本專案已由translatewiki完成,詳見translatewiki:Translating:MediaWiki,請不要再修改這個頁面。 |
global $wgCentralAuthMessages;
$wgCentralAuthMessages = array();
$wgCentralAuthMessages['en'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'Login unification status',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'Please <span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} log in]' .
'</span> to check if your accounts have been fully merged.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'Login unification complete!',
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
'Login unification not complete!',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'You can now log in to any Wikimedia wiki site without creating ' .
'a new account; the same username and password will work on ' .
'Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, and their sister projects ' .
'in all languages.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Once your login is unified, you will be able to log in ' .
'to any Wikimedia wiki site without creating a new account; ' .
'the same username and password will work on ' .
'Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, and their sister projects ' .
'in all languages.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'The username "$1" was automatically assigned to the owner ' .
"of the account on $2.\n" .
"\n" .
"If this is you, you can finish the login unification process " .
"simply by typing the master password for that account here:",
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Read more about '''unified login''']]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'The accounts named "$1" on the following sites ' .
'have been automatically merged:',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'The account "$1" could not be automatically confirmed ' .
'as belonging to you on the following sites; ' .
'most likely they have a different password from your ' .
'primary account:',
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'User $1 on $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'Finish merge',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'If these accounts do belong to you, you can finish ' .
'the login unification process simply by typing the passwords ' .
'for the other accounts here:',
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'E-mail password',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"Having trouble, or don't own these other accounts? " .
"[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|How to find help]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Checking provided password against remaining unmerged accounts...'''",
// Administrator's console
'centralauth' => 'Unified login administration',
'centralauth-admin-manage' =>
'Manage user data',
'centralauth-admin-username' =>
'User name:',
'centralauth-admin-lookup' =>
'View or edit user data',
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
"Only stewards may merge other people's accounts for them.",
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'Unmerge selected',
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
'Merge selected',
// Info panel in preferences
'centralauth-globalid' =>
'Unified account ID:',
$wgCentralAuthMessages['de'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'Status der Benutzerkonten-Zusammenführung',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'Bitte <span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} melden Sie sich an, ]' .
'</span> um zu prüfen, ob Ihre Benutzerkonten vollständig zusammengeführt wurden.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'Die Zusammenführung der Benutzerkonten ist vollständig.',
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
'Die Zusammenführung der Benutzerkonten ist unvollständig!',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'Sie können sich nun auf jeder Wikimedia-Webseite anmelden ' .
'ohne ein neues Benutzerkonto anzulegen; ' .
'derselbe Benutzername und dasselbe Passwort ist für Wikipedia, ' .
'Wiktionary, Wikibooks und alle Schwesterprojekte '.
'in allen Sprachen gültig.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Sobald Ihre Benutzerkonten zusammengeführt sind, ' .
'können Sie sich auf jeder Wikimedia-Webseite anmelden ohne ein ' .
'neues Benutzerkonto anzulegen; derselbe Benutzernamen ' .
'und dasselbe Passwort ist für Wikipedia, Wiktionary, ' .
'Wikibooks und alle Schwesterprojekte in allen Sprachen gültig.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'Der Benutzername „$1“ wurde automatisch dem Eigentümer ' .
"des Benutzerkontos auf $2 zugewiesen.\n" .
"\n" .
"Wenn dies Ihre Benutzername ist, können Sie die Zusammenführung " .
"der Benutzerkonten durch Eingabe des Haupt-Passwortes".
"für dieses Benutzerkonto vollenden:",
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Informationen über die '''Zusammenführung der Benutzerkonten''']]…''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'Die Benutzerkonten mit dem Namen „$1“ auf den folgenden ' .
'Projekten wurden automatisch zusammengeführt:',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'Das Benutzerkonto „$1“ konnte für die folgenden Projekte ' .
'nicht automatisch als zu Ihnen gehörend bestätigt werden; ' .
'vermutlich hat es ein anderes Passwort ' .
'als Ihr primäres Benutzerkonto:',
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'Benutzer $1 auf $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'Zusammenführung vollenden',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'Wenn diese Benutzerkonten Ihnen gehören, können Sie hier ' .
'den Prozess der Benutzerkonten-Zusammenführung durch die ' .
'Eingabe des Passwortes für die anderen Benutzerkonto vollenden:',
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'Passwort per E-Mail zusenden',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"Haben Sie Probleme oder gehören Ihnen diese anderen " .
"Benutzerkonten nicht? [[meta:Help:Unified login problems|Hier finden Sie Hilfe]]…",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Prüfe das eingegebene Passwort mit den restlichen Benutzerkonten…'''",
// Administrator's console
'centralauth' => 'Verwaltung der Benutzerkonten-Zusammenführung',
'centralauth-admin-manage' =>
'Benutzerdaten verwalten',
'centralauth-admin-username' =>
'centralauth-admin-lookup' =>
'Benutzerdaten ansehen oder bearbeiten',
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
"Die Zusammenführung von Benutzerkonten für andere Benutzer kann nur durch Stewards erfolgen.",
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'Ausgewählte Benutzerkonten trennen',
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
'Ausgewählte Benutzerkonten zusammenführen',
// Info panel in preferences
'centralauth-globalid' =>
'ID der zusammengeführten Benutzerkonten:',
// Based on r18928
// Ashar Voultoiz <[email protected]>
$wgCentralAuthMessages['fr'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'Statut d\'unification du compte utilisateur',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'Merci de bien vouloir <span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} vous connecter]' .
'</span> pour vérifier que vos comptes ont bien été réunis.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'Unification du compte terminée!',
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
'Unification du compte non terminée!',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'Vous pouvez maintenant vous connecter sur n\'importe quel site ' .
'Wikimedia sans avoir à créer un nouveau compte; le même nom '.
'd\'utilisateur et mot de passe fonctionnent sur Wikipédia, '.
'Wiktionary, Wikibooks et leurs projets soeurs, ceci pour tout '.
'les langages.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Une fois votre compte unifier, vous pourrez vous connecter sur n\'importe quel site ' .
'Wikimedia sans avoir à créer un nouveau compte; le même nom '.
'd\'utilisateur et mot de passe fonctionneront sur Wikipédia, '.
'Wiktionary, Wikibooks et leurs projets soeurs, ceci pour tout '.
'les langages.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'Le compte utilisateur "$1" a été automatiquement assigné au '.
"propriétaire du compte sur $2.\n" .
"\n" .
'Si c\'est vous, vous pourrez terminer le process d\'unification de '.
'compte en tapant le mot de passe maître pour ce compte sur :',
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Compte unifié|En savoir plus sur le '''compte unifié''']]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'Les comptes utilisateurs nommés "$1" ont été réunis pour les sites suivants :',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'Le compte utilisateur "$1 ne peut être confirmé automatiquement ' .
'pour les sites qui suivent; ils ont probablement un mot de passe '.
'différent de votre compte maître:',
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'Utilisateur $1 sur $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'Compléter l\'unification',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'Si ces comptes vous appartiennent, vous pouvez terminer leur ' .
'unification en tapant les mots de passe ci-dessous :',
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'Mot de passe :',
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'Compte utilisateur :',
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'E-mail password',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
'En cas de problème ou si vous ne possédez pas ces autres comptes, ' .
'voyez la page [[meta:Help:Unified login problems|How to find help]]...',
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Vérification du mot de passe fournit pour les comptes non réunis...'''",
// Administrator's console
'centralauth' => 'Administration comptes unifiés',
'centralauth-admin-manage' =>
'Gérer les données utilisateur',
'centralauth-admin-username' =>
'Nom d\'utilisateur :',
'centralauth-admin-lookup' =>
'Voir ou éditer les données utilisateur',
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
'Seul les stewards peuvent réunir les comptes d\'autres personnes à leur place.',
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'Séparer sélection',
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
'Réunir sélection',
// Info panel in preferences
'centralauth-globalid' =>
'ID compte unifié :',
$wgCentralAuthMessages['it'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'Processo di unificazione delle utenze - status',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'Si prega di <span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} effettuare il login]' .
'</span> per verificare se il processo di unificazione delle proprie utenze è completo.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'Il processo di unificazione delle utenze è stato completato.',
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
'Il processo di unificazione delle utenze non è ancora stato completato.',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'È ora possibile accedere a tutti i siti Wikimedia senza dover ' .
'creare nuovi account; questo nome utente e questa password sono ' .
'attivi su tutte le edizioni di Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, ' .
'ecc. nelle varie lingue e su tutti i progetti correlati.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Dopo aver unificato le proprie utenze, sarà possibile accedere ' .
'a tutti i siti Wikimedia senza dover creare nuovi account; il ' .
'nome utente e la password saranno attivi su tutte le edizioni di ' .
'Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, ecc. nelle varie lingue e su ' .
'tutti i progetti correlati.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'Il nome utente "$1" è stato assegnato automaticamente al ' .
"titolare dell'account con lo stesso nome sul progetto $2.\n" .
"\n" .
"Se si è il titolare dell'utenza, per terminare il processo di unificazione " .
"è sufficiente inserire la password principale di quell'account qui di seguito:",
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Per saperne di più sul '''login unico''']]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'Gli account con nome utente "$1" sui progetti elencati ' .
'di seguito sono stati unificati automaticamente:',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'Non è stato possibile verificare automaticamente che gli ' .
'account con nome utente "$1" sui progetti elencati di seguito ' .
'appartengano allo stesso titolare; è probabile che sia stata ' .
'usata una password diversa da quella dell\'account principale:',
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'Utente $1 su $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'Completa il processo di unificazione',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'Se si è il titolare di queste utenze, per completare il processo ' .
'di unificazione degli account è sufficiente inserire le password ' .
'relative alle utenze stesse qui di seguito:',
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'Esegui il login',
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'Invia password via e-mail',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"Se non si è il titolare di queste utenze, o se si incontrano altri problemi, " .
"si invita a consultare la [[meta:Help:Unified login problems|pagina di aiuto]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Verifica della password inserita sulle utenze non ancora unificate...'''",
$wgCentralAuthMessages['nl'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' => 'Status samenvoegen gebruikers',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' => '<span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} Meld u aan]' .
'</span> om te controleren of uw gebruikers volledig zijn samengevoegd.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' => 'Samenvoegen gebruikers afgerond!',
'centralauth-incomplete' => 'Samenvoegen gebruikers niet volledig!',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'U kunt nu aanmelden bij iedere wiki van Wikimedia zonder een nieuwe gebruiker aan te maken; ' .
'dezelfde combinatie van gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord werkt voor ' .
'Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks en hun zusterprojecten in alle talen.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Als uw gebruikers zijn samengevoegd kunt u aanmelden bij iedere wiki van Wikimedia zonder een nieuwe gebruiker aan te maken; ' .
'dezelfde combinatie van gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord werkt voor ' .
'Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks en hun zusterprojecten in alle talen.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'De gebruikersnaam "$1" is automatisch toegewezen aan de eigenaar van de gebruiker ' .
"op $2.\n" .
"\n" .
"Als u dat bent, kunt u het samenvoegen van gebruikers afronden " .
"door hier het wachtwoord voor die gebruiker in te geven:",
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' => ":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Lees meer over '''unified login''']]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' => 'De gebruikers met de naam "$1" op de volgende sites zijn automatisch samengevoegd:',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'De gebruiker "$1" kon niet automatisch aan u toegewezen worden voor de volgende sites; ' .
'waarschijnlijk omdat het wachtwoord afwijkt van uw primaire gebruiker:',
'centralauth-foreign-link' => 'Gebruiker $1 op $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' => 'Samenvoegen afronden',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'Als deze gebruikers bij u horen, dan kunt u het proces van samenvoegen afronden ' .
'door de wachtwoorden voor de andere gebruikers hier in te voeren:',
'centralauth-finish-password' => 'Wachtwoord:',
'centralauth-finish-login' => 'Gebruikersnaam',
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' => 'E-mail wachtwoord',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"Komt u er niet uit of zijn deze gebruikers niet van u? " .
"[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|Hoe hulp vinden]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Bezig met het controleren van de opgegeven wachtwoorden voor de nog niet samengevoegde gebruikers...'''",
// Administrator's console
'centralauth' => 'Beheer unified login',
'centralauth-admin-manage' => 'Gebruikersgegeven beheren',
'centralauth-admin-username' => 'Gebruikersnaam:',
'centralauth-admin-lookup' => 'Gebruikersgegevens bekijken of bewerken',
'centralauth-admin-permission' => "Alleen stewards kunnen gebruikers van anderen samenvoegen.",
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' => 'Splits geselecteerde gebruikers',
'centralauth-admin-merge' => 'Voeg geselecteerde gebruikers samen',
$wgCentralAuthMessages['sk'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'Stav zjednotenia prihlasovacích účtov',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'Prosím, <span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} prihláste sa]' .
'</span>, aby ste mohli skontrolovať, či sú vaše účty celkom zjednotené.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'Zjednotenie prihlasovacích účtov dokončené!',
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
'Zjednotenie prihlasovacích účtov nebolo dokončené!',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'Teraz sa môžete prihlásiť na ľubovoľnú wiki nadácie Wikimedia bez toho, aby ste ' .
'si museli vytvárať nový účet; rovnaké užívateľské meno a heslo bude fungovať na ' .
'projektoch Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks a ďalších sesterských projektoch ' .
'vo všetkých jazykoch.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Potom, ako budú vaše účty zjednotené sa budete môcť prihlásiť ' .
'na ľubovoľnú wiki nadácie Wikimedia bez toho, aby ste si museli vytvárat ďalší účet; ' .
'rovnaké užívateľské meno a heslo bude fungovať na ' .
'projektoch Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks a ďalších sesterských projektoch ' .
'vo všetkých jazykoch.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'Užívateľské meno "$1" bolo automaticky priradené vlastníkovi ' .
"účtu na projekte $2.\n" .
"\n" .
"Ak ste to vy, môžete dokončiť proces zjednotenia účtov " .
"jednoducho napísaním hesla pre uvedený účet sem:",
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Prečítajte si viac o '''zjednotení prihlasovacích účtov''']]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'Účty z názvom "$1" na nasledujúcich projektoch ' .
'boli automaticaticky zjednotené:',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'Nebolo možné automaticky potvrdiť, že účet "$1" ' .
'na nasledujúcich projektoch patrí vám; ' .
'pravdepodobne má odlišné heslo ako váš ' .
'primárny účet:',
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'Užívateľ $1 na $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'Dokončiť zjednotenie',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'Ak tieto účty naozaj patria vám, môžete skončiť ' .
'proces zjednotenia jednoducho napísaním hesiel ' .
'dotyčných účtov:',
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'Prihlasovacie meno',
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'Zaslať heslo emailom',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"Máte problém alebo nie ste vlastníkom týchto účtov? " .
"[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|Ako hľadat pomoc]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Kontrolujem poskytnuté heslá voči zostávajúcim zatiaľ nezjednoteným účtom...'''",
// Administrator's console
'centralauth' => 'Administrácia zjednoteného prihlasovania',
'centralauth-admin-manage' =>
'Správa údajov o používateľoch',
'centralauth-admin-username' =>
'POužívateľské meno:',
'centralauth-admin-lookup' =>
'Zobraziť alebo upravovať údaje o používateľovi',
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
"Iba stewardi môžu za druhých ľudí zlučovať ich účty.",
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'Oddelenie zvolených',
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
'Zlúčenie zvolených',
// Info panel in preferences
'centralauth-globalid' =>
'ID zjednoteného účtu:',
$wgCentralAuthMessages['sr-ec'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'Статус уједињења налога',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'Молимо вас да се <span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} пријавите]' .
'</span> како бисте проверили да ли је ваш налог спојен успешно.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'Спајање налога завршено!',
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
'Спајање налога није завршено!',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'Сада се можете пријавити на било који Викимедијин вики сајт без прављења' .
'новог налога; исто корисничко име и лозинка ће свугде радити ' .
'Википедија, Викиречник, Викикњиге, и њихови остали братски пројекти ' .
'на свим језицима.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Када једном спојите налог, можете се пријавити ' .
'на било који Викимедијин вики сајт без прављења; ' .
'the same username and password will work on ' .
'Википедија, Викиречник, Викикњиге, и њихови остали братски пројекти ' .
'на свим језицима.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'Корисничко име "$1" је аутоматски додељено власнику ' .
"налога на $2.\n" .
"\n" .
"Уколико сте ово ви, можете једноставно завршити процес спајања " .
"уписујући лозинку за налог овде::",
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Прочитајте више о '''спајању налога''']]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'Налог "$1" на следећим сајтовима ' .
'је аутоматски спојен:',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'Налог "$1" се не може аутоматски потврдити ' .
'да припада вама на следећим сајтовима; ' .
'највероватније имају различите лозинке него ваш ' .
'примаран налог:',
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'Корисник $1 на $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'Заврши спајање',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'Уколико ови налози припадају вама, можете завршити ' .
'процес спајања налога уписујући лозинку ' .
'за остале налоге овде:',
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'Пошаљи лозинку на е-пошту',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"Имате проблем, или ви нисте власник осталих налога? " .
"[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|Помоћ]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Провера унете лозинке наспрам осталих налога који још нису спојени......'''",
// Administrator's console
'centralauth' => 'Администрација спајања налога',
'centralauth-admin-manage' =>
'Надгледање корисничких података',
'centralauth-admin-username' =>
'Корисничко име:',
'centralauth-admin-lookup' =>
'Преглед или измена корисничких података',
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
"Само стјуарди могу да споје остале корисничке налоге за њих.",
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'Одвоји селектоване',
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
'Споји селектоване',
// Info panel in preferences
'centralauth-globalid' =>
'Јединствен ID налога:',
$wgCentralAuthMessages['sr-el'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'Status ujedinjenja naloga',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'Molimo vas da se <span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} prijavite]' .
'</span> kako biste proverili da li je vaš nalog spojen uspešno.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'Spajanje naloga završeno!',
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
'Spajanje naloga nije završeno!',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'Sada se možete prijaviti na bilo koji Vikimedijin viki sajt bez pravljenja' .
'novog naloga; isto korisničko ime i lozinka će svugde raditi ' .
'Vikipedija, Vikirečnik, Vikiknjige, i njihovi ostali bratski projekti ' .
'na svim jezicima.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Kada jednom spojite nalog, možete se prijaviti ' .
'na bilo koji Vikimedijin viki sajt bez pravljenja; ' .
'the same username and password will work on ' .
'Vikipedija, Vikirečnik, Vikiknjige, i njihovi ostali bratski projekti ' .
'na svim jezicima.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'Korisničko ime "$1" je automatski dodeljeno vlasniku ' .
"naloga na $2.\n" .
"\n" .
"Ukoliko ste ovo vi, možete jednostavno završiti proces spajanja " .
"upisujući lozinku za nalog ovde::",
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Pročitajte više o '''spajanju naloga''']]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'Nalog "$1" na sledećim sajtovima ' .
'je automatski spojen:',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'Nalog "$1" se ne može automatski potvrditi ' .
'da pripada vama na sledećim sajtovima; ' .
'najverovatnije imaju različite lozinke nego vaš ' .
'primaran nalog:',
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'Korisnik $1 na $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'Završi spajanje',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'Ukoliko ovi nalozi pripadaju vama, možete završiti ' .
'proces spajanja naloga upisujući lozinku ' .
'za ostale naloge ovde:',
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'Pošalji lozinku na e-poštu',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"Imate problem, ili vi niste vlasnik ostalih naloga? " .
"[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|Pomoć]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Provera unete lozinke naspram ostalih naloga koji još nisu spojeni......'''",
// Administrator's console
'centralauth' => 'Administracija spajanja naloga',
'centralauth-admin-manage' =>
'Nadgledanje korisničkih podataka',
'centralauth-admin-username' =>
'Korisničko ime:',
'centralauth-admin-lookup' =>
'Pregled ili izmena korisničkih podataka',
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
"Samo stjuardi mogu da spoje ostale korisničke naloge za njih.",
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'Odvoji selektovane',
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
'Spoji selektovane',
// Info panel in preferences
'centralauth-globalid' =>
'Jedinstven ID naloga:',
$wgCentralAuthMessages['pt'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'Status da unificação de logins',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'Por gentileza, <span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} faça login]' .
'</span> para verificar se as suas contas foram corretamente fundidas.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'Unificação de logins completa!',
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
'Unificação de logins incompleta!',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'Agora você poderá se logar em quaisquer das wikis da Wikimedia sem ter de criar ' .
'uma nova conta; o mesmo nome de utilizador e senha funcionarão' .
'na Wikipedia, no Wikcionário, no Wikibooks e demais projetos, ' .
'em todos os idiomas.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Uma vez estando com seu login unificado, você poderá se logar ' .
'em qualquer wiki da Wikimedia sem ter de criar novo cadastro; ' .
'o mesmo nome de utilizador e senha funcionarão' .
'na Wikipedia, no Wikcionário, no Wikibooks e demais projetos, ' .
'em todos os idiomas.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'O nome de utilizador "$1" foi automaticamente relacionado ao proprietário ' .
"da conta em $2.\n" .
"\n" .
"Se este for você, você poderá concluir o procedimento de unificação de login " .
"simplesmente digitando a senha principal de tal conta aqui:",
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Leia mais sobre o '''login unificado''']]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'A conta nomeada como "$1" nos seguintes sítios ' .
'foram automaticamente fundidos:',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'A conta "$1" não pôde ser automaticamente confirmada ' .
'como sendo tua nos seguintes sítios; ' .
'provavelmente elas tenham uma senha diferente de sua ' .
'conta principal:',
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'Utilizador $1 em $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'Completar fusão',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'Se estas contas lhe pertencerem, você poderá concluir ' .
'a unificação de logins simplesmente digitando as senhas ' .
'das demais contas aqui:',
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'Enviar senha por e-mail',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"Está com problemas ou estas outras contas não são suas? " .
"[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|Como procurar por ajuda]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Verificando a senha fornecida para encontrar as demais contas ainda não fundidas...'''",
// Administrator's console
'centralauth' => 'Unified login administration',
'centralauth-admin-manage' =>
'Manusear dados de utilizador',
'centralauth-admin-username' =>
'centralauth-admin-lookup' =>
'Ver ou editar dados de utilizador',
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
"Apenas stewards podem fundir as contas de outras pessoas.",
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'Desfazer a fusão nos seleccionados',
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
'Fundir seleccionados',
// Info panel in preferences
'centralauth-globalid' =>
'ID de conta unificada:',
$wgCentralAuthMessages['pt-br'] = array(
// Because MediaWiki have system messages for pt-br dialect enabled, is interesting to have this
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'Status da unificação de logins',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'Por gentileza, <span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} faça login]' .
'</span> para verificar se as suas contas foram corretamente fundidas.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'Unificação de logins completa!',
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
'Unificação de logins incompleta!',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'Agora você poderá se logar em quaisquer das wikis da Wikimedia sem ter de criar ' .
'uma nova conta; o mesmo nome de utilizador e senha funcionarão' .
'na Wikipedia, no Wikcionário, no Wikibooks e demais projetos, ' .
'em todos os idiomas.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Uma vez estando com seu login unificado, você poderá se logar ' .
'em qualquer wiki da Wikimedia sem ter de criar novo cadastro; ' .
'o mesmo nome de utilizador e senha funcionarão' .
'na Wikipedia, no Wikcionário, no Wikibooks e demais projetos, ' .
'em todos os idiomas.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'O nome de utilizador "$1" foi automaticamente relacionado ao proprietário ' .
"da conta em $2.\n" .
"\n" .
"Se este for você, você poderá concluir o procedimento de unificação de login " .
"simplesmente digitando a senha principal de tal conta aqui:",
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Leia mais sobre o '''login unificado''']]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'A conta nomeada como "$1" nos seguintes sítios ' .
'foram automaticamente fundidos:',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'A conta "$1" não pôde ser automaticamente confirmada ' .
'como sendo tua nos seguintes sítios; ' .
'provavelmente elas tenham uma senha diferente de sua ' .
'conta principal:',
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'Utilizador $1 em $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'Completar fusão',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'Se estas contas lhe pertencerem, você poderá concluir ' .
'a unificação de logins simplesmente digitando as senhas ' .
'das demais contas aqui:',
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'Enviar senha por e-mail',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"Está com problemas ou estas outras contas não são suas? " .
"[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|Como procurar por ajuda]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Verificando a senha fornecida para encontrar as demais contas ainda não fundidas...'''",
// Administrator's console
'centralauth' => 'Unified login administration',
'centralauth-admin-manage' =>
'Manusear dados de utilizador',
'centralauth-admin-username' =>
'centralauth-admin-lookup' =>
'Ver ou editar dados de usuário',
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
"Apenas stewards podem fundir as contas de outras pessoas.",
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'Desfundir os selecionados',
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
'Fundir os selecionados',
// Info panel in preferences
'centralauth-globalid' =>
'ID de conta unificada:',
$wgCentralAuthMessages['de'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'Status der Benutzerkonten-Zusammenführung',
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'Bitte <span class="plainlinks"> [{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} ' .
'melden Sie sich an]</span>, um zu prüfen, ob Ihre Benutzerkonten vollständig zusammengeführt wurden.',
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'Die Zusammenführung der Benutzerkonten ist vollständig.',
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
'Die Zusammenführung der Benutzerkonten ist unvollständig!',
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'Sie können sich nun auf jeder Wikimedia-Webseite anmelden ' .
'ohne ein neues Benutzerkonto anzulegen; derselbe Benutzername ' .
'und dasselbe Passwort ist für Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks ' .
'und alle Schwesterprojekte in allen Sprachen gültig.',
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'Sobald Ihre Benutzerkonten zusammengeführt sind, können Sie sich ' .
'auf jeder Wikimedia-Webseite anmelden ohne ein neues Benutzerkonto ' .
'anzulegen; derselbe Benutzernamen und dasselbe Passwort ist für ' .
'Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks und alle Schwesterprojekte in allen Sprachen gültig.',
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'Der Benutzername „$1“ wurde automatisch dem Eigentümer des Benutzerkontos auf ' .
'$2 zugewiesen. Wenn dies Ihre Benutzername ist, können Sie die Zusammenführung ' .
'der Benutzerkonten durch Eingabe des Haupt-Passwortes für dieses Benutzerkonto vollenden: ',
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Informationen über die '''Zusammenführung der Benutzerkonten''']]…''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'Die Benutzerkonten mit dem Namen „$1“ auf den folgenden Projekten wurden automatisch ' .
' zusammengeführt: ',
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'Das Benutzerkonto „$1“ konnte für die folgenden Projekte nicht ' .
'automatisch als zu Ihnen gehörend bestätigt werden; vermutlich ' .
'hat es ein anderes Passwort als Ihr primäres Benutzerkonto: ',
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'Benutzer $1 auf $2',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'Zusammenführung vollenden',
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'Wenn diese Benutzerkonten Ihnen gehören, können Sie hier den ' .
'Prozess der Benutzerkonten-Zusammenführung durch die Eingabe ' .
'des Passwortes für die anderen Benutzerkonto vollenden:',
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'Passwort per E-Mail zusenden',
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
'Haben Sie Probleme oder gehören Ihnen diese anderen Benutzerkonten nicht? ' .
'[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|Hier finden Sie Hilfe]]…',
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Prüfe das eingegebene Passwort mit den restlichen Benutzerkonten…'''",
// Administrator's console
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
"Nur Benutzer mit Steward-Rechten dürfen fremde Benutzerkonten zusammenführen.",
$wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-cn'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'请<span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} 登录]' .
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'您现在无需创建新帐号即可登录所有维基媒体网站;' .
'同一组用户名和密码适用于' .
'所有语言的' .
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'登录统一之后,您就无需创建新帐号即可登录' .
'所有维基媒体网站;' .
'同一组用户名和密码适用于' .
'所有语言的' .
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'用户名“$1”已被自动分配给了$2上的账号。\n' .
"of the account on $2.\n" .
"\n" .
"若这是您的账号," .
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|参阅关于'''登录统一'''的帮助文件]]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'以下网站的账号“$1”' .
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'账号“$1”在以下网站' .
'不能自动合并;' .
'很可能因为它们的密码' .
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'$2 的用户 $1',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'如果这些帐号是您的,' .
'请输入这些帐号的密码' .
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"有任何问题或者这些帐号不属于您?" .
"请参阅[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|帮助信息]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
// Administrator's console
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
$wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-tw'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'請<span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}}登入]' .
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'您現在可以使用同一組帳號與密碼登入所有維基媒體計畫網站,' .
'無需再新建帳號;這組帳號與密碼將可登入' .
'所有語言的' .
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'一旦您完成了帳號整合,你將可以登入' .
'所有維基媒體計畫網站,無需再新建帳號;' .
'用同一組帳號與密碼將可登入' .
'所有語言的' .
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'用戶名:"$1"已自動分配給' .
"$2上的帳號。\n" .
"\n" .
"如果這是您的帳號,請輸入該帳號的密碼" .
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|了解更多'''帳號整合'''細節]]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'以下網站的帳號:"$1' .
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'以下網站的帳號:"$1"' .
'無法自動整合;' .
'很可能是因為它們的密碼' .
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'$2 上的 $1',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'如果這些帳號屬於您,' .
'請輸入這些帳號的密碼,' .
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"遇到問題或者這些帳號不屬於您嗎?" .
"[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|如何尋求協助]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
// Administrator's console
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
$wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-hk'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'請<span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}}登入]' .
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'您現在可以使用同一組帳號與密碼登入所有維基媒體計劃網站,' .
'無需再新建帳號。這組帳號與密碼將可登入' .
'所有語言的' .
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'一旦您完成了帳號整合,你將可以登入' .
'所有維基媒體計劃網站,無需再新建帳號;' .
'用同一組帳號與密碼將可登入' .
'所有語言的' .
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'用戶名:"$1"已自動分配給' .
"$2上的帳號。\n" .
"\n" .
"如果這是您的帳號,請輸入該帳號的密碼" .
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|了解更多'''帳號整合'''細節]]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'以下網站的帳號:"$1' .
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'以下網站的帳號:"$1"' .
'無法自動整合;' .
'很可能是因為它們的密碼' .
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'$2 上的 $1',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'如果這些帳號屬於您,' .
'請輸入這些帳號的密碼,' .
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"遇到問題或者這些帳號不屬於您嗎?" .
"[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|如何尋求協助]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
// Administrator's console
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
$wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-yue'] = array(
// When not logged in...
'mergeaccount' =>
'centralauth-merge-notlogged' =>
'請<span class="plainlinks">' .
'[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}}登入]' .
// Big text on completion
'centralauth-complete' =>
'centralauth-incomplete' =>
// Wheeee
'centralauth-complete-text' =>
'你而家可以響唔使個新戶口嘅情況之下' .
'登入任何一個Wikimedia嘅wiki網站;用同一個用戶名同密碼' .
'就可以登入響所有語言嘅' .
'centralauth-incomplete-text' =>
'一旦你嘅登入完成統一,你就可以登入' .
'所有Wikimedia嘅wiki網站,而無需再開個新戶口;' .
'用同一組用戶名同密碼就可以登入到' .
'所有語言嘅' .
'centralauth-not-owner-text' =>
'用戶名 "$1" 已經自動分咗畀' .
"$2 上面嘅戶口持有者。\n" .
"\n" .
"如果呢個係你,你可以輸入響嗰個戶口嘅主密碼" .
// Appended to various messages above
'centralauth-readmore-text' =>
":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|睇下更多有關'''統一登入'''嘅細節]]...''",
// For lists of wikis/accounts:
'centralauth-list-merged' =>
'以下用戶名 "$1" 嘅戶口' .
'centralauth-list-unmerged' =>
'以下網站嘅戶口 "$1" ' .
'唔能夠自動噉樣合併;' .
'好有可能佢哋嘅密碼' .
'centralauth-foreign-link' =>
'響 $2 嘅用戶 $1',
// When not complete, offer to finish...
'centralauth-finish-title' =>
'centralauth-finish-text' =>
'如果呢啲戶口係屬於你嘅,' .
'你可以響呢度輸入其它戶口嘅密碼,' .
'centralauth-finish-password' =>
'centralauth-finish-login' =>
'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' =>
'centralauth-finish-problems' =>
"有問題,又或者你並無持有其它嘅戶口?" .
"[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|如何尋求協助]]...",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
"'''Checking provided password against remaining unmerged accounts...'''",
'centralauth-merge-attempt' =>
// Administrator's console
'centralauth-admin-permission' =>
'centralauth-admin-unmerge' =>
'centralauth-admin-merge' =>
$wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-sg'] = $wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-cn'];