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戏剧治疗(英語:Drama therapy)是将戏剧方法应用于协助个人内在成长,促进个人心理健康的治疗方法[1]。戏剧治疗的适用领域非常广泛,在医院、学校、心理健康中心、监狱和职场等领域都可以看见其应用。戏剧治疗作为一种“表达性治疗英语Expressive therapies”(或称“创造性艺术治疗”)的方法[2],有很多不同的表现形式和做法,也用作个案治疗、夫妻治疗、家庭治疗,或各种团体治疗[3]



心理剧英语Psychodrama的创始人雅克布·莫雷诺英语Jacob L. Moreno是第一个将戏剧过程和剧场引入到心理治疗领域的人。但戏剧治疗的领域并没有止步于此,越来越多的戏剧技术被用作了治疗性干预的手段,如:角色扮演剧场游戏英语Theatre games团体动力游戏默剧玩偶剧,以及一些其他的即兴戏剧的方法。通常,戏剧治疗对来访者有以下的帮助:解决问题;宣泄情绪;探索自我;理解那些对个人来说影响深刻的意象的意义;探索并超越适应不良的行为和人际互动模式。

戏剧治疗是一门综合性极强的学科,其的理论基础源自于戏剧、剧场、心理学、心理治疗、人类学、游戏,以及人际互动的程式和创造的过程。菲尔·琼斯(Phil Jones)在他的著作《戏剧治疗:理论、实践和研究》(Drama as Therapy: Theory, practice and research)中从以下三个方面描述了戏剧作为治疗方法出现的缘起:首先,很早以前,人们就发现了戏剧的治愈功能。可以从古人所使用的治疗仪式和不同种类的社会剧中发现这一点。亚里士多德是第一个正式提出戏剧的心理治疗功能的人,“宣泄”一词也是由他提出来的。这时亚里士多德所认为的戏剧的心理治疗作用主要指对社会的治愈,而非对个体的治疗。其次,二十世纪早期,医院剧场兴起,连同莫雷诺、叶夫列伊诺夫、伊尔金等人的工作,标志着人们对戏剧与治疗之间的关系有了新的认识,也成为了二十世纪后期戏剧治疗的大量涌现的基础。最后,受到二十世纪六十年代的实验剧场兴起,即兴戏剧的出现和普及,以及团体动力学、角色扮演和心理学的影响,戏剧治疗作为一种创造性艺术治疗的方法在二十世纪七十年代正式登场。




菲尔·琼斯在《用戏剧治疗,在剧场生活》(Drama as Therapy)中说,戏剧治疗有九个核心程序。投射认同和戏剧距离是其中的两个。投射认同是指一个人感觉到其他人无法接近自己的感受的过程;戏剧距离指通过隐喻,能更容易与情绪和心理问题工作——通过隐喻,来访者与问题之间拥有了适当的距离,也就更能够忍受与之相关的痛苦。[4]



在美国和加拿大,北美戏剧治疗协会管理着注册戏剧治疗师的认证标准[5],并为戏剧治疗的硕士项目提供鉴定标准和选修课程。在北美,通过获取以下五个机构的硕士学位可成为注册戏剧治疗师[6]安迪亚克大学英语Antioch University[7](位于西雅图)、莱斯利大学英语Lesley University[8](位于剑桥)、纽约大学[9](位于纽约)、加利福尼亚整合学院[10](位于旧金山)以及康考迪亚大学[11](位于加拿大蒙特利尔)。除此之外,在相关领域获得硕士学位的人可以通过参与培训、参与实习及接受督导来获得注册资格。

在英国,相关的法定监管机构是健康专业委员会英语Health and Care Professions Council,专业机构是英国戏剧治疗协会[12]罗汉普顿大学德比大学中央演讲和戏剧学院安格里亚鲁斯金大学开设了被健康专业委员会、英国戏剧治疗协会和卫生部认可的戏剧治疗研究生课程。









  • 禁闭岛,精神病院第一次使用了戏剧治疗法试图治愈一个危险病人


  1. ^ Loretta Gallo-Lopez, Lawrence C. C. Rubin -Play-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents on the ... 2012- Page 100 "An overview of drama therapy is provided next, along with support for the use of drama therapy with children with ASd."
  2. ^ Jeffrey A. Kottler and David S. Shepard, Introduction to Counseling: Voices from the Field, 2010, Page 179: "Frequently the use of expressive therapy is not theoretically isolated but occurs as an adjunct to other theoretical modalities."
  3. ^ Malchiodi, Cathy A. (2003), Expressive Therapies, New York: Guilford, ISBN 1-59385-379-3
  4. ^ Jones, Phil. Drama as Therapy, Theatre as Living. East Sussex, G.B. & New York, U.S.: Brunner-Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. 2002 [23 December 2015]. ISBN 0-415-09969-2. 
  5. ^ North American Drama Therapy Association. www.nadta.org. [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-08-14). 
  6. ^ Accredited Schools. www.nadta.org. [2016-01-01]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-14). 
  7. ^ MA Drama Therapy | Graduate Degree | MA Counseling | MA Therapy. Antioch University Seattle. [2016-01-01]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-03) (美国英语). 
  8. ^ Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Drama Therapy Master's Degree- Lesley University. www.lesley.edu. [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-06). 
  9. ^ Drama Therapy - NYU Steinhardt. steinhardt.nyu.edu. [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-09). 
  10. ^ Drama Therapy. [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-28). 
  11. ^ Drama Therapy (MA). www.concordia.ca. [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-25). 
  12. ^ badth.org.uk - The British Association of Dramatherapists. www.badth.org.uk. [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-08-14). 
  13. ^ Entry requirements and training (dramatherapist). 30 April 2015 [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-05). 
  14. ^ NHS. (2013). entry requirements and training for Dramatherapy. Available: http://www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/explore-by-career/allied-health-professions/careers-in-the-allied-health-professions/arts-therapists/dramatherapist/entry-and-training/页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  15. ^ Landy, R. J., & Montgomery, D. T. (2012). Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Page 165 "Not surprisingly these concepts are derived from theatre. The two most essential are role and story. In all forms of Drama Therapy, clients take on roles, and while in the role they tell and/or enact a story. The role is the indivisible piece, as the dramatic moment begins as an actor slips into the skin of another."
  16. ^ Landy, R. J., & Montgomery, D. T. (2012). Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Page 170 "Like applied theatre, drama therapy occurs within community settings and concerns the exploration of social issues and implementation of actions intended to ameliorate distress and oppression. Although drama therapists most frequently work in groups, they also treat individuals, helping them to identify problematic issues in their lives and to discover effective ways to move through their distress."
  17. ^ Landy, R. J., & Montgomery, D. T. (2012). Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Page 191 "Drama therapy is about theatre and as such, it imposes all the theatrical artifice in the service of exploring a fictional reality underneath that of everyday life, one that can illuminate and in some instances transform the actor."
  18. ^ Landy, R. J., & Montgomery, D. T. (2012). Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Page 197 "Much of the actual practice of Drama Therapy is not very dramatic, in the sense of being exciting. Progress can appear to be very slow and resistance very high".
  19. ^ Landy, R. J., & Montgomery, D. T. (2012). Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Page 196 "The one exception is Therapeutic Theatre, a more public form of performance where a particular population, for example, psychiatric patients or Iraq war veterans perform for an invited audience".