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巴特·博曼希伯来语ברט ברמן‎,1938年12月29日),生于鹿特丹,是一位以色列荷兰钢琴家作曲家,以擅长诠释弗朗兹·舒伯特20世纪音乐而著称。[1][2]他先在阿姆斯特丹音乐学院英语Conservatorium van Amsterdam师从雅各布·斯班德曼英语Jaap Spaanderman学习钢琴,而后师从西奥·布鲁印英语Theo Bruins阿尔弗雷德·布伦德尔完善了他的钢琴教育。


巴特·博曼曾在阿姆斯特丹音乐学院师从Bertus van Lier和Wouter van den Berg。他曾对很多原作进行了改编,包括海顿莫扎特贝多芬的华彩乐段及所有的钢琴协奏曲,还有穆齐奥·克莱门蒂和Daniel Steibelt的第二钢琴配乐。其中最出名的是他对舒伯特未完成的钢琴奏鸣曲和巴赫的“赋格的艺术”的续写作品.


  1. ^ Seida, Linda, Bart Berman - Biography, Allmusic, Concert pianist Bart Berman focuses mainly on the works of Franz Schubert, and his recordings include a double CD of the composer's works. He also plays contemporary music and spent part of his career as a member of Ensemble M. 
  2. ^ Young, John Bell. Schubert: Unfinished Piano Sonatas: D 279, 571, 613, 625, 840. American Record Guide. 1998, 62 (2): 194. It's always gratifying to hear the underrated or rarely played music of a major composer. But it is no less satisfying to discover, for the first time, a great pianist at the helm of such works. I'd heard of Berman, who is Present in his 60s, but had never heard him. He is the quintessential musician's musician and, it seems, a product of the same central European tradition that produced Klien, Brendel, Wuhrer, Petri, Demus, and Fischer. [...] This disc does double duty, in that it offers an eminently rewarding musical experience and introduces one of the premier Schubert interpreters of our time. 
  3. ^ Field, Keith. Appointments, Awards, Competitions. The Musical Times. June 1970, 111 (1528): 602. JSTOR 956819. doi:10.2307/956818. Bart Berman (Netherlands) has been awarded first prize among interpreters of contemporary music by the Gaudeamus Foundation. 
  4. ^ Rotterdams jaarboekje [Yearbook of Rotterdam]. Historisch genootschap Roterodamum. 1971: 33. De pianist Bart Berman, leraar aan het Rotterdams Conservatorium, wint de eerste prijs in het Internationaal Gaudeamus Concours voor vertolkers van muziek van onze tijd. 

