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潘朵拉的盒子(Pandora's box)源自於希臘神話,是宙斯潘朵拉的神秘盒子,但原本在神話中是(Pithos),壺在古希臘中是盛裝食品的器具。




pithos的誤譯通常歸因於 16 世紀的人文主義者伊拉斯謨,他在對潘朵拉故事的拉丁語描述中將希臘語 pithos 改為 pyxis,意思是「盒子」。[5]這個故事出現的背景是伊拉斯謨的諺語集《阿達吉亞》(Adagia,1508年),以說明拉丁語諺語Malo accepto stultus sapit(經歷麻煩使傻瓜變得聰明)。在他的版本中,盒子是由厄庇墨透斯打開的,他的名字的意思是「事後思考」——或者正如赫西俄德所說,「犯錯的人變得聰明」。[6]





根據神話,眾神之王宙斯要求潘朵拉不可以開,但潘朵拉不敵好奇心的誘惑,還是偷偷的把盒子打開了,但在盒子裏面裝的是許多不幸的事物。潘朵拉打開魔盒後就釋放出往後人世間的所有邪惡——貪婪、虛偽、誹謗嫉妒、痛苦、疾病、禍害等等,原本寧靜沒有任何災害動亂的世界開始動盪不安起來,此時潘朵拉趁「希望」(希臘文Elpis英語Elpis (mythology))沒有來得及釋放時,在慌亂中依照宙斯的旨意趕緊蓋住盒子,結果盒內只剩希望沒飛出去,永遠鎖在盒內。因此即使人類不斷地受苦受難、遭遇種種挫折和折磨,希望都不會出現。







  • 稻葉義明(2007),快醒來吧!傳說中的神秘寶物,台北:達觀出版
  1. ^ Schlegel and Weinfield, "Introduction to Hesiod" p. 6
  2. ^ Meagher 2314, p. 148
  3. ^ Cf. Harrison, Jane Ellen, Prolegomena to the Study of Greek history, Chapter II, "The Pithoigia", pp.42-43. Cf. also Figure 7 which shows an ancient Greek pot painting in the University of Jena where Hermes is presiding over a body in a pithos buried in the ground. "In the vase painting in fig.7 from a lekythos in the University Museum of Jena we see a Pithoigia of quite other and solemn booty. A large pithos is sunk deep into the ground. It has served as a grave. ... The vase-painting in fig. 7 must not be regarded as an actual conscious representation of the rupent rite performed on the first day of the Anthesteria. It is more general in content; it is in fact simply a representation of ideas familiar to every Greek, that the pithos was a grave-jar, that from such grave-jars souls escaped and to them necessarily returned, and that Hermes was Psychopompos, Evoker and Revoker of souls. The vase-painting is in fact only another form of the scene so often represented on Athenian white lekythoi, in which the souls flutter round the grave-stele. The grave-jar is but the earlier form of sepulture; the little winged figures, the Keres, are identical in both classes of vase-painting."
  4. ^ Cf. Jenifer Neils 2005, p.41 especially: "They ignore, however, Hesiod's description of Pandora's pithos as arrektoisi or unbreakable. This adjective, which is usually applied to objects of metal, such as gold fetters and hobbles in Homer (Il. 13.37, 15.20), would strongly imply that the jar is made of metal rather than earthenware, which is obviously capable of being broken."
  5. ^ Meagher 1995, p. 56. In his notes to Hesiod's Works and Days (p.168) M.L. West has surmised that Erasmus may have confused the story of Pandora with that found elsewhere of a box which was opened by Psyche.
  6. ^ William Watson Baker, The Adages of Erasmus, University of Toronto 2001, 1 i 31, p.32