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Windows 1.0 to 10: The changing face of Microsoft's landmark OS. ZDNet. 2015-11-19 [2022-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-16) (英语). 
  22. ^ Vaughan-Nichols, Steven J. Should your business upgrade to Windows 11?. Computerworld. 2021-06-29 [2022-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-08) (英语). 
  23. ^ Johnsen, Niels. Microsoft Windows 1.0 frigives. go64. 2019-11-25 [2022-06-04]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-25) (丹麦语). Frigivet i August 1986 og var den første version som indeholdt driver til andre keyboard en US modellerne. 
  24. ^ Microsoft, Windows 1.03: Windows 1.03.7z\D6_Write.img\README.txt, 1986-08-24 [2024-04-29] (英语), A number of additional device drivers have been added […] Version 1.03 of Windows supports all of the features of and replaces both the 1.01 version of Windows shipped in the US, and the 1.02 version shipped in Europe. 
  25. ^ Petzold, Charles. OS/2: Multitasking DOS Slated for '88. PC Magazine. Vol. 6 (Ziff Davis, Inc.). 1987-05-26: 38 [2022-06-04]. ISSN 0888-8507. (原始内容存档于2024-05-10) (英语). 
  26. ^ Bott, Ed. 30 years of Windows: 10 milestones that changed the face of computing. ZDNet. 2015-11-20 [2024-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-12) (英语). 
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  29. ^ Gibbs, Samuel. From Windows 1 to Windows 10: 29 years of Windows evolution. The Guardian. 2014-10-02 [2022-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-14) (英语). 
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  32. ^ O'Regan, Gerard. Introduction to the history of computing: a computing history primer. Switzerland. 2016: 220. ISBN 978-3-319-33138-6. OCLC 953036113. 
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  34. ^ Bangia, Ramesh; Singh, Balvir. Operating Systems and Software Diagnostics. Firewall Media. 2007: 17. ISBN 978-8131802250 (英语). 
  35. ^ PC Games Introduced with each Windows Release. Wizard IT. 2021-09-17 [2022-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-04) (英国英语). 
  36. ^ Getting ready for Windows 95. PC Magazine 14 (9) (Ziff Davis, Inc.). 1995-05-16: 150 [2022-04-16]. ISSN 0888-8507. (原始内容存档于2022-06-04) (英语). 
  37. ^ Petzold, Charles. Windows 1.0 and the Applications of Tomorrow. Charles Petzold. 2005-11-07 [2022-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2005-11-24) (英语). 
  38. ^ Petzold, Charles. Programming Windows 95. Charles Petzold 4. Redmond, Wash.: Microsoft Press. 1996: 87. ISBN 1-55615-676-6. OCLC 33947413 (英语). 
  39. ^ McFedries, Paul. Microsoft Windows Vista Unveiled. Sams Publishing. 2006: 66. ISBN 0132715368 (英语). 
  40. ^ Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit: Programmer's Utility Guide Version 1.03. Microsoft Corporation. 1986. 
  41. ^ Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Version 1.03, Microsoft Corporation, README.TXT, 1986 (英语) 
  42. ^ Petzold, Charles. Windows and PM: Friendly Companions or Deadly Competitors?. PC Magazine 8 (Ziff Davis, Inc.). 1989-12-12: 330 [2022-04-23]. ISSN 0888-8507 (英语). 
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  45. ^ 45.0 45.1 45.2 Windows Version History. Support 4.0. Microsoft. 2011-09-23. (原始内容存档于2006-11-07). 
  46. ^ Deffree, Suzanne. Microsoft ships Windows 1.0, November 20, 1985. EDN. 2019-11-20 [2022-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-06) (美国英语). 
  47. ^ 47.0 47.1 47.2 Fast, Faster, Fastest: Selecting and Displaying Fonts in Windows NT. PC Magazine 13 (12) (Ziff Davis, Inc.). 1994-06-28: 267 [2022-04-16]. ISSN 0888-8507. 
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