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  1. 英语基本的关系代名词有who、which和that[2]
  2. 除非前接一个前移的介词,不然关系代名词一般都出现在关系子句里非常起始的位置。如“The bed on which the salted body of the emperor Taizong of Liao was lying”(意即“辽太宗盐腌渍的尸体躺的那张床”)这句即为其例(在较非正式的英语中,常会让子句中的介词“悬空”,故这句可能会变成“The bed which the salted body of the emperor Taizong of Liao was lying on”这样);更少见地,关系子句可能会以一个包含出现于介词后的关系代名词的名词词组起首。如“The bed, the owner of which Yelü, Deguang had seen previously, ...”(意即“耶律德光先前见其所有者的那张床”)和“The bed, lying on which was the salted body of the emperor Taizong of Liao”(意即“辽太宗盐腌渍的尸体躺的那张床”)这两句即其例也。
  3. who只能出现于指称人的先行词后;which则出现于指称物的先行词后;that可出现于指称人或物的先行词后。因此可讲“The cute girl who plays basketball”(意即“打篮球的、长得可爱的女孩子”),不能讲“*The cute girl which plays basketball”;可讲“The watchdog which Yelü, Deguang keeps”(意即“耶律德光养的看门狗”),一般不能讲“*The watchdog who Yelü, Deguang keeps”;而“The girl that plays basketball”和“The watchdog that Yelü, Deguang keeps”这两句都是可行的。
  4. that只能用于限制关系子句(restrictive relative clauses)中,而who和which则可用于限制关系子句和非限制性关系子句中。在一些风格的正式英语中,尤其美国的那些,which会被避免使用于限制关系子句中。
  5. whom是who的一个变体,它只用于正式的英语中,且只用于先行词在子句中扮演的角色为受词而非主词时。因此只能讲“The emperor who met Yelü, Deguang”,不能讲“*The emperor whom met Yelü, Deguang”;而“The emperor who Yelü, Deguang”和“The emperor whom Yelü, Deguang met”两句皆可接受。
  6. 在介词前移时,只有whom(但少见的情况下会用who)和which可用作关系子句起始的关系代名词。因此可说“The cute girl with whom the boy played basketball”(意即“与那男孩一起打篮球的、长得可爱的女孩子”),不能说“The cute girl with that the boy played basketball”,而“The cute girl who/whom/that the boy played basketball with”也是可接受的;可说“The method with which Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem”(意即“安德鲁·怀尔斯证明费马最后定理的方法”),不能说“*The method with that Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem”,而“The method which/that Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem with”也是可以接受的。
  7. 在that可用作关代的位置,也就是没有前移介词的限制关系子句中,当先行词在子句中不扮演主词的角色时,关系代名词在这些位置是可省略的。像“The emperor who Yelü, Deguang met”和“The cute girl who/whom/that the boy played basketball with”这两句亦可分别变为“The emperor Yelü, Deguang met”和“The cute girl the boy played basketball with”的形式。但这样的省略在“The emperor of The Later Jin Dynasty, who Yelü, Deguang met”(非限制关系子句)、“The cute girl with that the boy played basketball”(关系代名词前有前移介词)或“The emperor who met Yelü, Deguang”(先行词在关系子句中的角色为主词)这样的句子中是不可行的。
  8. 关系代名词的数(单数和众数)与人称(一人称、二人称、三人称)和它的先行词相同。像“The cute girls who are playing basketball”(意即“正在玩篮球的可爱女孩们”)即单复数一致的例子,其中who的数与girls一样,为众数;而像“you, who are reading this article”(意即“正在读此文的你”)这句即人称一致的例子,其中who的人称与you一致,为第二人称。
  9. whose用于表先行词为子句中的某事物的所有者时。像“The boy whose sister's novel was copied”(意即“那男孩她妹妹的小说被人抄袭”)这句即为一例。和who不同的是whose可用于其先行词为人或物的时候,因此像“The little girl found a toy whose battery was dead”(意即“那个小妹妹找到了一个电池没电的玩具”)这样的句子亦是可接受的,唯在非正式的英语中,whose较不常用于指代“东西”,因此会倾向用“The little girl found a toy with a dead battery”这样的句子;另外,whose可用于限制和非限制关系子句中(如“Shi, Jingtang, whose position was guarenteed by Yelü, Deguang, ...”(意即“地位由耶律德光保证的石敬瑭”)即为一例),且亦可和前移介词和悬空介词连用(如“The policegirl in whose car they arrived ...”(意即“她们乘坐其开的车到来的那位女警”)和“The policegirl whose car they arrived in ...”这样的句子即为其例)。
  10. 关系子句的先行词为整个句子时,关系子句以which起始。像“The emperor of later Jin ceded the Sixteen Prefectures to Khitan, which made the people angry.”(意即“后晋皇帝将燕云十六州割给契丹,这让民众很生气。”)这句即为其例。
  11. 一个较少见且一般相当正式的用法为将which做为“关系指示词”(relative determiner)来用。像“She painted a picture of the girl, which painting they saw later.”(意即“他画了那女孩的画像,他们后来看见了那幅画”)这句即为其例。在此它可用与指称人或物的名词连用。
  12. 自由关系子句(Free relative claus,没有先行词但子句自身在主句中亦扮演着关系子句所代指的事物的一种子句。)可透过who(m)/who(m)ever(指称人)、what/whatever(指称事物)、whichever(指称已知集合中的某人事物)等来构造。这亦可称为“复合关系代名词”(compound relative pronouns)。像“Qin, Kuai will attack who(m)(ever) Yue, Fei leads.”(意即“秦桧会攻击岳飞领导的(人)”,此处之关系代词表“the person(s) who(m)”之意)、“what Yue, Fei did annoyed the emperor of Song”(意即“岳飞的所做所为的惹恼了宋朝的皇帝”,此处之what表“the thing which”或“that which”等之意)等皆为其例。而这用法也有关系指示词的版本,此时会使用whichever/whatever或which/what来做为其关系指示词。如“Shi, Jingtang will give whichever things Yelü, Deguang wants.”(意即“石敬瑭会给任何耶律德光要的东西”)这句所示。
  1. ^ 此处给的规则是如Huddleston, Rodney; Geoffrey K. Pullum. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. 2002. ISBN 0-521-43146-8.  Quirk, Randolph; Greenbaum, Sidney; Leech, Geoffrey; Svartvik, Jan. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Harlow: Longman. 1985. ISBN 0-582-51734-6. 等标准语法书中给出的、确实存在的用法;而像Strunk, Jr., William; E.B. White. The Elements of Style 4th. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. 1999 [1918]. ISBN 978-0-205-31342-6.  等一些带有规范文法(Linguistic prescription)风格的书则给出了何种关系子句应当在何种场合使用等的额外规则。
  2. ^ that可能不是关系代名词,但它常被列入关系代名词中