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正則化無網格法(Regularized Meshless Method),也叫奇異無網格法去奇異無網格法,是為解決一些基本解已知的偏微分方程而提出的邊界型無網格法。該方法是一種強式配點法,具有不需要劃分網格、不需要積分、編程簡單、穩定性好等優點。到目前為止,正則化無網格法已經被成功應用於諸如勢問題、聲學問題、水波問題、反問題等典型問題。



正則化無網格法將位勢理論中的雙層勢作為基函數/核函數。通過與基本解法[1] [2](Method of Fundamental Solutions)進行對比可知:它們的近似解都是由不同源點基函數的線性組合來表示;不同之處在於正則化無網格法將源點設置在物理邊界上與配點重合,從而可以很好地解決基本解方法需設置虛擬邊界的問題。

當源點與配點重合時,雙層核函數在會出現奇異性,正則化無網格方法中利用先減後加的正則化技術[3](subtracting and adding-back regularizing technique)解決了這一問題。



目前,在很多工程和科學領域中,有限元法(Finite Element Method)、有限差分法(Finite Difference Method)、有限體積法(Finite Volume Method)和邊界元法(Boundary Element Method)仍是主要的數值方法。由於這些方法在處理高維移動問題或者是複雜幾何域問題時,將面臨網格劃分難,網格重構費時等困難,因此網格生成對於上述問題而言是一個很有挑戰性的問題。


在基本解中,為了避免基本解的奇異性,需要在問題域的物理邊界外人為設置虛擬邊界。對於最優虛擬邊界的位置的選擇,仍然存在一些困難。為了解決這個棘手的問題,很多新方法相繼被提出來,包括:邊界節點法[4] [5](Boundary Knot Method),正則化無網格法[3] (Regularized Meshless Method),修正基本解法[6](Modified method of fundamental solutions)和奇異邊界法[7] (Singular Boundary Method)等。

2005年Young和他的合作者首次提出了正則化無網格方法。此方法的關鍵創新點在於引入先減後加的正則化技術去除了雙層勢核函數的源點奇異性,從而可以直接將源點設在實際物理邊界上。到目前為止,正則化無網格法已經成功應用於大量物理問題,例如勢問題[3]、外域聲學問題[8]、壓電反平面問題[9]、多連通區域的聲學特徵值問題[10]、反問題[11]、泊松方程[12]和水波問題 [13]等。此外,為了提升RMM方法的通用性和計算效率,一些學者提出了一些改進的方法,如,針對不規則區域問題而提出加權正則無網格法[14],針對二維拉普拉斯問題而提出解析正則化無網格法[15].。




  1. ^ A.K. G. Fairweather, The method of fundamental solutions for elliptic boundary value problems, Advances in Computational Mathematics. 9 (1998) 69–95.
  2. ^ M.A. Golberg, C.S. Chen, The theory of radial basis functions applied to the BEM for inhomogeneous partial differential equations, Boundary Elements Communications. 5 (1994) 57–61.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 D.L. Young, K.H. Chen, C.W. Lee. Novel meshless method for solving the potential problems with arbitrary domains. Journal of Computational Physics 2005; 209(1): 290–321.
  4. ^ W. Chen and M. Tanaka, "A meshfree, exponential convergence, integration-free, and boundary-only RBF technique頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 43, 379–391, 2002.
  5. ^ W. Chen and Y.C. Hon, "Numerical convergence of boundary knot method in the analysis of Helmholtz, modified Helmholtz, and convection-diffusion problems頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 192, 1859–1875, 2003.
  6. ^ B. Sarler, "Solution of potential flow problems by the modified method of fundamental solutions: Formulations with the single layer and the double layer fundamental solutions", Eng Anal Bound Elem 2009;33(12): 1374–82.
  7. ^ W. Chen, F.Z. Wang, "A method of fundamental solutions without fictitious boundary 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2015-06-06.", Eng Anal Bound Elem 2010;34(5): 530–32.
  8. ^ D.L. Young, K.H. Chen, C.W. Lee. Singular meshless method using double layer potentials for exterior acoustics.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2006;119(1):96–107.
  9. ^ K.H. Chen, J.H. Kao, J.T. Chen. Regularized meshless method for antiplane piezo- electricity problems with multiple inclusions. Computers, Materials, & Con- tinua 2009;9(3):253–79.
  10. ^ K.H. Chen, J.T. Chen, J.H. Kao. Regularized meshless method for solving acoustic eigenproblem with multiply-connected domain. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2006;16(1):27–39.
  11. ^ K.H. Chen, J.H. Kao, J.T. Chen, K.L. Wu. Desingularized meshless method for solving Laplace equation with over-specified boundary conditions using regularization techniques. Computational Mechanics 2009;43:827–37
  12. ^ W. Chen, J. Lin, F.Z. Wang, "Regularized meshless method for nonhomogeneous problems 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2015-06-06.", Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 35 (2011) 253–257.
  13. ^ K.H. Chen, M.C. Lu, H.M. Hsu, Regularized meshless method analysis of the problem of obliquely incident water wave, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 35 (2011) 355–362.
  14. ^ R.C. Song, W. Chen,"An investigation on the regularized meshless method for irregular domain problems[永久失效連結]", CMES-Comput. Model. Eng. Sci. 42 (2009) 59–70.
  15. ^ W. Chen, R.C. Song, Analytical diagonal elements of regularized meshless method for regular domains of 2D Dirichlet Laplace problems, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 34 (2010) 2–8.