


羞恥徽章(英語:Badge of shame)通常指以公開羞辱、排斥、迫害為目的,要求特定的團體或個人佩戴的某種符號。

例如在英國,根據1697年的濟貧法,領取教區救濟的貧民在公開場合時於被要求在右手袖子上佩戴藍色或紅色布製成的徽章,以示其生活為羞辱。[1]另一個著名的例子是中世紀歐洲一些國家的猶太人被迫佩戴黃色猶太星徽章,[2]納粹德國統治期間,在納粹影響下的歐洲國家內的猶太人也被逼佩戴這種識別標記。[3]該詞語也用來指代其它與羞辱有關的符號。《聖經》中耶和華該隱立的記號(mark of Cain)有作為羞辱的代名詞的解釋。[4][5][6][7]這個詞也作為比喻,尤其是用於貶義,形容一個人或一個群體可恥。[8]


  1. ^ Dependency, Shame and Belonging: Badging the Deserving Poor, c.1550-1750*. (PDF). [2013-11-10]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2013-11-10). 
  2. ^ Jewish History 1250–1259 : 1257 Badge OF Shame (Italy). The History of the Jewish People. Jewish Agency. [2007-11-06]. (原始內容存檔於2007-11-03). …the badge of shame was imposed locally and infrequently in Italy until the Bull of Pope Alexander IV enforced it on all papal states. 
  3. ^ D'Ancona, Jacob. The City Of Light. New York: Citadel. 2003: 23–24. ISBN 0-8065-2463-4. But the wearing of a badge or outward sign — whose effect, intended or otherwise, successful or not, was to shame and to make vulnerable as well as to distinguish the wearer… 
  4. ^ Feinsilber, Mike; Webber, Elizabeth. Merriam-Webster's dictionary of allusions. Springfield, Mass: Merriam-Webster. 1999: 95. ISBN 0-87779-628-9. As the term [mark of Cain] is used today, the idea of a protective mark has been lost; only the negative sense of a mark of shame or criminality remains. 
  5. ^ R. Swinburne Clymer. Rosicrucian Fraternity in America. Kessinger Publishing, LLC. : 207. ISBN 0-7661-3019-3. Did we not say that when Mr. Lewis wrote his first history of A.M.O.R.C. that he also wrote his confession, placing on it the badge of shame—the mark of Cain—that revealed its real purpose and spurious nature? 
  6. ^ Clayton Kendall. What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden?: And Rebuttal To: Eve, Did She or Didn't She?. New York: Vantage Press. 2007: 122. ISBN 0-533-15291-7. In light of this horror, some of the more ardent rulers and princes of this 'Christian' church related this [yellow] badge of shame to the mark of Cain as Christ killers英語Christ killers 
  7. ^ Maclean, Marie. 9. ‘Better to reign in Hell…’. The name of the mother: writing illegitimacy. New York: Routledge. 1994: 164 [2013-11-10]. ISBN 0-415-10686-9. doi:10.2307/3734056. (原始內容存檔於2011-06-05). The work of Jean Genet, poet, playwright and novelist (1910-86) and Violette Leduc, innovator in prose narrative (1907-72) reverts to the ancient traditions of bastardy as excess, a badge of shame and evil, a latter-day mark of Cain, which at the same time distinguishes the bastard from the herd and confers a sort of perverse and even grandiose power. 
  8. ^ Hinshaw, S. Mark of Shame: Stigma of Mental Illness and an Agenda for Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Incorporated. 2006. ISBN 978-0-19-530844-0.