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座標40°45′12″N 73°58′36″W / 40.75333°N 73.97667°W / 40.75333; -73.97667
MetLife Building
建築風格Neues Bauen[*]
地點 美國紐約州紐約市曼哈頓公園大道200號
座標40°45′12″N 73°58′36″W / 40.75333°N 73.97667°W / 40.75333; -73.97667
擁有者鐵獅門英語Tishman Speyer
高度246 米
建築面積3,140,000 sq ft(292,000 m2
建築師Emery Roth & Sons、Pietro Belluschi及Walter Gropius[1]
結構工程師The Office of James Ruderman

大都會保險公司大樓(MetLife Building)是位於美國紐約市曼哈頓中城中央車站上方的摩天大樓,具體地址為公園大道200號,東45街交口。於1958–63年修建,最初名為泛美航空大廈(Pan Am Building),它是紐約第17高、美國第50高的建築。





作為大樓最大的租戶,泛美在紐約市立法禁止公司在大樓頂部安裝商標前,把巨大的「PAN AM」標誌掛在大樓的頂端。[7]南北側各有兩個4.6米高的「PAN AM」標誌,東西兩側為7.6米高的泛美地球商標。[8]

泛美一直使用15個樓層,直至1981年,大都會人壽保險買下大樓。到1991年,泛美只剩下租用4個樓層,同年泛美把公司總部遷移到邁阿密,不久後泛美倒閉。泛美倒閉後,大都會人壽保險總裁羅伯特·施瓦茨表示,將把大樓頂上「PAN AM」的標誌取下。當時大都會人壽保險的總部位於大都會人壽保險大樓[7]

2005年,大都會人壽保險以17.2億美元把大樓出售,刷新了當時大樓成交記錄。買方是給地產商鐵獅門地產公司英語Tishman Speyer,紐約市府退休員工基金和紐約市府退休教師基金。[9]2015年,有消息披露,全美最富有的房地產開發商唐納德·布倫名下的歐文公司擁有該大樓97.3%的股份。鐵獅門地產公司繼續擔任大樓的管理方,但只擁有不到3%的股權。[10]





1977年紐約航空恢復了這趟短途接送服務,並使用西科斯基S-61英語Sikorsky S-61直升機。1977年5月16日,一架S-61L直升機載着20名旅客剛降落不到一分鐘,右側的起落架突然斷裂,導致旋翼還在高速運轉的直升機側翻。S-61L共有5根長達6.1米(20英尺)的旋翼,其中的一根從根部斷裂,飛向剛剛下飛機的乘客,導致其中的三人當場死亡,另有一人送醫不治。[14]這根旋翼飛出大樓頂樓後,砸向地面,在麥迪遜大道和43街的拐角處,砸死一名女性行人。另有兩人受到重傷。[15][16]從此這項短途的直升機服務被迫停止,並再也沒有啟用。[12]





漫威電影宇宙 (MCU) 中,大都會保險公司大樓被拆除,僅保留底部三分之一的部分;其餘由東尼·史塔克改建為史塔克大樓(Stark Tower),之後更成為復仇者聯盟總部[17]。在蜘蛛人:返校日中,史塔克將大樓出售;新改建的大樓在蜘蛛人:離家日出現。




  1. ^ White, Norval; Willensky, Elliot; Leadon, Fran, AIA Guide to New York City 5th, New York: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 9780195383867  p.316
  2. ^ SkyscraperPage數據庫中MetLife Building的數據
  3. ^ MetLife BuildingEmporis地產資料庫
  4. ^ Clausen, p. 137頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館).
  5. ^ Horsley, Carter C. The MetLife Building頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), The Midtown Book. Accessed September 30, 2007. "When it was completed, the 2,400,000 sq ft(220,000 m2) building became the world's largest office building in bulk, a title it would lose a few years later to 55 Water Street downtown."
  6. ^ Gray, Christopher. Streetscapes/The MetLife Building, Originally the Pan Am Building; Critics Once Called It Ugly; Now They're Not Sure. The New York Times. October 7, 2001 [September 30, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-15). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Dunlap, David W. Final Pan Am Departure. The New York Times. September 4, 1992 [July 27, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-11).  引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「FinalPanAmDeparture」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  8. ^ Schneider, Daniel B. "F.Y.I.", The New York Times, January 5, 1997. Accessed September 30, 2007. "Q. I recall that it was 1963 when the huge Pan Am letters were put atop what is now the Met Life building and that it was 1992 when they were taken down.... A. Most of the letters and the accompanying logos did not survive removal; exceptions are in warehouses.... The letters, each about 15英尺(4.6米) tall, and the logos—25-英尺(7.6-米)-wide globes—had to be cut into sections and pulled up onto the roof by technicians from Universal Unlimited, who built and installed their replacements, the Met Life signs."
  9. ^ Ramirez, Anthony. "MetLife Sells 2nd Building, A Landmark On Park Ave.頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)" The New York Times. April 2, 2005. Retrieved on August 25, 2009.
  10. ^ Mulholland, Sarah and de Jong, David. Billionaire Bren Is Secret Owner of NYC’s MetLife Tower. Bloomberg News. March 11, 2015 [2018-12-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-01-16). 
  11. ^ Weiss, Lois. MetLife building is changing its iconic neon sign. New York Post. June 7, 2017 [September 10, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-09). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Schneider, Daniel B. "F.Y.I."頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館The New York Times, July 25, 1999. Accessed September 30, 2007. "Q. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, helicopters bound for Kennedy International Airport used to take off from a deck atop the old Pan Am Building. Why was the service halted? A. As many as 360 helicopter flights a day were planned by New York Airways after the 59-story Pan Am building was completed in 1963, but a bitter public outcry delayed the first few flights until Dec. 21, 1965.... The operation proved unprofitable, however, since the helicopters carried an average of only eight passengers, and the heliport, which had cost $1 million to build, closed in 1968.... After another round of hearings—and renewed protests—flights resumed in February 1977. Three months later, the landing gear on one of the Sikorsky S-61 helicopters collapsed while passengers were boarding, flipping it on its side and sending a 20-foot rotor blade skidding across the roof and over the west parapet wall. Within hours, the heliport was closed indefinitely."
  13. ^ Hudson, Edward. "Helicopter Service From Roof Of Pan Am Building Suspended; PAN AM SUSPENDS COPTER SERVICES"頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), The New York Times, February 19, 1968. Accessed September 30, 2007. "Helicopter operations from the 59-story roof of the Pan Am Building were suspended last night as a result of a dispute over the future financial support of the operation by Pan American World Airways."
  14. ^ Associated Press. "Five Dead in Helicopter Crash". The Fort Scott Tribune: Tuesday, May 17, 1977, page 1.
  15. ^ NTSB. Aircraft Accident Report - New York Airways, Inc., Sikorsky S-61L, N619PA Pan Am Building Heliport, New York, New York, May 16, 1977頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館). (PDF頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館))
  16. ^ UPI. Helicopter Crash Kills Five. The Beaver County Times (Penn.): Tuesday, May 17, 1977, A-13.
  17. ^ Placing the Avengers Tower on the NYC Skyline: The Real Building that Stands in its Place. Fancy Pants Homes. 2020-10-26 [2021-09-19]. (原始內容存檔於2022-02-03) (美國英語). 

