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斯圖爾特冰期成冰紀的一次或多次冰期[1]:729–732,當時全球都在反覆經歷大規模的冰川作用。[2]:1–16斯圖爾特冰期的長度很不確定,大約位於717至643 Ma。[3][4]:459–462[1]Stern等則認為這一時期在7.15~6.8億年前。[5]:1–20

據Eyles和Young,「冰成岩在澳大利亞東南和加拿大北部科迪勒拉山脈英語Pacific Cordillera (Canada)新元古代地層中尤為突出。斯圖爾特冰川序列(約740 Ma)非整合地覆蓋於伯拉群岩石之上。」斯圖爾特序列包括兩個大型混雜沉積岩-泥岩序列,展現了冰川興亡周期。與北美洲拉皮坦群可以在地層上對應。[6]

斯圖爾特冰期的名稱來自南澳州貝爾維尤高地英語Bellevue Heights, South Australia附近的斯圖爾特峽谷英語Sturt Gorge Recreation Park暴露的斯圖爾特冰磧岩。






挪威北部羅伊什冰積英語Reusch's Moraine可能在這一時期沉積。[7]:765–788



阿德萊德超盆地英語Adelaide Superbasin

馬林諾冰期英語Marinoan glaciation


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Kendall, Brian; Creaser, Robert A.; Selby, David. Re-Os geochronology of postglacial black shales in Australia: Constraints on the timing of Sturtian glaciation. Geology. September 2006, 34 (9). doi:10.1130/g22775.1. 
  2. ^ Arnaud, Emmanuelle; Halverson, Galen P.; Shields-Zhou, Graham Anthony. Chapter 1 The geological record of Neoproterozoic ice ages. Memoirs. 30 November 2011, 36 (1). doi:10.1144/M36.1可免費查閱. 
  3. ^ Macdonald, Francis A. Neoproterozoic Glaciation. Harvard University. [17 August 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-20). 
  4. ^ Rooney, Alan D.; Strauss, Justin V.; Brandon, Alan D.; Macdonald, Francis A. A Cryogenian chronology: Two long-lasting synchronous Neoproterozoic glaciations. Geology. 2015, 43 (5). Bibcode:2015Geo....43..459R. doi:10.1130/G36511.1. 
  5. ^ Stern, R.J.; Avigad, D.; Miller, N.R.; Beyth, M. Geological Society of Africa Presidential Review: Evidence for the Snowball Earth Hypothesis in the Arabian-Nubian Shield and the East African Orogen. Journal of African Earth Sciences. 2006, 44 (1). Bibcode:2006JAfES..44....1S. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2005.10.003. 
  6. ^ Eyles, Nicholas; Young, Grant. Geodynamic controls on glaciation in Earth history. Deynoux, M.; Miller, J. M. G.; Domack, E. W.; Eyles, N.; Fairchild, I. J.; Young, G. M. (編). Earth's Glacial Record. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1994: 5–10. ISBN 978-0521548038. 
  7. ^ Arnaud, Emmanuelle; Eyles, Carolyn H. Glacial influence on Neoproterozoic sedimentation: the Smalfjord Formation, northern Norway. Sedimentology. 2002, 49 (4). Bibcode:2002Sedim..49..765A. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3091.2002.00466.x.