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User:HarPS1aL-BBH/General Liu rifle

A sample from the Swedish Army Museum, manufactured in 1915
类型Semi-automatic / Straight-pull bolt action rifle
原产地Republic of China (1912–49)
研发者General Qing En Liu[1][2]
研发日期ca. 1914
生产商Hanyang Arsenal,[1][2] Pratt & Whitney Machine Tool
生产日期1914 - 1918
重量4.7公斤(10 磅 6 oz) empty
长度122.5 cm(48.2英寸)
槍管长度64.7 cm(25.5英寸)

子彈7.9x57mm S-Patrone[1]
口徑7.92 mm
枪机Gas operated, rotating bolt[3]
槍口初速780 m/s (2300 ft/s)[1]
供弹方式Integral magazine, 6 round capacity[1]
瞄具Rear: Ladder graduated 400-2000 m[1]
Front: Blade

[[Category:半自動步槍]] [[Category:中华民国武器]] [[Category:中國二戰槍械]]

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Shih, Bin; Stan Zielinski. The First Chinese Semi-Automatic Rifle by General Liu Qing En. Military Rifle Journal. 2004 [27 January 2014]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Hanyang Arsenal and Its Place in Chinese History. [28 January 2014].  Authors list列表中的|first1=缺少|last1= (帮助)
  3. ^ Hatcher, Julian S. The Book of the Garand. Washington: Infantry Journal Press. 1948: 21–22.