

洗衣膠囊(或稱洗衣球) 是裝高濃縮 洗衣劑柔軟劑和其他洗衣產品的水溶性. Notable brands of these packs include Arm & Hammer, Purex, 寶瀅 and 汰漬.[1] They first became popular in February 2012 when they were introduced by Procter & Gamble as Tide Pods.

根据市场研究机构尼尔森(Nielsen NV)的数据, 洗衣粉盒每年约占美国洗衣粉市场70亿美元销售额的15%。 洗衣房广告是通过精确测量负荷来减少粉状和液体洗涤剂浪费的一种方法。 对于大负载,大多数品牌建议使用两个吊舱,而潮汐建议最多三个吊舱。 对于相同的衣物负荷,洗涤剂盒的成本要比液体洗涤剂高得多。 [2] [3] [[Category:包裝]] [[Category:洗衣粉]]

  1. ^ Laundry detergent pods remain a health hazard. Consumer Reports. March 2013 [11 November 2014]. 
  2. ^ Tide's Answer To Slumping Sales? Use More Detergent Pods!. Consumerist. 2016-06-08 [2016-11-12]. 
  3. ^ Ziobro, Paul; Terlep, Sharon. Three Tide Pods a Wash? Procter & Gamble Pushes More Doses. Wall Street Journal. 2016-06-08 [2016-11-12]. ISSN 0099-9660.