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  • 沃伦·安德森(Warren M. Anderson),91岁,美国立法者,纽约州参议院临时议长和多数党领袖(1973-1989)。[1]
  • 扬·贝内斯,71岁,捷克作家、翻译、公关人员和编剧,自杀。[2]
  • Kasma Booty,75岁,马来西亚女演员,肺炎。[3]
  • 约翰·吉尔摩爵士,94岁,英国保守党东法夫议员(1961-1979)和法夫中尉(1980-1987)。[4]
  • 查理斯·詹森(Charles Johnson),58岁,美国篮球运动员,癌症。[5]
  • 查理斯·金吉德(Charles Kinkead),93岁,牙买加摄影记者,中风。[6]
  • 帕梅拉·洛(Pamela Low),79岁,美国调味师,为Cap'n Crunch设计了涂层。[7]
  • Marly de Oliveira,71岁,巴西诗人,Prêmio Jabuti奖获得者(1998年),多器官衰竭。[8]
  • Arn Shein,78岁,美国体育作家。[9]
  • 戴夫·斯莫利(Dave Smalley),72岁,美国海军学院男子和女子篮球队的美国教练,癌症并发症。[10]
  • 托尼·汤普森(Tony Thompson),31岁,R&B乐队Hi-Five的美国主唱,有毒吸入氟利昂。[11]
  • 山姆·贝克(Sam Baker),76岁,美式橄榄球运动员,糖尿病并发症。[40]
  • Gert-Jan Dröge,64岁,荷兰电视名人,肺癌。[41]
  • Povel Ramel,85岁,瑞典艺术家、歌手、钢琴家、喜剧演员、演员、作家。[42]
  • Jean Vollum,80岁,美国慈善家,泰克创始人霍华德·沃伦(Howard Vollum)的遗孀,充血性心力衰竭。[43]
  • 吉伯特·古德(Gilbert Gude),84岁,美国马里兰州众议员(1967-1977),心力衰竭。[51]
  • Michael Hamburger,83岁,德国出生的英国诗人、翻译家、评论家。[52]
  • 萨哈尔·海德里(Sahar Hussein al-Haideri),44岁,伊拉克记者,被枪杀。[53]
  • 弗兰基·亚伯纳西(Frankie Abernathy),25岁,《真实世界:圣地亚哥》的美国演员,囊性纤维化。[61]
  • 鲁道夫·阿恩海姆(Rudolf Arnheim),102岁,德国出生的美国作家、心理学家、电影和视觉艺术理论家。[62]
  • 洛恩·卡尔(Lorne Carr),96岁,加拿大冰球运动员(纽约游骑兵队,多伦多枫叶队)。[63]
  • Eddie Crush,90岁,英国板球运动员(肯特)(1946-1949)。[64][65]
  • 比尔·埃利斯(Bill Ellis),87岁,英国板球运动员(诺丁汉郡)。[66]
  • 柯克福德的尤因男爵哈里·尤因(Harry Ewing , Baron Ewing of Kirkford),76岁,英国工党政治家,癌症。[67]
  • 罗伯·古德(Rob Goode),80岁,华盛顿红皮队的美式橄榄球运动员。[68]
  • Achieng Oneko,87岁,肯亚自由斗士和政治家,心脏病发作。[69][70]
  • 奥斯曼·森贝纳(Ousmane Sembène),84岁,塞内加尔电影导演、制片人和作家,长期患病。[71]
  • 文子正,110岁,中国出生的俄罗斯东正教高级神职人员。[72]
  • 伦纳德·威廉姆斯(Leonard E. H. Williams),87岁,英国二战喷火战斗机飞行员和商人。[73]
  • August H. Auer Jr.,67岁,美国出生的新西兰大气科学家和气象学家,心脏病发作。[74]
  • George Burrarrawanga,50岁,澳大利亚歌手(Warumpi乐队)。[75]
  • 杰夫·厄兰格(Jeff Erlanger),36岁,美国残疾人权利活动家,窒息。[76]
  • 查理·哈珀(Charley Harper),84岁,美国野生动物艺术家,肺炎。[77]
  • 吉姆·基林斯沃思(Jim Killingsworth),83岁,美国大学篮球教练(爱达荷州,奥克拉荷马州,TCU),中风并发症。[78]
  • 劳伦斯·曼库索(Laurence Mancuso),72岁,美国新斯凯特僧侣协会(Monks of New Skete)的创始住持,因跌倒而受伤。[79]
  • 约翰·奥斯塔谢克(John Ostashek),71岁,加拿大育空地区党领袖(1992—1999年)和育空地区政府领导人(1992—1996年),癌症。[80][81]
  • Parviz Varjavand,73岁,伊朗考古学家,心力衰竭。[82]
  • 鲍比·比顿(Bobby Beaton),94岁,加拿大冰球运动员,职业拳击手和拳击裁判。[83]
  • Eamonn Coleman,59岁,北爱尔兰盖尔足球教练(Derry GAA),非霍奇金淋巴瘤。[84]
  • Vern Hoscheit,85岁,美国职业棒球大联盟牛棚教练。[85]
  • 雷·米尔斯(Ray Mears),80岁,田纳西大学志愿者队的美国篮球教练(1963-1977)。[86]
  • 马拉·鲍尔斯(Mala Powers),75岁,美国电影女演员(Cyrano de Bergerac,Outrage),白血病。[87]
  • 罗宾·比尔德(Robin Beard),67岁,田纳西州美国众议员(1973-1983),脑瘤。[120]
  • 杰克·杜汉(Jack Doohan),87岁,澳大利亚政治家,新南威尔士州立法委员会成员(1978-1991)。[121]
  • 诺曼·哈克曼(Norman Hackerman),95岁,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校和莱斯大学前校长,心脏病。[122]
  • 大阿亚图拉·法泽尔·兰卡拉尼,76岁,伊朗宗教领袖。[123]
  • 汤米·沃尔什(Thommie Walsh),57岁,美国舞蹈家(A Chorus Line)和托尼奖获奖编舞家,淋巴瘤。[124]
  • Lola Wasserstein,89岁,剧作家Wendy Wasserstein的美国母亲,她启发了她女儿的一些角色。[125]
  • 比尔·巴伯(Bill Barber),87岁,美国爵士大号演奏家,曾与迈尔斯·大卫斯(Miles Davis)和约翰·科尔特兰(John Coltrane)一起演奏,心力衰竭。[136]
  • 维尔玛·埃斯平,77岁,古巴妇女联合会主席、代理总统劳尔·卡斯特罗的古巴妻子。[137]
  • 肯尼斯·佛兰克林(Kenneth Franklin),84岁,海登天文馆的美国天文学家。[138]
  • 林同骅,96岁,中国工程师,设计了中国第一架双引擎飞机,心力衰竭。[139]
  • 伯纳德·曼宁(Bernard Manning),76岁,英国喜剧演员,肾衰竭。[140]
  • Hank Medress,68岁,美国歌手(The Tokens),The Chiffons和Tony Orlando和Dawn的制作人,肺癌。[141]
  • 乔治·瑟斯顿(Georges Thurston),55岁,加拿大作家和作曲家,被称为“Boule Noire”(非洲裔),结直肠癌。[142]
  • Cheves Walling,91岁,美国有机化学家。[143]
  • 纳齐克·马莱卡(Nazik Al-Malaika),84岁,伊拉克诗人,年老。[154]
  • 鲁迪·奥蒂奥(Rudy Autio),80岁,美国雕塑家,白血病。[155]
  • Shayne Bower,42岁,加拿大职业摔跤手,被称为“Biff Wellington”,心脏病发作。[156]
  • 杰里·弗雷什曼(Jerry Fleishman),85岁,美国篮球运动员(费城勇士队)。[157]
  • 安妮塔·古哈(Anita Guha),印度女演员,心力衰竭。[158]
  • J.B. Handelsman,85岁,《纽约客》的美国漫画家,肺癌。[159]
  • 玛格丽特·赫尔弗兰(Margaret Helfland),59岁,美国建筑师和城市规划师,结肠癌。[160]
  • 特雷弗·亨利(Trevor Henry),105岁,新西兰最高法院法官。[161]
  • Mamadou Konte,65岁,塞内加尔音乐制作人,Africa Fete音乐节和唱片公司创始人。[162]
  • Jim Shoulders,79岁,美国职业牛仔竞技名人堂成员,心脏病。[163]
  • Georg Danzer,60岁,奥地利歌手,肺癌。[164]
  • 鲍勃·埃文斯(Bob Evans),89岁,鲍勃·埃文斯(Bob Evans)餐厅的美国创始人,肺炎。[165]
  • 道格拉斯·希尔(Douglas Hill),72岁,加拿大作家。[166]
  • Peter Liba,67岁,加拿大曼尼托巴省副省长(1999-2004)。[167]
  • 卡洛斯·罗梅罗(Carlos Romero),80岁,美国演员(Falcon Crest,Soylent Green,The Professionals)。[168]
  • 马歇尔·舒尔曼(Marshall Shulman),91岁,美国苏联学家,在哥伦比亚大学创立了Averell Harriman研究所。[169]
  • 玛丽·艾伦·索尔特(Mary Ellen Solt),86岁,美国诗人和评论家,中风。[170]
  • Bernd Becher,75岁,德国摄影师,心脏手术并发症。[171]
  • 南希·贝努瓦(Nancy Benoit),43岁,美国职业摔跤手兼经理(WCW,ECW),勒死。 [172]
  • 埃莉诺·埃默里(Eleanor Emery),88岁,英国外交官,驻博茨瓦纳高级专员。[173]
  • 卢西亚诺·法布罗(Luciano Fabro),70岁,意大利艺术家和Arte Povera运动的理论家,心脏病发作。[174]
  • 莱纳尔·吉尔穆林(Lenar Gilmullin),22岁,俄罗斯足球运动员(喀山鲁宾足球俱乐部),摩托车事故。[175]
  • William L. Hungate,84岁,美国法官,美国众议员(1964-1977),手术并发症。[176]
  • 杰克·欧姆斯顿(Jack Ormston),97岁,英国赛车手。[177]
  • Erik Parlevliet,43岁,荷兰曲棍球运动员,长期患病。[178]
  • 盖伊·范德·贾格特(Guy Vander Jagt),75岁,美国密歇根州众议员(1966-1993),胰腺癌。[179]
  • 罗德·贝克(Rod Beck),38岁,美国棒球运动员(旧金山巨人队、波士顿红袜队、芝加哥小熊队)。[180]
  • 侯耀文,59岁,中国相声(相声)演员,心脏病发作。[181]
  • Hans Sennholz,85岁,德国出生的经济学家。[182]
  • 阮正诗,84岁,越南战争期间南越南的越南将军。[183]
  • 拜伦·贝尔,77岁,美国新泽西州议员(1971-2005),心力衰竭。[184]
  • 吉莉安·巴弗斯托克(Gillian Baverstock),75岁,英国小说家,伊妮德·布莱顿(Enid Blyton)的女儿。[185]
  • 克里斯·班瓦(Chris Benoit),40岁,加拿大职业摔跤手(WWE,WCW,NJPW),上吊自杀。[186]
  • 爱德华·布鲁纳(Edouard Brunner),75岁,瑞士外交官和联合国调解人。[187]
  • 德里克·杜根(Derek Dougan),69岁,北爱尔兰足球运动员(北爱尔兰狼队)。[188]
  • 杰克·弗莱特(Jack Flynt),92岁,美国乔治亚州众议员(1954-1979)。[189]
  • 莱昂·杰克(Léon Jeck),60岁,比利时足球运动员(标准列日,国家队)。[190]
  • 罗伯特·克鲁恩(Robert Kroon),82岁,荷兰记者,胰腺癌。[191]
  • 查尔斯·林德伯格(Charles W. Lindberg),86岁,美国最后一位幸存的海军陆战队员,在硫磺岛战役期间在苏里巴奇山上升起了第一面旗帜。[192]
  • Natasja Saad,32岁,丹麦说唱歌手,车祸。[193]
  • Joey Sadler,92岁,新西兰All Blacks橄榄球联盟球员。[194][195]
  • 乔伊·西蒙森(Joy Simonson),88岁,美国女权主义者,肺炎并发症。[196]
  • Biff Wellington,42岁,加拿大职业摔跤手,心脏病发作。[197]
  • 莫里斯·伍德(Maurice Wood),90岁,英国圣公会诺里奇主教(1971-1985)。[198]
  • 蒂娜·布罗兹曼(Tina Brozman),54岁,美国破产法院法官,卵巢癌并发症。[213]
  • Liz Claiborne,78岁,比利时出生的美国时装设计师,癌症。[214]
  • Jupp Derwall,80岁,西德德国足球教练(1978-1984),心脏病发作。[215]
  • Lucien Hervé,96岁,匈牙利出生的法国摄影师,长期患病。[216]
  • 鲍比·赫西(Bobby Hussey),67岁,弗吉尼亚理工大学和大卫森学院的美国篮球教练。[217]
  • 西娅·金夫人,81岁,英国单簧管演奏家。[218]
  • 路易吉·梅内格罗(Luigi Meneghello),85岁,意大利作家和散文家。[219]
  • 玛律科姆·斯莱瑟(Malcolm Slesser),80岁,英国科学家和登山家,在登山时怀疑心脏病发作。[220]
  • Tamaiti Willie Star,80岁,瑙鲁外交官和政治家。[221]
  • 91岁的美国记者伊内兹·巴斯金(Inez Baskin)报导了蒙哥马利公共汽车抵制事件。[233]
  • Leo Burmester,63岁,美国演员(《深渊》、《基督最后的诱惑》、《完美世界》),白血病。[234]
  • Eugene B. Fluckey,93岁,美国潜艇指挥官,在第二次世界大战期间被授予荣誉勋章。[235]
  • 布鲁斯·肯尼迪(Bruce R. Kennedy),68岁,美国商人,阿拉斯加航空公司前董事长兼首席执行官,轻型飞机失事。[236]
  • 亚伯拉罕·克劳斯纳(Abraham Klausner),92岁,美国拉比,大屠杀幸存者的支援者,帕金森病的并发症。[237]
  • 宫泽喜一,87岁,日本首相(1991-1993),自然原因。[238]
  • 汤玛斯·穆尼(Thomas K. Mooney),45岁,美国外交官和军人。[239]
  • 中江真司,72岁,日本配音演员和叙述者。[240]
  • 豪伊·施耐德(Howie Schneider),77岁,美国漫画家(Eek和Meek),心脏手术并发症。[241]
  • 凯瑟琳·特罗(Catherine Troeh),96岁,美国原住民活动家和历史学家。[242]
  • Jess Weiss,90岁,美国麻醉师。[243]
  • 莫里斯·沃尔(Maurice Wohl),90岁,英国房地产开发商和慈善家。[244]
  • 弗兰克·伯克(Frank W. Burke),87岁,美国政治家,美国众议员(1959-1963),路易斯维尔市长(1969-1973)。[245]
  • 雷蒙德·道格拉斯(Raymond E. Douglas),58岁,《纽约时报》的美国高管,他说明为《纽约时报》的版面增添了色彩,肺栓塞。[246]
  • 约翰·汉斯尔(John Hansl),82岁,克罗地亚前集中营看守,2005年美国公民身份被撤销,充血性心力衰竭。[247]
  • Harry Henshel,88岁,美国制表师,宝路华家族的最后一位成员。[248]
  • 乔治·麦考克尔(George McCorkle),60岁,马歇尔·塔克乐队(The Marshall Tucker Band)的美国吉他手,癌症。[249]
  • 弗雷德·萨伯哈根(Fred Saberhagen),77岁,《狂战士》系列的美国作家,癌症。[250]
  • 乔尔·西格尔(Joel Siegel),63岁,美国广播公司(ABC)《早安美国》(Good Morning America)的美国影评人,结肠癌。[251]
  • Alojzij Šuštar,86岁,斯洛文尼亚前卢布尔雅那大主教。[252]
  • 杨德昌(Edward Yang),59岁,台湾电影导演(一一),结肠癌。[253]
  • 戈特弗里德·冯·俾斯麦(Gottfried von Bismarck),44岁,德国贵族,商人和社交名媛,怀疑海洛因过量。[254]
  • 吉姆·科贝特(Jim Corbett),82岁,美国政治家,亚利桑那州图森市市长(1967-1971),亚利桑那州立法者(1956-1958),心脏病。[255]
  • 现年65岁的布鲁斯·格林西尔(Bruce Greensill)是澳大利亚橄榄球联盟的球员和行政人员,代表奥克兰和悉尼。[256]
  • Will Schaefer,78岁,美国作曲家,为《我梦见珍妮》和《打火石》创作背景音乐,癌症。[257]
  • 罗伯特·斯威尼(Robert E. Sweeney),82岁,美国政治家,美国俄亥俄州众议员(1965-1967),心脏病。[258]
  • Sahib Singh Verma,64岁,印度德里首席部长(1996-1998),印度人民党领导人,车祸。[259]
  • 诺曼·威廉姆斯(Norman Williams),92岁,澳大利亚二战空中炮手。[260]


  1. ^ Chan, Sewell. Warren Anderson, Albany G.O.P. Leader, Dies at 91. The New York Times. 2 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  2. ^ kul. Jan Beneš opustil svět, proti němuž se bouřil. Hospodářské Noviny. 4 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (捷克语). 
  3. ^ Veteran Actress Kasma Booty Dies. Bernema.com. Malaysian National News Agency. 1 June 2007 [29 September 2007]. (原始内容存档于29 September 2007). 
  4. ^ Dalyell, Tam. Col Sir John Gilmour Bt - Independent Online Edition > Obituaries. 4 June 2007 [1 October 2007]. (原始内容存档于1 October 2007). 
  5. ^ Farudo, Jeff. Former Sequoia great Johnson dies. Palo Alto Daily News. paloaltodailynews.com. 2 June 2007 [28 September 2007]. (原始内容存档于28 September 2007). 
  6. ^ Veteran photographer Charles Kinkead dies. Jamaica Gleaner. 8 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于23 June 2007). 
  7. ^ Pamela Low, created flavor for Cap'n Crunch, dies at 79. WCAX-TV News. 4 June 2007 [27 September 2007]. (原始内容存档于27 September 2007). 
  8. ^ Morre a poeta Marly de Oliveira, viúva de João Cabral de Melo Neto. Gazeta do Povo. 2 June 2007 [9 January 2017] (巴西葡萄牙语).  (Portuguese)
  9. ^ Arn Shein. SignOnSanDiego.com. 10 June 2007 [27 September 2007]. (原始内容存档于27 September 2007). 
  10. ^ Dave Smalley Passes Away At The Age Of 72. Navy Sports. 2 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  11. ^ Hoover, Carl. Family and friends remember Waco singer Tony Thompson at headstone ceremony. Waco Tribune-Herald. 5 June 2010 [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  12. ^ Oliver, Greg. Northwest mainstay Sandy Barr dies. SLAM! Sports. 2 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 原始内容存档于July 14, 2012. 
  13. ^ Charles Evans, 81; Co-Founder of Evan-Picone Sportswear
  14. ^ Cheney, David M. Bishop Marion Francis Forst. Catholic-Hierarchy. [9 January 2018]. 
  15. ^ Cohen, Noam. Steven Gilliard Jr., 42, Dies; Founder of Liberal Political Blog. The New York Times. 6 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  16. ^ Macross, Orguss, Wizardry Composer Haneda Dies at 58. Anime News Network. 4 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  17. ^ Wolfgang Hilbig ist tot (德语)
  18. ^ Report: Chinese vice premier dies at 68. CNN.com. 2 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于25 June 2007). 
  19. ^ Xuequan, Mu (编). Chinese Vice Premier Huang Ju died of illness in Beijing. Chinaview.cn. Xinhua News Agency. 2 June 2007 [4 June 2007]. (原始内容存档于4 June 2007). 
  20. ^ Maclay, Kathleen. Martin Meyerson, former CED dean and acting chancellor, dies at age of 84. UC Berkeley News. 6 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  21. ^ Clare, Peter. Obituary: John Moriarty. The Guardian. 30 August 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  22. ^ Barrie, Mohamed Fajah. Sierra Leone mourn crash deaths. BBC Sport (BBC). 5 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  23. ^ Elhunyt Darvas Iván színművész. Origo. 3 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (匈牙利语). 
  24. ^ Corley, Felix. Fr Ragheed Ganni. Independent Online Edition. 14 June 2007 [14 January 2008]. (原始内容存档于14 January 2008). 
  25. ^ HOGAN, Earl Lee, (1920 - 2007). Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774-Present. [9 January 2018]. 
  26. ^ Gunn, Herb. The heart of ministry: the death and life of Jim Kelsey. Episcopal Church. 9 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  27. ^ NELSON LÉVY, FOUNDER OF AIR TAHITI NUI AND ONE OF TAHITI'S MODERN TOURISM PIONEERS, DIES AT AGE 58. Air Tahiti Nui North America. 5 July 2007 [17 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于17 August 2007). 
  28. ^ Anwar, Yasmin. Leonard Nathan, distinguished poet, dies at 82. UC Berkeley News. 7 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  29. ^ Soyuz. Fallece Juan Antonio Argüelles, "Arguru". Hispasonic. 4 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (西班牙语). 
  30. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Clete Boyer, 70, a Yankee Known for His Slick Fielding, Dies. The New York Times. 5 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  31. ^ Fraser, Andrew. Queensland Labor stalwart found dead. The Australian. 4 June 2007 [6 June 2007]. (原始内容存档于6 June 2007). 
  32. ^ Lady Jeanne Campbell
  33. ^ Carlson, Michael. Obituary: Jim Clark. The Guardian. 9 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  34. ^ Hallie E. Ford's Obituary on the Statesman Journal. the Statesman Journal. 7 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  35. ^ Litsky, Frank. Bill France Jr., 74, Dies; Gave Nascar Its National Reach. The New York Times. 5 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  36. ^ RAF gunner war hero dies aged 87. BBC News (BBC). 6 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  37. ^ Sotiris Moustakas. HeraldScotland. 13 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  38. ^ Leigh, Spencer. Freddie Scott. Independent Online Edition. 6 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于22 September 2007). 
  39. ^ Craig L. Thomas. Wyoming Tribune Eagle. 9 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  40. ^ Ex-CHS, OSU star Baker dies at 76. Gazette-Times. 21 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  41. ^ Gert-Jan Dröge overleden. Nieuws.nl. 5 June 2017 [28 August 2015]. (原始内容存档于30 August 2007) (荷兰语). 
  42. ^ Entertainer Povel Ramel dead. The Local. 6 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  43. ^ Chester, Kate. Catholic philanthropist Jean Vollum dies at 80. Catholic Sentinel. 13 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (美国英语). 
  44. ^ Indian born wife of former Cypriot president dies. Reuters. July 13, 2007. (原始内容存档于2023-04-15). 
  45. ^ Potempa, Philip. Drury Lane Dinner Theater founder dies. nwitimes.com. 8 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  46. ^ Muere Enrique Fuentes Quintana, figura clave de la Transición. elmundo.es. 7 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (西班牙语). 
  47. ^ Stewart, Jocelyn Y. Larry Hamlin, 58; founded a festival for black theater. Los Angeles Times. 10 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0458-3035 (美国英语). 
  48. ^ Football - Hancock is mourned by Devon clubs. BBC Sport (BBC). 19 July 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  49. ^ Former PNG news editor Luke Sela dies. Sydney Morning Herald. AAP. 7 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  50. ^ Laura Bush condemns killing of Afghan journalist. CNN.com. 10 June 2007 [16 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于16 July 2007). 
  51. ^ Schudel, Matt. Gilbert Gude, 84; GOP Legislator, Environmentalist. The Washington Post. 9 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0190-8286 (美国英语). 
  52. ^ Fryer, Jonathan. Obituary: Michael Hamburger. The Guardian. 11 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  53. ^ Borden, Anthony. Obituary: Sahar Hussein al-Haideri. The Guardian. 29 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  54. ^ Viscount Buckmaster. The Daily Telegraph. June 14, 2007. (原始内容存档于2023-04-23). 
  55. ^ Obituary: Kanze Hideo需要免费注册. The Japan Times Online. 9 June 2009 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0447-5763 (美国英语). 
  56. ^ Nellie Lutcher - Independent Online Edition > Obituaries. 2 January 2008. (原始内容存档于2 January 2008). 
  57. ^ Speedway rider dies after crash. The Local. 8 June 2007 [8 January 2018]. 
  58. ^ First president of Somalia dies. BBC News (BBC). 8 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (英国英语). 
  59. ^ A star falls and the world is poorer for the passing - Entertainment. The Age. 10 June 2007 [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  60. ^ Richard Rorty, 1931-2007. Telos Press. 9 June 2009 [12 June 2007]. (原始内容存档于12 June 2007). 
  61. ^ Harris, Chris. 'Real World: San Diego' Alum Frankie Abernathy Dead At 25. MTV. 12 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于June 14, 2007). 
  62. ^ McNiff, Shaun. Knowing Rudolf Arnheim (1904-2007). Art Therapy. 2007, 24 (3): 138–142. ISSN 0742-1656. S2CID 194951109. doi:10.1080/07421656.2007.10129426. 
  63. ^ Lorne Carr's Obituary on Calgary Herald. Legacy.com. Calgary Herald. 13 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  64. ^ Eddie Crush dies aged 90. Cricinfo (ESPN Sports Media). 3 July 2007 [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  65. ^ Eddie Crush. Cricinfo. ESPN Sports Media. [9 January 2018]. 
  66. ^ William 'Bill' Ellis. Trent Bridge - History. [9 January 2018]. 
  67. ^ Harry Ewing, architect of devolution, dies at 76. The Scotsman. 10 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于1 February 2013) (英语). 
  68. ^ Obituary for Robert L. Goode. Hawkins Funeral Homes. [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  69. ^ Vidyarthi, Shravan. Kenya: Oneko - Pioneer Journalist Who Dared Oppressors需要付费订阅. AllAfrica. 14 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  70. ^ Gazette Notice No. 11202. Kenya Gazette. Vol. 110 no. 92 (Government of Kenya). 28 November 2008: 3031 [9 January 2018]. 
  71. ^ Whitaker, Sheila. Obituary: Ousmane Sembène. The Guardian. 11 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  72. ^ Protopresbyter Elias Wen Reposes. Western American Diocese. 9 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于1 July 2007). 
  73. ^ Leonard Williams. The Daily Telegraph. 7 September 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0307-1235 (英国英语). 
  74. ^ Weatherman Augie Auer dies in Melbourne. The New Zealand Herald. 11 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  75. ^ Lead singer of Warumpi Band dies. The Sydney Morning Herald. AAP. 11 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  76. ^ Remembering Jeff Erlanger
  77. ^ Papaefstathiou, Maria. Digging the Past... Charley Harper (1922-2007). Graphic Art News. 26 October 2016 [9 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于6 June 2017) (美国英语). 
  78. ^ Former TCU coach Killingsworth dies at 83. ESPN. 11 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  79. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Laurence Mancuso Dies; Founding Abbot Was 72. The New York Times. 1 July 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  80. ^ Former Yukon government leader dies. CBC News. 11 June 2007 [9 November 2007]. (原始内容存档于9 November 2007). 
  81. ^ Friends, colleagues reflect on Ostashek's life. Whitehorse Daily Star. 4 July 2007 [9 January 2018] (英语). 
  82. ^ Scholar Varjavand dies at 73. Mehrnews.ir. Mehr News Agency. 10 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于31 October 2007). 
  83. ^ Adshade, Kevin. Boxing great Bobby Beaton dies at 94. newglasgownews.com. Pictou County, Nova Scotia: The News. 13 June 2007 [15 January 2013]. (原始内容存档于15 January 2013). 
  84. ^ Derry legend Coleman passes away. HoganStand. 12 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  85. ^ Vern Hoscheit; won won 4 World Series as a coach; at 85. The Boston Globe. 13 June 2007 [9 January 2018] –通过archive.boston.com (英语). 
  86. ^ RAY MEARS MEMORIAL SERVICE HELD. University of Tennessee Athletics. 14 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于9 January 2018). 
  87. ^ Bergan, Ronald. Obituary: Mala Powers. The Guardian. 27 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  88. ^ Donald Clancy dies at age 85需要付费订阅. The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio). 14 June 2007: 17 [9 January 2018]. Former mayor Donald Clancy dies at age 85 Donald D. Clancy, 85, mayor of Cincinnati in the late 1950s and an eight-term U.S. congressman for Ohio's Second District died Tuesday of Parkinson's disease at his Montgomery home. 
  89. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Colin Fletcher, 85; hiking icon's books inspired generations to journey into the wilderness. Los Angeles Times. 16 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0458-3035 (美国英语). 
  90. ^ Gurza, Agustin. Tito Gomez, 59; vocalist for popular salsa bands. Los Angeles Times. 14 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0458-3035 (美国英语). 
  91. ^ Elber, Lynn. TV's 'Mr. Wizard' Don Herbert dies at 89. Yahoo! News. Associated Press. 12 June 2007 [16 June 2007]. (原始内容存档于16 June 2007). 
  92. ^ Headland, Bob. Obituary: Sir Wally Herbert. The Guardian. 14 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  93. ^ Jim Norton dies; jersey one of six retired by Oilers. ESPN. 18 June 2007 [9 January 2018]. 
  94. ^ Lewis, Paul. Baron Guy de Rothschild, Leader of French Arm of Bank Dynasty, Dies at 98. The New York Times. 14 June 2016 [9 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  95. ^ Predergast, Luke. Australia's oldest man dies at 109. Lismore Northern Star. 13 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于28 September 2007). 
  96. ^ Obituary: Weissman, chemist, worked on Manhattan Project. The Source (Washington University in St. Louis). 11 July 2007 [10 January 2018] (美国英语). 
  97. ^ Gartrell, Joseph. Memorial grows outside of Jessie Davis' house. The Repository. 24 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于10 January 2018) (英语). 
  98. ^ Middle East - Lebanese MP dies in Beirut blast. BBC News (BBC). 14 June 2007 [10 January 2017]. 
  99. ^ Purser, Philip. Obituary: Sir David Hatch. The Guardian. 16 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  100. ^ Anderson, Martin. Oskar Morawetz. The Independent. 16 September 2007 [10 January 2018] (英国英语). 
  101. ^ Evans, Hilary; Gjerde, Arild; Heijmans, Jeroen; Mallon, Bill; et al. Claude Netter. Olympics at Sports-Reference.com. Sports Reference LLC. [16 September 2011]. (原始内容存档于16 September 2011). 
  102. ^ Yunlong, Sun (编). Argentine soccer legend Rossi dies at 82. Chinaview.cn. Xinhua News Agency. 14 June 2007 [9 October 2012]. (原始内容存档于9 October 2012). 
  103. ^ Fenwick, Simon. Obituary: John Ward. The Guardian. 20 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  104. ^ Wife of evangelist Billy Graham dies. CNN. Associated Press. 15 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于25 June 2007). 
  105. ^ Ramirez, Anthony. William LeMessurier, 81, Structural Engineer, Dies. The New York Times. 21 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  106. ^ Evans, Hilary; Gjerde, Arild; Heijmans, Jeroen; Mallon, Bill; et al. Jørgen Hare. Olympics at Sports-Reference.com. Sports Reference LLC. [13 November 2014]. (原始内容存档于13 November 2014). 
  107. ^ Evans, Hilary; Gjerde, Arild; Heijmans, Jeroen; Mallon, Bill; et al. Martin McKay. Olympics at Sports-Reference.com. Sports Reference LLC. [8 August 2014]. (原始内容存档于8 August 2014). 
  108. ^ Legendary fighter pilot Robin Olds dies. Air Force Link. United States Air Force. 15 June 2007 [19 June 2007]. (原始内容存档于19 June 2007) (美国英语). 
  109. ^ Gemeente Anderlecht opent rouwregister voor Simonet. DeMorgen.be. 14 June 2007 [29 September 2007]. (原始内容存档于29 September 2007) (荷兰语).  (Dutch)
  110. ^ Bergan, Ronald. Obituary: Alex Thomson. The Guardian. 5 July 2007 [10 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  111. ^ Larry Whiteside, Boston Globe baseball writer, dies at 69. Twin Cities (Pioneer Press). 15 June 2007 [10 January 2018] (美国英语). 
  112. ^ Ascherson, Neil. Professor Peter Ucko. Independent Online Edition. 21 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于8 July 2007). 
  113. ^ Former UN head Kurt Waldheim dies. BBC News (BBC). 14 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. 
  114. ^ Richard Bell, 61, rock keyboardist. The Boston Globe. Associated Press. 20 June 2007 [10 January 2018] –通过Boston.com. 
  115. ^ Mathurin C., Houngnikpo; Decalo, Samuel. Historical dictionary of Benin. Decalo, Samuel. 4th. Lanham [Md.]: Scarecrow Press. 2013. ISBN 9780810871717. OCLC 828424664. 
  116. ^ Fox, Margalit. Claudia Cohen, 56, Socialite and a Reporter of Gossip, Is Dead. The New York Times. 16 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  117. ^ Falleció Hugo Corro, un purista del ring. La Nacion. 17 June 2007 [10 January 2018] (西班牙语).  (Spanish)
  118. ^ Clayton, Corey. "Sensational" Sherri passes away. WWE.com. 15 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. 
  119. ^ Sherri Martel autopsy results reveal drugs. SLAM! Sports. 11 September 2007 [10 January 2018]. 原始内容存档于July 31, 2012. 
  120. ^ Waldo, Tenisha. Former Congressman Beard dies at age 67. Charleston.net. The Post and Courier. 17 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于3 December 2007). 
  121. ^ The Hon. (Jack) John James DOOHAN, OBE (1920 - 2007). www.parliament.nsw.gov.au. [10 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于20 June 2016) (澳大利亚英语). 
  122. ^ Stiles, Matt. Norman Hackerman, former UT, Rice president, dies. Houston Chronicle. 18 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于6 February 2017). 
  123. ^ Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani passes away - Islamic Insights. Islamic Insights. 27 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于10 January 2018) (美国英语). 
  124. ^ Isherwood, Charles. Thommie Walsh, Dancer and Tony Winner, Dies at 57. The New York Times. 19 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  125. ^ Lola Wasserstein, Playwright's Mother, Dies at 89. The New York Times. 19 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  126. ^ Iraq's Sunni Mufti Dies Of Heart Attack. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Associated Press. 17 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. 
  127. ^ Ben Brocklehurst. The Daily Telegraph. 23 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. ISSN 0307-1235 (英国英语). 
  128. ^ Cheng Shifa, 86; painter won political favor for stressing ethnic unity. Los Angeles Times. 21 July 2007 [10 January 2018]. ISSN 0458-3035 (美国英语). 
  129. ^ Italian Cardinal Felici dead at 87. Catholic World News. 18 June 2007 [6 December 2007]. (原始内容存档于6 December 2007). 
  130. ^ Italian fashion idol Ferre dies. BBC News (BBC). 17 June 2007 [10 January 2018]. 
  131. ^ Carlson, Michael. Obituary: Ed Friendly. The Guardian. 28 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  132. ^ Evans, Hilary; Gjerde, Arild; Heijmans, Jeroen; Mallon, Bill; et al. Velimir Ilić. Olympics at Sports-Reference.com. Sports Reference LLC. [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于8 November 2017). 
  133. ^ NEWMAN, Dr. Jay Allan. Guelph Mercury. 18 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于28 September 2007). 
  134. ^ East Timor ends hunt for army renegade. www.etan.org. The Jakarta Post. 20 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  135. ^ Fred Stinson Obituary. ObitTree. Humphrey Funeral Home. [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (英语). 
  136. ^ Keepnews, Peter. Bill Barber, Who Brought the Tuba to Famed Jazz Sessions, Is Dead at 87. The New York Times. 29 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  137. ^ DePalma, Anthony. Vilma Espín, Rebel and Wife of Raúl Castro, Dies at 77. The New York Times. 20 June 2007 [11 January 2007]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  138. ^ Martin, Douglas. Kenneth Franklin, Astronomer, Dies at 84. The New York Times. 21 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  139. ^ Chin, Matthew. In Memoriam: Tung-Hua Lin, Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering. UCLA Engineering. 25 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (美国英语). 
  140. ^ Comedy star Bernard Manning dies. BBC News (BBC). 18 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  141. ^ Sisario, Ben. Hank Medress, 68, Doo-Wop Singer on 'Lion Sleeps Tonight', Dies. The New York Times. 22 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  142. ^ Hustak, Alan. Georges Thurston - aka Boule Noire - dead at age 55. Canada.com. The Gazette. 18 June 2007 [29 September 2007]. (原始内容存档于29 September 2007). 
  143. ^ Cheves Walling Dies At 91
  144. ^ Cartwright, Garth. Obituary: Antonio Aguilar. The Guardian. 7 August 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  145. ^ Evans, Hilary; Gjerde, Arild; Heijmans, Jeroen; Mallon, Bill; et al. Víctor Cieslinskas. Olympics at Sports-Reference.com. Sports Reference LLC. [28 July 2009]. (原始内容存档于28 July 2009). 
  146. ^ Tommy Eytle. news.scotsman.com. The Scotsman. 10 July 2007 [5 June 2011]. (原始内容存档于5 June 2011). 
  147. ^ Muere el Fary a los 69 años de edad. EL PAÍS. 19 June 2007 [11 January 2018] (西班牙语). 
  148. ^ Indiana football coach Hoeppner dies at 59. ESPN. 19 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  149. ^ Antanas Karoblis
  150. ^ Parliament's oldest MP dies at 82. BBC News (BBC). 20 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  151. ^ Alberto Mijangos's Obituary on Express-News. Legacy.com. Express-News. 21 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  152. ^ Joffe, Lawrence. Obituary: Ze'ev Schiff. The Guardian. 23 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  153. ^ Dreyer, Patricia. Kultstar Wussow tot: Halbgott aus dem Schwarzwald. Spiegel Online. 19 June 2007 [11 January 2018] (德语). 
  154. ^ Clark, Peter. Obituary: Nazik al-Mala'ika. The Guardian. 5 August 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  155. ^ Nickell, Joe; Kelly, Jamie; Cohen, Betsy. Renowned ceramist Rudy Autio dies at 80. Helena Independent Record. 21 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (英语).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  156. ^ Oliver, Greg. Biff Wellington dead at 44. SLAM! Sports. 24 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 原始内容存档于13 January 2016. 
  157. ^ Jerry Fleishman's Obituary on Sun-Sentinel. Legacy.com. Sun-Sentinel. 22 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  158. ^ Dore, Shalini. Anita Guha, 70s, actress. Variety. 26 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于2 August 2017). 
  159. ^ Fox, Margalit. J.B. Handelsman, 85, New Yorker Cartoonist, Is Dead. The New York Times. 26 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  160. ^ Pogrebin, Robin. Margaret Helfand, Architect, Dies at 59. The New York Times. 29 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  161. ^ Woulfe, Catherine. The judge, Maori Princess and the secret family. NZ Herald. 30 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 1170-0777 (New Zealand English). 
  162. ^ Mortaigne, Véronique. Mamadou Konté, fondateur de plusieurs festivals. Le Monde.fr. 27 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 1950-6244 (法语). 
  163. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Jim Shoulders, a Tenacious Rodeo Champion, Dies at 79. The New York Times. 22 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  164. ^ Musik: Liedermacher-Legende Georg Danzer tot. DIE WELT. 22 June 2007 [11 January 2018] (德语).  (German)
  165. ^ Williams, Mark. Bob Evans, founder of restaurants bearing his name, dies. Chillicothe Gazaette. Associated Press. 21 June 2007 [26 June 2007]. (原始内容存档于26 June 2007). 
  166. ^ Tucker, Nicholas. Douglas Hill. Independent Online Edition. 28 June 2007 [30 September 2007]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007). 
  167. ^ Manitobans mourn former lieutenant-governor Liba. CBC News. 21 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (英语). 
  168. ^ Carlos Romero Obituary - Ferndale, California. Tributes.com. [23 July 2011]. (原始内容存档于23 July 2011).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  169. ^ Martin, Douglas. Marshall D. Shulman, 91, Dies; Expert on Soviet Union. The New York Times. 23 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  170. ^ Rourke, Mary. Mary Ellen Solt, 86; a leader in the concrete poetry movement. Los Angeles Times. 29 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0458-3035 (美国英语). 
  171. ^ Gefter, Philip. Bernd Becher, 75, Photographer of German Industrial Landscape, Dies. The New York Times. 26 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  172. ^ Canadian wrestler Chris Benoit, family found dead | CBC Sports. CBC Sports. 26 June 2007 [11 January 2018] (美国英语). 
  173. ^ Eleanor Emery. HeraldScotland. 23 July 2007 [11 January 2018] (英语). 
  174. ^ Kennedy, Randy. Luciano Fabro, Italian Artist, Dies at 70. The New York Times. 3 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  175. ^ Сердце Ленара Гильмуллина перестало биться [The heart of Lenar Gilmullin stopped beating]. Чемпионат.ру [championat.ru]. 23 June 2017 [26 June 2007]. (原始内容存档于26 June 2007) (俄语). 
  176. ^ William Hungate, 84, Former Congressman, Is Dead. The New York Times. Associated Press. 23 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  177. ^ Jack Ormston. The Daily Telegraph. 26 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0307-1235 (英国英语). 
  178. ^ Oud-hockeyer Parlevliet overleden - Sport - Voor nieuws, achtergronden en columns. De Volkskrant. 23 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (nl-NL). 
  179. ^ Zeleny, Jeff. Guy Vander Jagt, 75, Long a Leader Within House G.O.P., Dies. The New York Times. 23 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  180. ^ Former major league closer Rod Beck dies at 38. ESPN. 25 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  181. ^ Cross-talk master Hou Yaowen dies at 59. Chinadaily.com.cn. Sina.com. 23 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于26 June 2007). 
  182. ^ Hans F. Sennholz, 1922-2007. Mises Economics Blog. Ludwig von Mises Institute. 23 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于1 July 2007).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  183. ^ Martin, Douglas. Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi, 84, Seen as Hero in Vietnam, Dies. The New York Times. 26 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  184. ^ Byron Baer, 77, Trenton Legislator. The New York Times. Associated Press. 25 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  185. ^ Gillian Baverstock. Yorkshire Post. 30 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018). 
  186. ^ Goodman, Brenda. Wrestler Killed Wife and Son, Then Himself. The New York Times. 27 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  187. ^ Edouard Brunner; Swiss Ambassador To the United States. The Washington Post. 26 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0190-8286 (美国英语). 
  188. ^ Wolves legend Dougan dies aged 69. BBC Sport (BBC). 24 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  189. ^ John J. Flynt Jr., Georgia Democrat, Is Dead at 92. The New York Times. Associated Press. 25 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  190. ^ Léon Jeck emporté par une embolie. Le Soir. 25 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于4 March 2016) (法语). 
  191. ^ Reporter Bob Kroon, who covered Indonesia, Congo, Hungary, Prague, dies at 82. International Herald Tribune. Associated Press. 24 June 2007 [29 June 2007]. (原始内容存档于29 June 2007). 
  192. ^ Charles W. Lindberg, 86, Dies; Placed First Flag at Iwo Jima. The New York Times. Associated Press. 27 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  193. ^ Reggaesangerinden Natasja død på Jamaica. DR.dk. 24 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于6 February 2017) (丹麦语). 
  194. ^ NZRU pays tribute to B S "Joey" Sadler. All Blacks. New Zealand Rugby Union. 29 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (New Zealand English). 
  195. ^ Bernard Sydney Sadler. ESPN scrum. [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 May 2016). 
  196. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Joy Rosenheim Simonson, 88; Activist Led Local and National Women's Groups. The Washington Post. 26 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始内容存档于2 November 2012) (美国英语).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  197. ^ The Phantom Pain: How Benoit Affects Us Ten Years Later.
  198. ^ Townley, Peter. Obituary: The Rt Rev Maurice Wood. The Guardian. 16 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  199. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Jurgis Blekaitis; Theater Producer, Poet Was Editor of Voice of America. The Washington Post. 26 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  200. ^ Stephens, Tony. She worked for the salvation of others. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于31 January 2017). 
  201. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Dana Bullen, 75, Is Dead; Led Press Freedom Group. The New York Times. 27 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  202. ^ Liliane Chappuis est subitement décédée. RTS.ch. 28 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于29 July 2012) (瑞士法语). 
  203. ^ Barron, David. Announcer for Astros, Rice sports dies. Houston Chronicle. 26 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  204. ^ Ward Anderson, John; Nouri, Naseer. Baghdad Blast Targets Sunni Tribal Leaders. The Washington Post. 26 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始内容存档于3 November 2012) (美国英语). 
  205. ^ Lentz, Harris M. III. Obituaries in the performing arts, 2007 : film, television, radio, theatre, dance, music, cartoons and pop culture. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co. 2008: 180. ISBN 9780786451913. OCLC 551887382. 
  206. ^ Mahasti Passes Away. Radio Javan. 25 June 2007 [28 June 2007]. (原始内容存档于28 June 2007).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  207. ^ Jan Herman Linge er død. Budstikka. 28 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (挪威语). 
  208. ^ Bill Moss, 76; member of prominent gospel music family started Celestials. Los Angeles Times. 30 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0458-3035 (美国英语). 
  209. ^ Emeritus Archbishop of Lusaka Adrian Mung'andu dies at the age of eighty four. Agenzia Fides. 27 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018). 
  210. ^ O'Brien, William J. "Bill"
  211. ^ Brenda Rawnsley. The Daily Telegraph. 22 August 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0307-1235 (英国英语). 
  212. ^ Paul Smith. CerebralPalsy.org. [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (英语). 
  213. ^ Jennings, Angel. Tina Brozman, 54, Former Judge and Bankruptcy Law Innovator, Dies. The New York Times. 28 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  214. ^ Wilson, Eric. Liz Claiborne, Designer, Dies at 78. The New York Times. 27 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  215. ^ Glanville, Brian. Obituary: Jupp Derwall. The Guardian. 28 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  216. ^ Elhunyt Lucien Hervé, a XX. század nagy magyar születésű szemtanúja. Népszabadság Online. 27 June 2007 [29 September 2007]. (原始内容存档于29 September 2007) (匈牙利语).  (Hungarian)
  217. ^ Former Va. Tech, Davidson coach Hussey dies. ESPN. 27 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  218. ^ Anderson, Martin. Dame Thea King. Independent Online Edition. 29 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于8 July 2007).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  219. ^ Lepschy, Giulio; Lepschy, Laura. Obituary: Luigi Meneghello. The Guardian. 16 August 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  220. ^ Professor Malcolm Slesser. The Scotsman. 3 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于21 January 2016) (英语). 
  221. ^ Cain, M.B. DEATHS (PDF). Republic of Nauru Government Gazette. 19 September 2007, (95): 7. 
  222. ^ Oud-Feyenoorder Allotey (28) overleden. Voetbal International. 27 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (荷兰语). 
  223. ^ Kari Blackburn. Herald Scotland. 4 August 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (英语). 
  224. ^ Isherwood, Charles. William Hutt - Obituary. The New York Times. 29 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  225. ^ 1966 World Cup commentator dies. BBC News (BBC). 29 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  226. ^ Geranios, Nicholas K. Jimmy Marks, Gypsy leader noted for his curse and 1986 raid, dies at 62. The Seattle Times. Associated Press. 28 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于5 July 2007). 
  227. ^ 'Double agent' dead in London. BBC News (BBC). 28 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  228. ^ Obituaries - Death Notices - Newspaper Obituaries - Online Obituaries - Newspaper Death Notices - Online Death Notices. legacy.com. 
  229. ^ Одижев Руслан Анатольевич [Odilev Ruslan Anatolievich]. Кавказский Узеп. 28 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于25 July 2017) (俄语). 
  230. ^ Kennedy, Randy. Silas H. Rhodes Dies at 91; Built School of Visual Arts. The New York Times. 30 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  231. ^ Croatian Poet Dragutin Tadijanovic Dies. Javno. 28 June 2007 [2 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于2 July 2007). 
  232. ^ Morre o poeta carioca Bruno Tolentino, 66 (葡萄牙语)
  233. ^ Stewart, Jocelyn Y. Inez J. Baskin, 91; reporter during civil rights era in Montgomery, Ala.. Los Angeles Times. 8 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0458-3035 (美国英语). 
  234. ^ Simonson, Robert. Leo Burmester, Original Thenardier in Les Miz, Dead at 63. Playbill News. 29 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于2 July 2007).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  235. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Eugene B. Fluckey, 93, a Top Sub Commander, Is Dead. The New York Times. 2 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  236. ^ Bruce Kennedy, 68, Ex-Chief of Alaska Air, Dies. The New York Times. Associated Press. 30 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  237. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Abraham Klausner, 92, Dies; Aided Holocaust Survivors. The New York Times. 2007-06-30. 
  238. ^ Asia-Pacific - Japanese ex-leader Miyazawa dies. BBC. 2007-06-28. 
  239. ^ U.S. diplomat found dead in Cyprus. Reuters. 2 July 2017 [11 January 2018]. 
  240. ^ Cassidy, John Paul. Voice Actor Shinji Nakae Passes Away. SciFi Japan. 3 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  241. ^ Wang, Stephanie. Longtime Provincetown cartoonist Howie Schneider dies at 77. Cape Cod Times. 30 June 2007 [11 January 2017]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (英语). 
  242. ^ Duryee, Tricia. Catherine Troeh, activist, historian and counselor, dies at 96. Seattle Times. 1 July 2007 [24 May 2011]. (原始内容存档于24 May 2011). 
  243. ^ Marquand, Brian. Jess Weiss, 90; redesigned an epidural needle. The Boston Globe. 5 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  244. ^ Maurice Wohl. The Daily Telegraph. 16 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  245. ^ Frank W. Burke Sr., 87, former congressman. The Washington Times. 1 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2018) (美国英语). 
  246. ^ Raymond Douglas, 58, an Executive Who Helped Add Color to The Times, Dies. The New York Times. 5 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  247. ^ John Hansl, 82; ex-Nazi guard whose U.S. citizenship was revoked. Los Angeles Times. 3 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0458-3035 (美国英语). 
  248. ^ Harry Henshel, 88, Watch Maker, Dies. The New York Times. Associated Press. 9 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  249. ^ Marshall Tucker Band Member George McCorkle Dies. CMT News. Country Music Television. 29 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于6 February 2017). 
  250. ^ Carlson, Michael. Obituary: Fred Saberhagen. The Guardian. 19 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  251. ^ Blakemore, Bill. Joyful Critic Joel Siegel, Gone at 63. ABC News. 9 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. 
  252. ^ Umrl nekdanji metropolit Šuštar. 24ur.com. 29 June 2007 [11 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于July 1, 2007) (斯洛文尼亚语). 
  253. ^ Dargis, Manohla. Edward Yang, 59, Director Prominent in New Taiwan Cinema, Is Dead. The New York Times. 2 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  254. ^ Count Gottfried von Bismarck. The Daily Telegraph. 3 July 2007 [11 January 2018]. ISSN 0307-1235 (英国英语). 
  255. ^ Saure, Renee. Ex-Mayor Jim Corbett dies需要免费注册. Arizona Daily Star. 1 July 2007 [11 January 2018] (英语). 
  256. ^ Rugby: Bruce Greensill dies. NZ Herald. 4 July 2007 [12 January 2018]. ISSN 1170-0777 (New Zealand English). 
  257. ^ Lentz, Harris M. III. Obituaries in the performing arts, 2007 : film, television, radio, theatre, dance, music, cartoons and pop culture. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co. 2008: 332. ISBN 9780786451913. OCLC 551887382. 
  258. ^ Robert E. Sweeney, former congressman, dies at 82. Chronicle-Telegram. Associated Press. 2 July 2007 [12 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于January 12, 2018) (美国英语). 
  259. ^ Ahuja, Sanjeev K. Sahib Singh Verma dies in road accident. Hindustan Times. 30 June 2007 [1 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  260. ^ Graham, Vernon. Shot down Nazis, shared a beer with King George. The Sydney Morning Herald. 11 September 2007 [12 January 2018].